Warning on Evolution!

A Heavenly Master governs all the world as Sovereign of the universe! We are astonished at Him by reason of His perfection, we honor Him and fall down before Him because of His unlimited power. From blind physical necessity, which is always and everywhere the same, [no variety adhering to time and place could evolve], and all variety of created objects which represent order and life in the universe could happen only by the willful reasoning of its original Creator, Whom I call the Lord God. Isaac Newton (1643-1727). Physicist, Mathematician, Astronomer and Inventor.

Science & Faith

I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily. Opposition to godlessness is atheism in profession and idolatry in practice. Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind that it has never had many professors. Isaac Newton (1642-1727). English physicist, mathematician, astronomer and inventor.  Comment: This is true about atheism however what Isaac did not see coming was Charles Darwin in the 1860’s selling his atheism as science! Darwin packaged his atheism as a pseudo science and then it was instituted into our American school public education! Now atheism through Darwin has many professors here and around the world! Taught as science in all our public education institutions! Evolution is the product of atheism and socialism is the product of atheism and Darwinism! Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and many more world leaders today are the product and followers of Darwinism or Evolution! The left wing of the Democratic party are Darwinists! The political battles going on in America are founded on the belief that there is either a God or there is no God and man has to determine is own destiny! If there is no God then man must chart his own destiny! God cannot figure out Global warming so we must intervene for God and tax the hell out of the inhabitants of the earth! Since God is not here were must re-distribute wealth to those too lazy to work for it and steal the wealth and ingenuity of smart people and pay the lazy the fruits of their labor! The better off must pay for the health insurance of the lazy who will not work! Life is so unfair since God does not exist we must intervene in the affairs of men and right every wrong! Never mind we are wrong just let us correct you! We have made ourselves God so now certainly everything will be better! Vote for us and we will right the wrongs created by those that believe in God! If we can just get rid of those who believe in God we will then have a perfect world and the utopia our past socialist founders through the destruction of the world could not achieve! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Prophetic Warning on Evolution!

Blind metaphysical necessity, which is certainly the same always and everywhere, could produce no variety of things. All that diversity of natural things which we find suited to different times and places could not arise from nothing but by the idea and will of a Being, necessarily existing. Isaac Newton (1643-1727), Physicist, Mathematician and Inventor.

Global Warming?

Atheism is so senseless! When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amount of heat and light. This did not happen by chance! Isaac Newton (1643-1727), Physicist, Mathematician and Inventor

The Christmas Scrooge? Matthew 6:13

Do not let the Pope ruin your Christmas! The Greek word for temptation means to test with experience. I wish the translators would have used the word testing instead of temptation! We do not fall into temptation or testing as though it were an accident? We are led into temptation determined by who you follow! The Spirit lead Jesus to be tempted of Satan! (Matthew 4:1-11). If God leads us into testing it is not to abandon us or destroy us but to give us victory through experience over Satan! God will test us to prove to us He can be trusted! When Satan tests us it is for the purpose to destroy us! The key is to know which tester is testing us? Remember God will not test us with evil. (James 1:13-14) If something that is evil comes to your mind you know the author of it! Do not listen to Satan but rebuke him in Jesus name! Cast him out of your mind! Has God surely said you cannot eat of this tree? You will not die! Jesus turn these stones into bread! Jump from the Temple Mount the angels will catch you! I will give you all the Kingdoms of this world if you will bow down and worship me! Mary you are going to have a baby boy and yet know no man? Elizabeth you are going to have a son in your old age! Abraham you are going to have a son in your old age? Ha Ha Ha! His name will be Isaac meaning laughter! All these saints passed the test! No one likes tests! When you are tested and close your eyes in death who will you trust to take you to Heaven? The Pope forgot the most important part of verse 13. But deliver us from evil. Evil exists because we do not trust God! The testing to do evil is from Satan! The testing from God is to deliver us from evil. Christmas is all about a way is provided by God to deliver us from evil into righteousness! There will never be a greater gift than this! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Herod’s Letter to Caesar (John the Baptist)

