Popular versus Scriptural Gospel!

1 John 2:27 Greek Translation: “But the anointing or the communication and receptivity of the Spirit of God which you have received of him abideth and remaineth as a preservative in you, and ye need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, ye shall abide in him.” Commentary: So who is your teacher? The Holy Spirit! Part of the Trinity! In the world the error is obvious! But what about in the church? The Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance a scripture that either clarifies what is taught or exposes a lie that contradicts the Word of God! I do not go around looking for a demon behind every bush! The scriptures disclose the demons! The Holy Spirit brings to remembrance a scripture either to confirm a truth or expose a lie! If you do not know the scriptures then the Holy Spirit has nothing to work with! I love my church but in the 21st Century church here in America we have two Gospels being preached! The politically correct or popular Gospel and the Scriptural model! The popular Gospel avoids our cultural war and pretends it does not exist! Evil is not called evil and evil is called good! Examples of scriptural avoidance are topics like homosexuality, abortion, gay marriage, transgenderism and lesbianism! Let me give you an example of what happened in a big church we attended in Colorado for three years. I still love this Pastor and pray for him everyday! This Pastor wanted to reach out to the gay community of our city so he met with them in a local coffee house. He reported back to us in our congregation the following Sunday that the gays told him they do not have physical sex with each other we just lust after each other! He was implying to us that they really do not sin! So what did the Holy Spirit do in me? He brought up the words of Jesus to me! Jesus said even if you look on a woman with lust it is still equal to having sex with her! I E-mailed our pastor about this scripture and he told me I know but we will talk about it later! Later never came! If you preach or teach a popular Gospel you will have to avoid a lot of scriptures! We live by the Word of God whether popular or not! At the Temptation Satan misquoted scriptures to defeat Jesus! Jesus said it is written! Your only defense and offense is what is written in your Bible! Do you know these scriptures? James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Popular Cultures!

In my brief 70 years on earth I have discovered a few things! One thing is about popular cultures! My wife of 45 years is from India and we did missionary work in India for 3 years. So I have learned another culture besides my own! For the most part popular culture opposes Christ and the Kingdom of God! The songs of the Beetles back in the 1960’s mocked Christ! Jeremiah was a bull frog! In the 1970’s the movie Jesus Christ Superstar was a mockery of Christ! Drug use opposes our Biblical scriptures! Abortion! Homosexuality! Transgenderism, Lesbianism, socialism and the list goes on! How about tattoos? Surely nothing is wrong with this? So innocent? There are 25 scriptures in your Bible that warn us against marking our body! Here is one example; Leviticus 19:28 “You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead nor make any tattoo on yourself. I am the Lord. Honor God with your body. This is God’s body not ours. You are going to have to give it back.” So who cares? According to statistics many do not care! According to “History of Tattoos.net”, 4 billion people in the world have tattoos! Thirty six percent of American’s have tattoos! So over 50 percent of the world population has some kind of a mark on their bodies! They vary from a small sized one to a full body tattoo! Some wear them under their clothes! Pastor! Please! So what does this have to do with the price of beans in China! Thanks to Trump the price of beans is going up in China! The American jobs are coming back to America! Go to another important Book in your Bible! This is the only Book in your Bible that promises a special blessing if you read and study it! Go to Revelation 13:16-17. During the 7 year tribulation period the Anti-Christ the then one world political ruler will require everyone to take a mark on their forehead and right hand! Popular culture if embraced will set you up for the Anti-Christ! My Bible says the Anti-Christ will have no natural affection for women! He will be a homosexual! This explains the popular culture promotion of gay marriage! He also will be a Jew just as our Savior is a Jew! He will deceive the Jews into making a peace treaty with them! He will have a number representing a symbol marked on all of his followers! In fact they cannot buy or sell without this mark! This symbol is represented by the number 666. Unlike English Hebrew letters also represent numbers! The 6th Hebrew letter, Vav, has a numerical value of six. The shape of the Hebrew letter is a symbol that looks like a nail or a spike! The Greek word for “mark”, in Revelation is the word “Charagma.” Strong’s number 5480. It means to scratch or etch! If you put the three Hebrew symbols together in a row that represent 666 what do you have? You have three spikes in a row! The image representing the three spikes that nailed Jesus to the Cross! This is the symbol of the Anti-Christ that all his followers must be marked with! The symbol that nailed Jesus to the Cross! Some will say it must be some high tech imbedded chip planted under the skin? Wrong! Your visa credit card and pin are numbers different from every other person to identify you! During the tribulation everyone will take the same mark! So is my tattoo no big deal? If you accept gays and tattoos as popular culture does then you are preparing yourself for the Anti-Christ! I am preparing to meet Christ who opposes these things! If you have embraced popular culture repent to Jesus and ask him to wash you under the Blood of the Lamb! I do not want anyone to take the Mark of the Beast but some will anyway! I am warning you because I do not want your blood on my hands! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Eclipse & Prophecies! Luke 23:44

