Judah Territory! Joshua Chapter 15

Is history important? Without it we have no reference for the future and the promises of God given to us! Without history there is no basis for predicting the future. It has been said that the only thing man has learned from history is that he has not learned from history! Each generation repeats the same errors! History therefore repeats itself. If you go to the ancient Biblical maps of the territory occupied by the twelve tribes of Israel you will find many fascinating facts. Here is just a sampler. Our Savior Jesus Christ was born from the Tribe of Judah. Judah was given territory after the conquest of Canaan. If you study this ancient map some very obvious things are there! The Red Sea completely borders Judah territory. So when Moses crossed the Red Sea with the millions of Jews escaping Egypt they entered the future territory of the Tribe of Judah! The birth of Jesus was in Bethlehem which is in Judah! Now this where it gets even more interesting! Our complete atonement at Calvary or Golgotha was located east of the Road to Bethany and Jericho which is just east of the Kidron Valley. The Romans liked to crucify people along major highways so the conquered population would be able to witness executions so they would not get any idea’s about overthrowing them! Another fascinating fact is the Mount of Olives where Jesus ascended to Heaven and where He promised to return at His second coming is on the eastern side of the city and in Judean territory! These are places of great historical events in Judah territory! God is consistent like the sunrise and the sunset! You can set your clock by His Prophetic calendar and His promises to you are as sure as history itself! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com