To Tiberius Caesar and the Roman Senate; “My Noble Lords, Greetings: The facts in the case are about as follows: John the Baptist had set up a new mode of religion altogether different from the Jewish religion, teaching baptism instead of circumcision, which had been the belief and the custom of the Jews in all ages past. According to their theory, God appeared to Abraham hundreds of years before, and told him with his own lips how and what to do to be saved; and the Jews have lived according to this until it had become their nature, and all their forefathers had lived in this way. David, Solomon, Isaac, Jacob, and all the Holy prophets had gone to heaven in this way of God’s own appointment. Now, the question came to them, as they suggested it to me: Has God found that He is wrong? Has His wisdom failed Him? Or has the unchanged changed, and He is wavering in His purpose? Such would be the natural conclusion of a sensible man under the circumstances. Now, John the Baptist had no authority from God for what he was doing, as Abraham had. All he could say was, “He that sent me to baptize is true.” And he cannot tell who he was. Then his going into the wilderness; God had ordered Solomon to build the finest temple that was ever built in the world, and made promises that whosoever came to that house with his offerings his prayers should be heard and answered. This temple had been the place of their meeting for hundreds of years, for the Jews think this temple is the next place in heaven. Now see the difference; First John has no authorized authority. Second he changes God’s place of worship. Third he changes the doctrines. Fourth he changes the mode of application. Now, the idea of Gamaliel was that John wanted to be some great man; hence, he took this mode of eccentric life to establish it. And there is nothing better qualified than the course he took to make an impression upon the ignorant and unlearned–to go away out in the wilderness by himself, get a few friends from Jerusalem to go out and hear him, and come back and tell the great wonders which they had seen in the wilderness. Then John’s appearance–his long, uncombed hair and beard, his fantastic clothing, and his food, nothing but bugs and beans–such a course and such a character are well qualified to lead the illiterate astray. These troubles on the Jewish mind were very heavy, and gave such men as Hilderium, Shammai, Hillel and others great concern. And no wonder, for in their judgment it was vacating the temple of religious worship; it was blocking the road to heaven, and driving the poor and unsuspecting to ruin, as well as destroying the whole nation. So it was, by their request, as so ordered, that it was better to execute one to save the many for a worse fate. And this is the true reason for the deed, and not to please the whim of a dancing girl, as you have heard. Now, my lords, if this is not satisfactory, I would ask my accuser, Caius, to write any of the learned Jews, and learn if my statement is not correct. Herod Antipas

Offering and Worship! Genesis Chapter 22

Are they the same? God told Abraham to offer his son Isaac up for a burnt offering on Mount Moriah! Moriah means God will provide! The word offering here means to rise up or lift up! The word is usually associated with morning! Those who love me seek me early! It is used in a sense of going up. However the word is not used in the sense of intimacy! So what is a burnt offering? It is not your wife’s cooking! It means to ascend up like smoke! Remember an offering is something we do! Your tithes and offerings is something you do and God requires it of us! So what is worship? I am glad you asked! The word worship used in the Old Testament was first used in Genesis 22:2. The word means to bow down! Just the opposite of offering! It means to prostrate oneself! It means to fall upon your knees and touch your head to the ground! However after the Cross the New Testament concept of worship is different! We still bow down in prayer in submission! The Greek word used has a new dimension! Worship used here means to dwell together in union and completion! Now God takes possession of you! You are no longer your own! People are either God possessed or demon possessed! No middle ground here! Half and half is a milk product! Worship means to lean towards Him and be partial towards Him! No one will ever be able to talk you out of or persecute you out of partiality towards Him! This is the New Testament concept of worship! In the Old Testament it was always worship from afar! After the Cross now God has His dwelling place in us! The Holy smoke is inside of us! Since His son Jesus made the sacrifice for our sin the walls of partition are broken down! Worship is now an inside job! Greater is He who is in me than He who is in the world! He works His righteousness in you by dwelling in you! This is what born again is all about! Let us think about this as Easter approaches! Jesus early in the morning bowed down in the garden of Gethsemane and worshiped! Then He was lifted up on high on a Cross on Mount Calvary! Jesus died once so that you would only die once and escape the second death! Your Salvation includes many things! Freedom from guilt, death, hell and the resurrection to judgment! The resurrection to everlasting life and His power residing in you cannot be compared with anything this world has to offer! The promises the world makes to you will perish with the world! My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness! If you submit and let Jesus take control of your life nothing that preceded this new reality will ever compare! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com