Want to be Loved?

There are many who want me to tell them of secret ways of becoming perfect and I can only tell them that the sole secret is a hearty love for God, and the only way of attaining that love is by loving! You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working; and just as you learn to love God and man by loving. Begin as a mere apprentice and the very power of love will lead you to be a master of the art! Francis de Sales (1567-1622), French Theologian.  Comment: My Bible tells me you reap what you sow! My Bible tells me he first loved us! God who loves us more than any human was rejected and despised of men! So much he went to the Cross for us! Twenty one centuries later his love is still rejected by the majority! So understand that your love and the love of God living in you may be rejected by men! Still it is worth the investment to love because there will be a harvest of souls for your investment! Satan may discourage you as he did to Jesus through his own disciples before and after the Cross but Jesus never gave up on them and he will never give up on you regardless of what men do to you! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The Jewish Phenomenon! Isaiah 60:12

Hebrew Translation: “For the non-Jewish nations (Gentiles) and their idol Kings that will not serve and worship thee shall not escape a down fall, those Gentile nations shall utterly be wasted through war.” Comment: Did you ever observe the obvious? The greatest Salvation and the greatest destruction has come through the Jews! Our Savior is Jewish! The disciples were Jewish! The cell phone was invented in Israel. Between 1901-2017 two hundred and one Jews have been awarded the Nobel Prize accounting for 23 percent of world wide recipients and 37 percent of all U.S. recipients! Jews have been awarded 26 percent of all Nobel Prizes and 28 percent of them in scientific research fields! Jews only make up two tenths (.2) of the world’s population and two percent (2) of America’s population! The greatest destruction on the earth has been wrought by atheistic Jews such as Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Lenin and Charles Darwin! You will get some push back that Darwin was not a Jew but wrong! There is a good article in Scientific American that will clarify this! Jews throughout Europe and even America changed their names to avoid persecution! My wife worked for a rich Jewish family in Pittsburg while attending college there back in the 1960’s. She did baby sitting for the children for two years. She found out through them that they changed their names to hide their Jewish roots! We know from Daniel 11:37 The Anti-Christ will be Jewish! He will be an atheist and a homosexual. Albert Einstein helped America build the Atomic bomb that ended WWII. Hitler kicked him out of Germany in the 1930’s because he was a Jew! Hitler was so ignorant that he followed a atheist Jewish ideology of Charles Darwin that drove him to destruction! Evolution says the strong shall defeat the weak! Hitler though he must speed up the process of Evolution which would otherwise take millions of years to do by eliminating the weak! Evolution drives abortion here in America! The religious Jews persecuted our Jewish Messiah in the first Century! Jesus warned them that their Temple and the City Of Jerusalem would be destroyed which the Romans did in 70 A.D. Our attitude towards the Jews will determine the outcome in our lives! God deals with the Jews during the Tribulation period of history! Many will come to Christ when they see their betrayal by the Anti-Christ! God loves all people! See John 3:16. The Apostle Paul a Jew got frustrated with the Jews and took the Gospel to the Gentiles! Paul reminded us to take the Gospel to the Jew first and then to the Gentiles! A Christless Jew is as dangerous as a Christless Gentile! I know! I was one once! Did you know Mohammad has a Jewish background! He was from the offspring of Ishmael. His father was Abraham! Mohammad’s first wife was a young Jewish girl. Yet his ideology in Islam opposes our Jewish Messiah and the Jews? The war in the Middle east over history is a family feud over who is the rightful heir to Abraham! The Arab and Jewish races are both classified as Caucasian’s! Only Christ can end this feud but as long as both sides reject the King of Kings the war will continue! Unless the Prince of Peace lives in your heart men will always be at war against each other and with God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Trinity of Communion! 1 John 5:7-8

Verse 7: “These are the 3 that witness a good report in heaven, the Father, the written Word and the Holy Spirit or the Breath of God.: Verse 8: “and these are the 3 that witness a good report in the earth, the Spirit, and the water and the blood; and these 3 agree as one.” Comment: So we see in Heaven a Trinity of the Father, Word and Holy Spirit! So where is Jesus in Heaven? Remember the Word became flesh and dwelt among us! Now let us move down here to the earth. We have a good witness of the Spirit,  the Water and the Blood! We have the Holy Spirit, the Blood (Jesus Christ) and the Water! The Water? There is only one thing the Lord could be talking about here! Baptism! Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River! Jesus washed the disciples feet with water before the Cross! I believe there are 3 elements of Communion! The body, the blood and water! Baptism is a separate ordinance in the church as so is Communion however you cannot separate them spiritually! After Jesus was baptized the Holy Spirit descended on Him! It pleased the Father! Should we want to please God? Baptism is a witness in the earth to the world that we belong to Christ! In Communion we identify with Christ in Heaven here in the earth and in Baptism we identify with Christ here in the earth as a witness to the world! We do these things in remembrance of Him because He first remembered us at Calvary! God first loved us! Do you want to identify with Christ? Can you be saved without baptism and communion? Yes like the thief on the Cross but would you not want to experience the joy and fellowship of communion with God? In order to be in authority we must be under authority! The ordinances of the Church and the tithes and offerings established by God are there to test you and see if you are under God’s authority? You cannot be in God and not under His authority! Do you forsake assembling together in Church on Sunday’s? If you do you are not under His authority! If we really believe the Word of God then we need to practice the Word of God as a witness for Him in the earth and in Heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

