
There is a better chance of seeing a camel pass through the eye of a needle than seeing a really great man ‘discovered’ through an election. Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Hitler and Evolution!

Hitler used Evolutionary Theory to justify racial supremacy! Here is a quote from Adolf Hitler:”If nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with the stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such a case all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousand of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile.” Mein Kampf, Page 223. Comment: Here are some quotes by Winston Churchill about the World War II conflict; “The outcome of this battle determines the survival of Christian civilization! If we fail then the whole world, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new dark age! The loss would be more sinister and perhaps more protracted by the likes of perverted science(Evolution)” This perverted science is taught in our government run education system across America! It diabolically opposes Creation and the universe as created by our God as revealed in our Bible! Evolution taught as true science can be used to justify abortion, infanticide, filicide and senicide! And not least genocide! Notice Hitler went after the Jews! Why! Their Bible is about a creative God that opposes evolution! America right now has politicized abortion with tens of millions of children slaughtered! But it went one step further in Nazi Germany! It was militarized with the Nazi’s! We are only one step away from abortion being expanded to all categories of life! Children cannot fight back in the womb so who will protect them? God is watching us who claim His name of righteousness over evil! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Hitler & Evolution!

“If Nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with the stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such case all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousands of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile.” Adolph Hitler, Mein Kumpf, Page 223. Comment: Hitler was an evolutionist! He loved the work of Charles Darwin! However Hitler also claimed to be a Christian? Many politicians claim this to get elected! Obama did it! However in his two published books, My Father’s Dreams and The Audacity of Hope he wrote that when push comes to shove I will side with Muslims! Hitler contradicted his Christian claim because he was anti-Semitic? My Bible says Salvation has come through the Jew! Evolution has been taught in our American Public school system for decades now as science? Darwin an atheist, theorized that since God does not exist this is the way things must have happened! Hitler wanted to speed up Darwin’s Theory of Evolution! To do this we must get rid of undesirable people! He took it upon himself to decide who was undesirable! The Theory of Evolution taught over time in any culture leads to tribalism! That is one race decides if we get rid of another race then our world will be purified and the evolutionary chain will be cleansed! Evolution is just the opposite of Creationism! According to our Bible good and evil is gender neutral. It is ethnic or racial neutral. It is economically neutral. Any race on earth has good and bad people! Any gender on earth has good and evil people! There are rich people that are good and there are poor people that are good! There are evil people that are rich and there are poor people that are evil. So how is the evolutionary thinking affecting the thinking of the people on the left in America? White Supremacy! Colonialism! If we get rid of the white people the colonialist we will purify the evolutionary chain! If you are rich you must be evil. If you are poor you must be good! You must be evil if your hold the Bible Standards to marriage as between a man and a woman! If we can get rid of Christians and Jews the evolutionary chain will be purified! This is why the left is in bed with Islam! They will do their dirty work! Ben Shapiro has some interesting insights into this cultural war raging in America today! The battle on earth will always be between good and evil! God sacrificed Himself through His Son Jesus Christ to transform the wicked to righteous! He has been and always will be the only way for man to be redeemed from evil! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com