True Friend!

A true friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out! Walter Winchell; Comment: Jesus said I will never leave you nor forsake you! I found this to be true on my death bed! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Time Shall Be No More! Psalm 90:1

Lord God, thou has been our dwelling place in all generations. Comment: Moses wrote this Psalm and is the oldest Psalm in our Bible! What was Moses saying? Generations represent the revolution of time! Time reveals everything! It includes the revelation of God to men! It also reveals the character of man and the character of God! Time is linear and measurable! Time is the result of creation! Time does not measure creation it is creation! Time is your best friend or worst enemy depending on what you do with it! It allows you to find the living God or allows you to reject the living God! Time proves God’s faithfulness and man’s folly! Time is the opportunity presented to you for redemption! Time marches on as generations come and go! Every generation has to make a choice about God! Reverence him or reject him! After time passes for us the opportunity for accepting redemption passes! Then our choices are locked in forever! God wants to forgive you of your wrong choices but that requires repentance on your part! Humility rather than pride! Time opens the door and closes the door! Time presented the incarnation of God into flesh through his Son Jesus Christ into the earth! Time allowed his crucifixion on the Cross for our sin! Time will present his second coming into the earth! Time will reveal you redemption or judgment! Time is the best friend of the believer and the worst enemy of the unrepentant! Time allows us to receive God’s love and demonstrate God’s love to others! Water saved Noah and his family but destroyed the rest of the world! If you choose God the elements of the earth created by God will save you! If you reject the Savior the elements will destroy you! Which side of history will you choose? Your way or his way? Life or death? Sin or redemption? Living in Hell is not an option worth considering! Time shall be no more is declared in Revelation 10:6! This is the echo of Moses in Psalm 90! When judgment comes to you your only escape is if you allowed Christ to take your judgment upon himself! Have you done this? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Do You Love Me? John 21:15-17

Greek translation: “Peter do you love me unselfishly to the point of sacrificing yourself for me more than these fish? Peter do you understand God’s love towards men even though they are His enemy? Yes Lord, I know I am your friend. Then shepherd, guard and protect my sheep. Then Jesus says a second time to Peter, “Do you love me to the point of sacrificing yourself to me and my work here on earth? Peter replied you know I am your friend. Jesus replied a third time, Peter are you my friend? Peter was grieved for Jesus asked him a third time and Peter replied, “Lord you know all things and you know I am your friend.” Jesus said to him then shepherd, protect and guard my sheep.” Comment: Two very different Greek words are used for the English word love in these passages of scripture! They are agape and phileo! Initially Peter did not understand God’s love Like most of us when we first come to Christ initially He becomes our friend! Peter probably thought since he betrayed Jesus just before the Cross three times Jesus needed to ask him about his commitment three times? Actually in Jewish Hebrew culture when something is said three times it is complete and not necessary to repeat anymore! Peter though because of his past he could be no more than just a friend! Could God forgive me? Peter answered this question later in his life as he was the leader of the Jerusalem church! Then later he was crucified upside down on a cross in Rome! Jesus was more than a friend to those 21 Coptic Christian men who were beheaded by ISIS last year! Peter finally understood God’s love for him! I have been a Christian for 45 years yet still with each new revelation I understand more of his love for me! Will we totally understand His love for us? After our resurrection from the dead we will learn more! During the millennium we will understand more of His love! We understand enough to feed His sheep here on the earth! As he shepherd’s you shepherd others! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Your Best Friend Should Not Be You!

John 12:25 Greek Translation “He that has his best friend as his physical body shall be killed and destroyed eternally: and he that hateth his physical body in this world shall preserve it from danger unto life of the spirit and the soul apart from the physical body inheriting God’s life with eternal value and time.” Comment: Did you notice most of the advertising industry is based around your physical body? It is all about weight loss, hair loss, teeth loss, skin loss, ect. The cosmetic industry is a multi-billion dollar industry! Yet we will all physically die! Does that mean we do not care for our physical body? It means as Jesus said before the Cross do not let you physical body be your best friend! It will forsake you! It will be a corpse sooner or later with no value! We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit! God does not want us to pollute our bodies with sin and corruption! Love God and not your physical body! Jesus was saying death is the incubator for life! The eternal part of us is the spirit and the soul. We need to nourish this as the most valuable! Develop your soul as on a treadmill. Exercise your spirit and your soul! Practice Holiness! Use the time you have as a gift from God to lead other’s to Christ! Read and study your Bible daily! Pray daily! Spent time and money to reach the lost! Use your God given resources to support your local church! For those that make it to Heaven you will not be alone! Neither will those in Hell. Would you like to meet other’s in Heaven you had a part in reaching here on earth? Billy Graham is doing that right now and forever! There was a poem written in 1855 and later became a song titled, “What A Friend We Have In Jesus!” Who is your best friend? James and Hamsa Sasse.

