Faith Hope Love 1 Corinthians 13:13

Love is greatest yet let us not forget this! Love gives but faith takes! The little boy in love gave two small fish and five loaves to Jesus! Jesus took the meal or appropriated faith and multiplied it to feed the crowd! The love of God does you no good unless you take it in faith! To reject his love and not take the blessings is foolish! Without faith it is impossible to please God! The thief on the Cross took Jesus love in faith! You should be a giver but you have nothing to give unless you are a taker! Take his love not just for yourself but for others! Pastor Joseph Prince

Communion & Holy Days!

In communion the bread representing Jesus body is about God becoming flesh at Bethlehem as we celebrate the Christmas story! His flesh broken for us as we break the bread together! His blood represented by the cup as his blood shed for our sin for an atonement a gift given to us! His blood shed at Calvary which we celebrate at Easter! So both Holy Days are represented in our communion services! His body and his blood! These two great events are the only hope for mankind! Pastor David Jeremiah

Draw a Red Line!

This election is about you drawing a red line on the borders of your State! A red line to keep socialism out with its no borders and sanctuary cities that protect criminals! Socialism with its anti-Semitism ideology! Socialism with its atheistic ideology! The Charles Darwin followers! A red line to keep MS-13 criminals out of your neighborhood! The politicians do not live in your neighborhood you do! A red line to stop promotion of drugs to our youth from our unsecure borders! A red line to stop the dumping of illegals into your neighborhood! A red line to keep illegal caravans from crossing into your State! A red line to keep abortion out! A red line to keep the left’s socialist ideology out of your State! A red line to keep freedom in! To keep economic prosperity in! To keep low taxes in! To keep gun rights and free speech in! To keep liberty in! To keep religious liberty in! A red line to keep our military strong! A red line to keep hope, freedom and prosperity strong in America! The only effort on your part is to take a few minutes of your time to go vote in your State! If you do not vote then someone else will erase your red line of your State for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

No Hope Without Christ! Matthew 12:45

Greek Translation: “Then goeth he, and takes with himself seven spirits that are strange, foreign, teaching with different doctrines unequally yoked together more wicked with malice and mischief, more demonic than himself, and they enter in and live permanently there: and the lowest and furtherest and final state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be unto this wicked generation.” Comment: Remember Jesus cast seven evil spirits out of Mary Magdalene in the Book of Luke? Then she became Jesus disciple! Jesus cast devils out of people and they became his disciples! In 21st century America what would be seven evil spirits you could identify today living in our culture? The spirits would be strange or foreign to the believers in Christ teaching opposition to our scriptures as found in our Holy Bible! These spirits would be unequally yoked together wicked with malice and mischief! Judge Kavannah touched one of these evil spirits called abortion! He had a snake by the tail. How about Darwinism which opposes creation? Opposes a belief in God’s existence! Gay marriage, lesbianism, transgenders, socialism, fascism and how about Islam? There are more than seven evil spirits but those are the top ones! One of the real conflictions in America is that these spirits are not resisted from the pulpit’s of America! Why? There are some exceptions but most Pastor’s play the political correct game! Why? Because these evil spirits are linked to a political party! The Democrats! Since the churches across America took the bait for the 501c deduction they fear losing there tax exemption? Is the love of money worth sacrificing our culture? You cannot defeat Demons pretending they do not exist? My suggestion to American Christian’s is to bind these foul spirits in prayer everyday! Make this part of your prayer life! Encourage your Pastor to speak out on these issues and confront these issues with the scriptures! Raise up a standard against them! Our mid-term elections are coming up in November! Support candidates who hold Christian values! If you do not vote you have given your vote to the enemy of Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Hitler & Evolution!

“If Nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with the stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such case all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousands of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile.” Adolph Hitler, Mein Kumpf, Page 223. Comment: Hitler was an evolutionist! He loved the work of Charles Darwin! However Hitler also claimed to be a Christian? Many politicians claim this to get elected! Obama did it! However in his two published books, My Father’s Dreams and The Audacity of Hope he wrote that when push comes to shove I will side with Muslims! Hitler contradicted his Christian claim because he was anti-Semitic? My Bible says Salvation has come through the Jew! Evolution has been taught in our American Public school system for decades now as science? Darwin an atheist, theorized that since God does not exist this is the way things must have happened! Hitler wanted to speed up Darwin’s Theory of Evolution! To do this we must get rid of undesirable people! He took it upon himself to decide who was undesirable! The Theory of Evolution taught over time in any culture leads to tribalism! That is one race decides if we get rid of another race then our world will be purified and the evolutionary chain will be cleansed! Evolution is just the opposite of Creationism! According to our Bible good and evil is gender neutral. It is ethnic or racial neutral. It is economically neutral. Any race on earth has good and bad people! Any gender on earth has good and evil people! There are rich people that are good and there are poor people that are good! There are evil people that are rich and there are poor people that are evil. So how is the evolutionary thinking affecting the thinking of the people on the left in America? White Supremacy! Colonialism! If we get rid of the white people the colonialist we will purify the evolutionary chain! If you are rich you must be evil. If you are poor you must be good! You must be evil if your hold the Bible Standards to marriage as between a man and a woman! If we can get rid of Christians and Jews the evolutionary chain will be purified! This is why the left is in bed with Islam! They will do their dirty work! Ben Shapiro has some interesting insights into this cultural war raging in America today! The battle on earth will always be between good and evil! God sacrificed Himself through His Son Jesus Christ to transform the wicked to righteous! He has been and always will be the only way for man to be redeemed from evil! James and Hamsa Sasse.

