How to Destroy Christianity?

To destroy Christianity, we must first destroy the British Empire. Karl Marx   Comment: Karl Marx is one of the founders of socialism and communism! He was a Jewish atheist and produced an ideology opposed to Christianity and capitalist democratic governments! China, Russia and North Korean and Cuba would be examples of Marxist states! Why was the British Empire such a threat to him and his political ideology? At one time in history England was the hub of Christianity! Their mission field as Christ commanded was the entire world! The sun never set on Britain! Britain ruled the waves! The greatest evangelists in the world came out of Britain! Richard Baxter and the Puritans! John Newton who helped abolish the slave trade! John and Charles Wesley and the Methodist movement! George Whitefield! Charles Spurgeon and Johnathan Edwards! The founding of America began with the Puritans landing at Plymouth Rock in `1602! I was a missionary in India for 3 years where Britain ruled over 200 years! So I would talk to the local people about the British rule of India. The local people told me they were thankful for them putting in the rail systems and for the electric grid in India. However what they were most thankful for was bringing the Gospel to India! These Gospel workers turned us from darkness to light one told me! When we look at England today in the 21st Century what has happened? The mayor of London is a Muslim! The old English churches are either warehouses or Mosques! England joined the EU with no borders! The illegals flooded into England! The Muslim invading armies no longer carry weapons of war but refugee status! Obama let over 6 hundred thousands Muslims into America as President! Obama is a smart Muslim! When he pulled us out of Iraq he knew millions of Muslim immigrants from the ensuing war would flood into Europe! Why is the political left in love with Islam? Because they are the military wing of the Democratic party! Marx could not be happier! If Christianity is defeated then socialism and communism will replace it! America’s biggest enemies are socialist states! Jesus was a colonialist! He said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! When Britain did this they were the greatest empire on earth! No longer! As long as America does this they will continue to be the greatest empire on earth! This battle that wages internally in America and externally is for the heart and soul of America! Make America great again will only come when we put Christ first and make him our only goal! James and Hamsa Sasse.

State Sponsored Blasphemy! Daniel 11:37

An orthodox Jewish girl’s elementary school in London has failed a government inspection for the third time because it refuses to teach students ages 3-8 about homosexuality and gender reassignment! Back 60 years ago I never did my assignments in school but I thank God I was born in a generation where your local school did not try to reassign your gender! Social engineering here in America in the State supported public schools has the same problem! Our Constitution does not allow the State to interfere with private schools! Jewish schools are going to be the best and brightest when it comes to teaching the sciences, math, language and high moral standards! Our public schools are failing in America and the students sit around wandering what gender they are? What a perfect plan for failure! These governments around the world are pushing the same global agenda! A one world government! The sooner these governments all fail the sooner you will have the one world government! Sodom and Gomorrah is State sponsored in preparations for the Anti-Christ! The Anti-Christ will be gay! Christians are preparing for Christ and the Kingdom of God! We have two Kingdoms with opposite outcomes! Heaven and Hell. Let me present you one of many Scriptures from our Bible that support God’s position on this issue! 1 Corinthians 9-10 Greek Translation “Know you that the ungodly shall not be heir to the Kingdom of God. Do not be tricked, neither male prostitutes, idol worshipers, adulterers, nor men acting as women, not homosexuals, nor thieves, nor coveters, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor those that steal secretly, shall inherit the Kingdom of God.” Comment: We know the cure for this sin and explained in verse 11. Jesus Christ! A State sponsored sin is still a sin and those promoting or living these sins will not see God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Artificial Intelligence?

Does it really exist? Research scientist’s have found large deposits in Washington D.C.! There are layers of it in the rock formations there built up for over 200 years! According to research there were also found layers in Moscow, London, Brussels and other liberal strata formations! DNA tests have confirmed that this exists among the liberal left populations of the world! Communists, socialists and democrats hold the highest percentages of this material in their populations! Psychological studies have shown us that these people do not want to work for a living so they must live off those that work for a living! Will update you on anymore new research on this subject! James

Political Correctness Strikes Again!

This time in London! British Prime Minister Theresa May told the people of England that this was an evil ideology that attacked us! She did not have the moral courage to explain what the ideology is? She is no Winston Churchill or Margaret Thatcher! Where did these terrorists get their idea? Did they snatch it out of the thin air? It would be like after the city of London suffered from a night time bombing raid and Winston Churchill getting up the next day and announcing to the British people that they were attacked by a evil ideology! Sorry folks but we cannot mention the word Nazi or Hitler! We cannot mention Mohammad or Islam or Muslims? The Quran certainly had nothing to do with this? We cannot have a Muslim travel ban because people must be dying in our streets for another reason? Is it the weather? If our political leaders cannot identify the problem and the Church is deadly silent then this will continue! This war is no longer in a distant land but has come to our streets! I am thankful President Donald Trump has the moral courage to name our enemies as Islamic Terrorists! Sin is about hiding the truth and it all started in the Garden of Eden! We have to shine the “Light”, on the darkness but we have to identify the darkness! James and Hamsa Sasse.

United Nations Human Rights Council

President Bush and previous administrations refused to allow the United States to join this organization. The funding for this council comes from Muslim nations and has a pro-Islam agenda and a anti-Israel agenda. President Obama joined the United States to this council when he came into office. Two of the biggest supporters for this organization are Saudi Arabia and Egypt. This organization promotes Muslim Law to all nations through the United Nations. Let me give an example. Right now in London there are 80 Shia Law courts! Once Shia Law courts begin to be set up in the United States you will have two competing systems of justice! If the Supreme Court would rule these courts are constitutional we here in America would lose many freedoms such as free speech and religious freedom of worship! Christian Broadcasts on Television, radio, internet and pulpit preaching could cease by Law! Our membership renewal comes up next month in October! Just before our elections in November let us make a political statement to our representatives in Washington that we the people of America do not want membership in this organization! We need to close the door on the human rights council which has an agenda to take away our human rights! As we think of our Americans who were sacrificed on 9-11 and thousands of our military to protect our freedoms we need to close the door on Islam from infiltration into our great nation, “The United States of America” God Bless America! Thankyou. James Sasse.