$30000 Dollar Perfume! Mark 14:5

Would you spend thirty thousand dollars on perfume for your girl friend or wife? How about that much money spent on perfume for a burial! Probably not! Most Christian’s today would have picked up a bottle of perfume at Dollar Tree for Jesus! The pence or denarius was a day’s wage in the first Century! The pence was equal to ten asses or donkey’s and would have the purchasing power to get this many for a day’s wages! The day laborer and the Roman soldier got one denarius or about 20 cents for a day of labor! The denarius was a small silver coin. So the woman that anointed Jesus with this precious perfume spent 300 days labor for this act of love! The average American worker makes about 100 dollars per day wage. So the American worker at 300 day’s labor would spend thirty thousand dollars on Jesus perfume! If you were a millionaire and made 365 million dollars per year then he would spend 300 million dollars on Jesus perfume! Is it any wonder the crowd got upset at this woman? She was making them look bad! The crowd said the money could have been given to the poor! Jesus said the poor you always have with you! Since the 1960’s the American taxpayer has spent hundreds of billions of dollars on programs for the poor but the poor population has grown in numbers since then? Jesus complimented her and told her this anointing was for my burial. What she did stands as a memorial to her forever! You will meet her in Heaven! Today it is just like pulling teeth to get Christian’s to tithe their income to the church? They will not do it unless they get an income tax deduction! Forget about the offering? I find it difficult sometimes when people want God’s Blessings but will not invest into His Kingdom? We get prayer requests for health and prosperity but not a penny investment into God’s Kingdom? The only rationale I can come up with is that they do not believe God exists but in case He does pray for me! It is like playing the lottery! Buy me a ticket in case you win! This woman had wisdom to invest in the Kingdom while she was living on earth that paid eternal dividends! Her memorial stands 2000 years later! Another interesting word us for perfume is spikenard. Two Greek words make up this English word! It literally means a genuine true beloved friend of foreign origin! Are you a true beloved friend of Jesus? Is He like a treasure of foreign origin to you? Like my grandpa used to say put your money where your mouth is! Put up or shut up! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Test of True Friendship?

If someone whether family or other is not willing to sacrifice for you they are no friend! A true friend will sacrifice everything to even his life for you! Jesus is first in sacrifice for you and you make sacrifices for Him but the field gets real slim after him! Church friends, Facebook and other social media is what i call junk friends! They will never be tested or tried to meet the standard of a true friend! If they want you to sacrifice for them but not they for you it may be time to be and find a true friend! T.D. Jakes

Old Charley!

It was the summer of 1958. I remember because my parents bought a brand new Ford Fairlane 500! We thought we were in Heaven! We lived on a farm in Nebraska and as kids did not know we were on the bottom end of the food chain! Me and little brother Tommy were out harassing the little birds with our BB guns in the grove behind the house! Mom shouts out the door of our house and tells us grandma wants us to come over and help her butcher roosters! We were excited! Mom takes us over to grandma in our new car! Grandma would pick out a young fat rooster from the flock and then tell us to catch it! The race was on! We had help from my cousin Bill who was two years older than me. Once we caught the rooster grandma brought out the hatchet! It was Jihad on the rooster! We would get tired because we would do about 25 roosters per day! I asked grandma if we could catch old charley because he was really a slow bird! Grandma told me he was too old to eat! Why grandma? Well Jimmy old charley is like a Christmas tree without the lights! He is totally unplugged! Every time the fox breaks into the chicken house charley gets a free pass! Charley struts around trying to look and act like a rooster but the hens don’t pay him no mind! Charley can’t even crow anymore even if he tries! Grandma poor charley! Grandma charley needs a friend! I can be his friend grandma! Yes and bring all his lice into the house? Well i guess charley does need a friend! Why don’t you be his friend! Thankyou grandma! James

Is Your Church Loved by the World?

The very Church which the world likes best is sure to be that which God abhors! Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)  Comment: The cultural issues in America are often ignored by the Church simply because many Pastor’s want to be a friend of the world. It is better to be a friend of God because in eternity nothing else will matter! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.