President Lincoln and Christmas!

Christmas was not declared a National Holiday until 1870 five year’s after Lincoln’s assassination. Lincoln was a innovator using telegraph to communicate with his General’s during the civil war! Lincoln and his wife Mary Todd and their son Tad, would visit the union soldiers in hospitals! The Lincoln’s used their own money to buy lemons and oranges for the union troops to prevent scurvy! Lincoln had something to do with the image of Santa Claus! In 1863 he commissioned his friend and former campaign poster artist Thomas Nast, to illustrate Santa Claus handing out gifts to the union troops! Before Thomas Nast, Father Christmas was shown as a tall thin man but Nast made him bearded and plump! Besides creating the image of Santa, Nast also created the donkey and elephant images of the Democratic and Republican parties. He also created the familiar image of Uncle Sam! American history is rich with the image of Christmas! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Messianic Prophecy Genesis 49: 9-12

These verses in the Book of Genesis even though written thousands of years ago predicted a coming Messiah through the Tribe of Judah! Verse ten is particularly interesting! The word scepter in the Hebrew means a rod and a tribe. A shepherd’s staff. We are the sheep of His pasture! The word lawgiver means a commander of decree’s! It means to enact laws cut in stone! Jesus was the only one who could live out and keep all the commandments of God because He was God! The word people here means a flock of people comprising the whole earth. Yes, Jews and Gentiles! In verse eleven we see Jesus riding the donkey into Jerusalem! We see the vine and the wine. The last supper and the crown of thorns! Pastor Edward Mote (1797-1874), wrote a hymn that says, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness!” Pastor Mote’s parents ran a beer tavern in England. They left him in the streets as a boy to grow up. He entered the ministry and became Pastor of Rehoboth Baptist Church in West Sussex for 26 years! The congregation loved him so much that they wanted to give him the church building as a gift! Pastor Mote replied, “I do not want the church but only the pulpit and if I cease to preach Christ kick me out!” Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

A King In Zion ! Zechariah 9:9-17

Zechariah predicts a coming King of Zion, the Messiah! It begins with the scene of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Remember Zachariah made this prediction 520 years before it happened! Remember there is no evolution with God! God does not get better with time! He made time and all history revolves around His plans for the redemption of man. His plans are revealed through His Word The Holy Bible. Jesus entry into Jerusalem and the people’s rejection of Him marks the end of Daniel’s 69th week. Briefly Daniel’s 70 weeks is a period of 490 years. This period of time began when Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem with the Jews from Babylon after 70 years of captivity. We have a gap of over 1900 years between the 69th and 70th week which is the Church Age. The 70th week will begin with the Rapture of His Church and the 7 year tribulation period and consummated by Christ’s second coming to earth. Zechariah’s prophecy then continues with a discussion of God’s dealing with Israel in the 70th week of Daniel. During the tribulation period Israel will no longer rely on military power but on the Prince of Peace who will exercise worldwide dominion over the entire earth. Conclusion; God stopped the clock so that during the Church Age gentiles would have the opportunity to accept Christ as Savior. This window will not remain open long for long! Why you still have time do not reject Christ but accept Him so you can spend the remainder of your life here and all eternity with Christ and a peace that this world can never deliver to you! When you look back your entire life will boil down to either accept Him or reject Him! Your life here and hereafter spent in Heaven or Hell rests with your choice! Be wise! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.