War in Space? Revelation 12:7-9

President Trump says that the nations will one day soon wage war from space and in space! He says the nation that controls space will control the earth! Russia and China are ahead of us in space weaponry! If an enemy can destroy our satellites in space then our communications is cut off! No more cell phones, navigation systems, weather radars, GPS, internet and so on! No navigation systems for our ICBM’s! It would turn our clock back 50 years! Our military would be blinded from seeing military movements against us! The war in Heaven began a long time ago! The war between good and evil! Heaven is where it all started! Part of this war is described in Revelation 12:7-9. Lucifer a Praise angel who became Satan rebelled against God and waged war against God in Heaven! Heaven was not a peaceful place at one time in history! Satan lost this battle and with 1/3 of the angels that followed his rebellion were cast down to the earth where this war continues today! The inhabitants of earth are now caught up in this battle! It goes on to say in verse 11 of Chapter 12 that they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony! It also says they loved not their lives unto death! God has given us a way to defeat Satan! Through His own Son Jesus Christ! Another great and last battle is coming to earth with Jesus second coming! The tension in the earth today has everything to do with the two sides preparing for this last battle here on earth! Everyone will choose sides! This last battle on earth is called the Battle of Armageddon! If you reject Jesus Christ you will be on the opposing side! God has given me peace in the earth even though in the middle of the conflict! He can do the same for you! God is no respecter of persons! Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved! Call on Jesus today! After Christ’s defeat of the Anti-Christ there will be a thousand years of peace on earth! Jesus is called the Prince of peace! Start with His love of forgiveness for your sin and then continue in His love! Love for God and then love for others! My prayer is come quickly Lord Jesus! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Fear Not!

Just before Jesus raised the dead, healed the sick or calmed the storm he said, “Fear Not!” So what did he mean? Why did he say it? The Greek word is phobia which means to be in awe of or revere! To exalt it! To worship it! How do we worship fear? Watch violent movies! Have evil thoughts and replay them over and over again in your mind! We live in a violent world today just as Jesus did! Fear causes us to sin! I will do whatever it takes to get what i want! Love is just the opposite of fear! Love means to have affection or benevolence towards people! To have charity! It means more than just being a friend! It means to sacrifice for others! It does not mean to sacrifice others! That is what fear promotes! Hell is full of the fearful! They believe the lie that God does not love them! Heaven is full of love! For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son! A sacrifice for you and me to deliver us from our fear! Be a giver and not a taker in 2017! Start today! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Mary’s Song! Luke 1:53

“He hath filled the hungry with good character and the rich He hath sent away empty!” Comment: Are you hungry for God? Do you have an appetite for uprightness and virtue? Are you rich in character? Are you starved for righteousness? Are you dying of bad character? Is your gas tank for good character running on empty? Are morally bankrupt! I am glad you asked! You cannot give unless you have something to give! God gave His best gift to you! We cannot horde Jesus and keep Him for ourselves! If God did that we would not have been given life or seen the light of day! God so loved the world that He gave! Giving is an act of God! You have givers and takers! If the Christian gift of Christ is living inside you then you want to give! The best gift i could put under your Christmas tree is Jesus Christ! Wise men still seek Him! How about you? Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Is Your Church Loved by the World?

The very Church which the world likes best is sure to be that which God abhors! Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)  Comment: The cultural issues in America are often ignored by the Church simply because many Pastor’s want to be a friend of the world. It is better to be a friend of God because in eternity nothing else will matter! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Yom Kippur-Day of Atonement

The door to Holiness is in you! It is the one marked mistakes. The Holiness of Yom Kippur exists in the space we make through our mistakes. We do not study our defeat to learn from it, we study our defeat to love from it! Source; Rabbi Stephen Baars. Comment; This Rabbi has some good insight here. The year was 1973. I was a young man on my death bed. I had some defeats in my life. I knew it was my last night on earth! I had made one good choice. I received Christ a few days before! I closed my eyes in death. Christ entered the room and told me God Loves You! I am now 62 years old and no experience in my entire life has ever matched Christ coming into my life! Christ’s Love has been healing me ever since 1973. As the Rabbi said His Love flowed out of my defeat! The next 10 years was street ministry to drunks, prostitutes and every other person I met down on Larimer street in Denver, Colorado. Larimer Street was skid row where the worst of the worst hung out! The drunks would be asleep on the side walk and I would awaken them and tell them that Jesus Loves You! It was prison ministry every week. His Love poured out of me and then on to India in 1983. The rest is history. No, His Love continues to flow out of me in 2011. Please see; IndiaJesusLovesyou.com