Draw a Red Line!

This election is about you drawing a red line on the borders of your State! A red line to keep socialism out with its no borders and sanctuary cities that protect criminals! Socialism with its anti-Semitism ideology! Socialism with its atheistic ideology! The Charles Darwin followers! A red line to keep MS-13 criminals out of your neighborhood! The politicians do not live in your neighborhood you do! A red line to stop promotion of drugs to our youth from our unsecure borders! A red line to stop the dumping of illegals into your neighborhood! A red line to keep illegal caravans from crossing into your State! A red line to keep abortion out! A red line to keep the left’s socialist ideology out of your State! A red line to keep freedom in! To keep economic prosperity in! To keep low taxes in! To keep gun rights and free speech in! To keep liberty in! To keep religious liberty in! A red line to keep our military strong! A red line to keep hope, freedom and prosperity strong in America! The only effort on your part is to take a few minutes of your time to go vote in your State! If you do not vote then someone else will erase your red line of your State for you! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

New Life Church Sermon Notes. June 23, 2013

Scripture; Matthew 5; 33-35 1. Mean what you say and say what you mean – Honesty, Integrity. 2. Low Trust = Many Laws. We hear out of Washington everyday the following; “We will write another law so this never happens again!” 3. High Trust = Few Laws. 4. Build trust in our families. 5. Lack of trust causes us to withdraw from relationships. In Jesus day no one could trust the Roman government. They deceived the people with unjust taxes, excess spending, bribes, deception, ect. The religious leaders in Jesus day also wrote more laws as trust declined. 6. Jesus gave us a new way of being human. 7. God is an oath maker and a promise keeper – No double talk. 8. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. Five common lies or exaggerations told by Christians; 1. I will pray for you. 2. It is great to see you. 3. I am doing great. 4. I have read all the above and agree with the terms. 5. I love you brother. Three questions arise when we hear one or more of the five statements. 1. Is he or she hyping something? 2. Is he springing something? 3. Is he trying to sell me something? People try to exaggerate and manipulate people. Insecurity causes exaggeration. Would you love me if you saw the real me? Adam and Eve hid from God. Our vulnerabilities project a lifestyle. To manipulate is selfish. Words are used in a deceptive way to try to get a desired outcome. The Bible calls it witchcraft. The witch uses shame, guilt, fear and twists words to get people to believe something that is not true. This is demonic. Powerful but demonic. God is truth and love and not shame. Talk openly to your children about the beauty of God’s creation including sex and the purpose of it. Adolescence who are shamed about sex will have a great difficulty entering into a healthy sexual relationship when they are married. Please see Ephesians 4:14-15. Speak the truth in love. How do we speak the truth in love? Answer the following questions. 1. Have you prayed for them? 2. Do I see good and potential in them? 3. Will I be helpful to them? 4. Am I rested? God made an oath and promises to us. They are as follows; 1. I will be with you always. 2. Nothing can take you from my Father’s hand. 3. I will not leave you as orphans. 4. I will send the Holy Spirit to you. 5. I will give you rest. 6. I will build my church. Comment; What we admire about Pastor Brady Boyd is his transparency! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com