A Miracle! Isaiah 7:14

King Ahaz was a wise King! When the Lord told him He would give him a sign he did not want to tempt the Lord! He did not want to put God to a foolish test! Ahaz was really telling God I do not question you! Mortal men do need to be questioned! Jesus will do that at the judgment! Men and women asked Jesus a lot of questions! Are you really the Son of God? Prove it! Come down from the Cross if you are God! The word sign means a miracle in the Hebrew! Jesus virgin birth is a miracle! After Peter witnessed the miracles he told Jesus you are the Christ the Son of the living God! The Lord gave Peter signs! The star over Bethlehem was a miracle! Christ’s resurrection from the dead was a miracle! Salvation is a miracle! Being born again is a miracle! These acts of God are beyond the natural and are supernatural. They are God’s Grace in that God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves! Miracles are the love of God towards men! Faith in God is living from miracle to miracle! It cannot be explained outside of God! Your life is a miracle! If you were not here you could not experience the love of God! No miracles! That is why abortion is so cruel. You kill a miracle! We need life to make choices! Could not wonder and awe about God? Could not see the slender of His creation! Could not experience His Power and Glory! Could not know His peace! Without Him no purpose! Only loneliness and emptiness! No hope! But surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life! Lord give me another miracle today! Not to prove who you are but prove I cannot live without you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Made Whole! Luke 8:48-50

Jairus the Temple ruler had one daughter 12 years old who was very sick! Jairus had sent for Jesus but He got delayed when a crowd of sick people thronged Him! A woman in the crowd touched the hem of His garment and got healed! Jesus commended her for her faith! Jairus sent another message to Jesus telling Him not to come for his daughter is dead! You might call this a cold case! Jesus presented two conditions for restoration! Fear not and believe and you will be made whole! So what does the words made whole mean? Elementary Watson! The Greek root word used here is “Sozo.” It is the same word used for our English word “Salvation.” This word means a spiritual and eternal rescue granted immediately by God for those who believe in Christ! It is the current experience of God’s power to those who believe in Christ! It is God’s power to deliver us from sin and death! What death are we talking about here? It is the second death or eternal judgment made by Christ Himself! Remember Jairus daughter and Lazarus were raised from the dead but they died a physical death again! Lightening can strike twice! I was delivered from my death bed in 1973 and have served Christ for the past 44 years but I will experience another physical death! Remember what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 5:5? Remember the congregation member living with his father’s wife? Verse 5: “To deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the Spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Remember Physical death is Satan’s work not God’s work! Death is the result of sin! If Salvation was a rescue of our physical bodies here on earth then we would never die again while here on earth! At the resurrection we will receive glorified bodies that will never get sick or die! Remember at the Judgment seat of Christ some Christians will lose their rewards but not their Salvation! When some Christians get to Heaven will they be on probation? Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us! Jesus went back to Heaven to pray for us, send the Holy Spirit and prepare a place for us! He will come again! You cannot go there unless you have Salvation with a new body and a redeemed soul! He can provide that to you because of Calvary! The Easter message is about this hope we have in Him and His promises to those who accept Him as Savior! Our hope is in Him! Our past is in Him! Our present is in Him! Our future is in Him! He is the same yesterday, today and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Offering and Worship! Genesis Chapter 22

Are they the same? God told Abraham to offer his son Isaac up for a burnt offering on Mount Moriah! Moriah means God will provide! The word offering here means to rise up or lift up! The word is usually associated with morning! Those who love me seek me early! It is used in a sense of going up. However the word is not used in the sense of intimacy! So what is a burnt offering? It is not your wife’s cooking! It means to ascend up like smoke! Remember an offering is something we do! Your tithes and offerings is something you do and God requires it of us! So what is worship? I am glad you asked! The word worship used in the Old Testament was first used in Genesis 22:2. The word means to bow down! Just the opposite of offering! It means to prostrate oneself! It means to fall upon your knees and touch your head to the ground! However after the Cross the New Testament concept of worship is different! We still bow down in prayer in submission! The Greek word used has a new dimension! Worship used here means to dwell together in union and completion! Now God takes possession of you! You are no longer your own! People are either God possessed or demon possessed! No middle ground here! Half and half is a milk product! Worship means to lean towards Him and be partial towards Him! No one will ever be able to talk you out of or persecute you out of partiality towards Him! This is the New Testament concept of worship! In the Old Testament it was always worship from afar! After the Cross now God has His dwelling place in us! The Holy smoke is inside of us! Since His son Jesus made the sacrifice for our sin the walls of partition are broken down! Worship is now an inside job! Greater is He who is in me than He who is in the world! He works His righteousness in you by dwelling in you! This is what born again is all about! Let us think about this as Easter approaches! Jesus early in the morning bowed down in the garden of Gethsemane and worshiped! Then He was lifted up on high on a Cross on Mount Calvary! Jesus died once so that you would only die once and escape the second death! Your Salvation includes many things! Freedom from guilt, death, hell and the resurrection to judgment! The resurrection to everlasting life and His power residing in you cannot be compared with anything this world has to offer! The promises the world makes to you will perish with the world! My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness! If you submit and let Jesus take control of your life nothing that preceded this new reality will ever compare! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse.