Is Israel Important to You? Zechariah 14:12

As a Christian is Israel important to you or is it a bump in your theological road in your travel? Is it just a wayside inn or a tourist trap? Jesus at His second coming will rule the world from Jerusalem! That fact alone should get your attention? Zechariah’s prophetic ministry began 520 years before the birth of Christ! He addresses both the first and second coming of Christ! Zechariah’s name means, “The Lord Remembers.” An elephant may forget but never God! Zechariah was of the priestly line. How did Zechariah know about nuclear war 2500 years ago? He says in verse 12, “Those that fight against Jerusalem will have their flesh consume away while they stand on their feet! Their eyes will consume away in their sockets! Their tongue will consume away in their mouth!” The Bible goes on to say in verse 13 that those who fight Israel will turn on each other in war! They will nuke each other! Do you vote for and support political leaders who oppose Israel? Do you vote for and support political leaders who strengthen the hands of their enemies? These are important questions for you and God already knows where you stand but the danger is you may be blind to your sin! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

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