Why are Young People Leaving Church?

The real reason according to the Pew Research Center Study in 2016 is revealed not by, prepared multiple choice questions and answers but by the write in answers young people gave in their own words! They responded that they no longer identified with any religious group because they no longer believe it was true! When asked why they did not believe, many said their views about God “evolved” and some reported a “crisis of faith.” Their six specific explanations included the following: 1.  Learning about evolution (Darwinism), when I went to college. 2. Religion is the opiate of the people. (Karl Marx Quote) 3. Rational thought makes religion go out the window.  4. Lack of any sort of scientific or specific evidence of a creator.  5. I just realized somewhere along the line that I really did not believe it. (Really? Your atheistic professors had no influence on you?) 6.  I am doing a lot more learning, studying and kind of making decisions rather than listening to someone else. (No one makes decisions in a vacuum) Comment: They question the existence of God? Why? The State education system promoting atheism! Atheists produce atheists! When you read the socialists work of the 19th Century like Marx, Engels, Lenin, Darwin, Neitzsche and others you will see that College students in America can quote all of them but they cannot quote the Bible? Karl Marx said the way to divide and change a culture is to isolate the parents from the children through State education! James and Hamsa Sasse. Godwhoisgod.com

Bernie Sanders Attacks Christian! Exodus 14:14

A few days ago the Senate was confirming one of President Trump’s cabinet nominee’s! Bernie had to get up there on the stage and mock this man’s Christian faith! I did not say anything because I know the Lord will always vindicate His own! I knew there would be some evidence to follow but when I heard Bernie have to denounce one of his followers who did the shooting on our Republican Congressmen with political motives I knew God had vindicated Himself! An attack on a Christian is an attack on God Himself! That is why God encourages us in Exodus 14:14 that He will fight our battles for us! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Obama and American Decline!

The scary things is a dramatic erosion of American position in the world! It is economic, military and all of American’s influence. Obama is not the man desperately trying to conserve American power, influence and wealth. For ideological reasons, he wants the slipping to continue. He is actually the architect of it!  Dinesh D’Souza

The Trinity of God’s Grid!

God’s grid includes God’s relationship to us. It also includes our relationship to God. Then the outflow of these first two parts is our relationship with each other! This is sometimes messy but important. The local church is the alternative relationship not found in the world. Our behavior is different which includes love and forgiveness. When you operate under God’s love relationships are maintained. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. In the phrase,”a threefold cord is not quickly broken,” it is clear that Solomon is pointing out the advantages of companionship. Moreover, he presents this illustration to show how God’s mercy provides help to those who depend on Him. Solomon explains further by examples how this concept of companionship is beneficial. He shows that there are definite advantages of working together. He also reveals how terrible the circumstances would be if one had to face adversity alone. Two is better than one! Adam was given Eve! Learn to be a better friend. The alternative society has love and respect for each other. Two can defend each other. A three stranded cord is not easily broken. Notice how God set up His Kingdom with a Trinity! How we treat each other is a witness to Jesus. Do we really love each other? Satan is the great divider! He tries to isolate us all alone in broken relationships. Do we use each other for gain? His Church gives without expecting a return! We can even be isolated and alone in a Church. You can live in a city such as New York with millions of people around you but yet be lonely! Reasons for loneliness; 1. Hurt or betrayed by someone. 2. Too busy to invest in friendships. 3. Mental clock keeps ticking with deadlines to be met. 4. Not wired to be friendly. Bashful or introverted. 5. Do not know how to make a friend. Proverbs 11:– A Gossip ! Good friends keep a secret! However, remember the strength of sin is it’s secrecy! That is why we are to confess our sin and repent. Do not hide things that are illegal. Even in the church culture people are betrayed by using prayer requests as a way to gossip about others. A good friend covers the spots of his friend. Remember our sin is covered by His Blood! You are not a good friend if someone else has to lose in order for you to gain! A good friend will confront you about bad behavior. A friend will not enable another friend for bad behavior. Confront or otherwise both will lose. We are not here to win arguments but have loving relationships. Explain to your friend this is what you did and this is how I feel about it. Do not let sun go down on your wrath! If you are married and not friends you have a problem.In searching for a marriage partner look for a friend! Romance will not last! Good friends stay close to each other even through valley of shadow of death! I found out my real friends after the tragic shooting we had in our church a few years ago. Good friends forgive. Live in community. People are not always like Jesus in the church. Be quick to forgive. Luke 17:3-4. Repent and forgive! Confront or be confronted and forgive. Do not imagine and rehearse confrontational conversations with people who have offended you. Waste of time! Talk to God about problem. Source; Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. message given on Sunday, September 29, 2013.

Christian American Foundations

Who Was the Most Christian American President? If all you ever knew about this was what you were taught in a public(government) school in the United States you would not have a clue! You might think Lincoln or Washington but the most out spoken president about his Faith in God was Theodore Roosevelt! He was running for president in 1912 which is exactly 100 years from this year. He walked softly and carried a big stick! He was a rough rider horse calvary kind of guy. His favorite Bible verse was Micah 6:8. What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God. Roosevelt was of the Dutch Reformed Church. He participated in missions work with his father, a noted philanthropist. He taught Sunday School classes during his four years at Harvard. He wrote for Christian publications. He called his bare-the-soul speech announcing his principles when running in 1912, “A Confession of Faith.” Later he closed perhaps the most important speech of his life, the clarion-call acceptance of the Progressive Party nomination that year, with the words, “We stand at Armageddon and we battle for the Lord!” He titled one of his books, Foes of Our Own Household(after Matthew 10:36) and another, Fear God and Take Your Own Part. He once wrote an article for The Ladies Home Journal, Nine Reasons Why Men Should Go to Church.” After Theodoore left the White House, he was offered University Presidencies but refused all and chose to become a Contributing Editor of The Outlook, a relatively small Christian weekly magazine. He lectured at many Christian Theology School across America. Source: Mondayministry.com/blog2012/02/19/who-was-the-most-christian-president