According to NASA historical maps a lunar eclipse occurred on what we know as April 3, 33 A.D. This is the day Jesus was crucified! According to the Jewish calendar Jesus was killed on the Passover about the 14th of Nisan which is April 3, 33 A.D. An eclipse in Bible prophesy and Jewish and Babylonian history represents a judgment of a Nation by God! The Judgment of the whole world was placed on Jesus on the Cross and the land was covered by darkness for 3 hours! This darkness was covered over Jesus as He died for our sin! Here in America we get a solar eclipse specifically over America only and then Hurricane Harvey hits us! Another Hurricane is on the way they believe will be a category 5! After the Cross the Jews were judged by the Romans in the war 66-70 A.D Also the Temple was completely destroyed and all the wealth of the Temple was carted back to Rome along with one hundred thousand Jewish slaves to build the Roman Coliseum! In America when the provision for the atonement of our sin is rejected with Jesus Christ there is no escape for judgment! If America continues to promote gays, lesbians, transgenders, abortion and the lottery what can we expect? Pastors across America can no longer afford to promote a popular Gospel to a reprobate popular culture! If you will not raise a standard against this blasphemy who will? When the clergy gives up our demise is soon! Since America is not in the end times prophesies something happens to America? However even if our Nation collapses from within you can still repent to Christ and be saved as Noah and his family was from the flood! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Two Stages to Anarchy! Isaiah 1:28

Hebrew translation “And the destruction of those who break away from religious and civil authority are criminals who habitually break the law and suffer the consequences of their actions shall be destroyed together! They that abandon the Lord shall perish!” Comment: As we look at this scripture we see the first stage is to break from religious authority! It may start as simple as working on Sunday and stop attending church altogether! It could also involve robing God and stop your tithes and offerings to the House of God! In America I have lived long enough to see the break down here started in the 1960’s! It began with the baby boomer generation. All traditional values were questioned especially Christian values! These values were mocked by popular culture in their music and immoral behavior! The courts decided prayer should be removed from our public tax funded schools! A vacuum in any culture is always filled with something else! Darwinism and evolution replaced scripture reading in our schools! Darwin was an atheist who taught our children we all came from monkeys! This explains the monkey behavior today in America! The University academia proceeded along the same lines of thought! Today in America Universities they have safe zones where students cannot hear any opposing views to atheism! Universities used to be the platform for debate on all issues but no longer the case! Free speech is shut down in favor of political correctness! The next stage in anarchy is a break from civil authority! It is lawlessness! Police in the streets of America are being killed simply for representing civil authority! We have riots all over America yet the politicians are telling police departments to stand down and give them space to vent their anger? The police are not intervening to protect the public and property destruction! We have celebrities and sports figures not standing for our National Anthem mocking the millions of American Military and civilians who died to protect our freedoms! Politicians have carved out sanctuary cities protecting criminal aliens who assault and murder our citizens! Drug dealers take sanctuary in these cities selling drugs and killing our young people! We have an immigration policy that lets in people who want to harm us! So according to Isaiah lawless people reject religious and civil authority! As a Christian I support and encourage religious and civil authorities! Now some companies refuse to serve law enforcement people? I would suggest that these companies be put on a “no-go” list where police do not protect them! When their business gets robbed, murdered or raped they can call their mommy for help! The way to counter the counter culture is with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Most Popular Book Read in Hell?

Title: How Did I Get Here? Paperback and hard cover not available because of elevated temperatures! Titanium steel etched pages are available. Most asked question of people in Hell is, “How do I get out of here?” New book coming soon to answer this question! Sampler answer in conclusion portion of book most read in Hell is, “Trusting in yourself instead of Jesus Christ!” Best selling book on planet earth? The Bible! Read it and believe it and it will save you from a lot of sweat! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Why is Social Media Popular?

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people! Eleanor Roosevelt Comment: Great minds come up with ideas and sell them to dummies! Great minds get rich and the dummies stay poor! I have a solar clothes dryer for sale! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Sodom and Gomorrah Act III Romans 1:27-32

Satan throughout history has tried to prevent the “bruising of his head” by the seed of the woman! The latest political ploy by the Democrats is that everyone except them has a war on women? What an oxymoron this is since they promote abortion and homosexuals! The primary sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was homosexual behavior. God does not have a war on women but Satan does! History has shown us that God does have a war on gays! The next major event of God’s judgment on man was at the Flood of Noah! I want to quote a Jewish commentary about the sin in the Days of Noah; “In the new issue of Inside Israel newsletter (vol.13, No.7), Rabbi Chaim Dov Keller is reported as writing in the “Jewish Observer”: The Midrash (Acharei Mos) tells us that the Generation of the Flood was wiped out only because they wrote marriage contracts between males just as they did between conventional couples. We can better understand the cultural expression “only because” as meaning “the singular primary reason” in importance as the cause why God brought the Flood upon the world at that time in antiquity. For many years I have realized that Mr. GTA’s explanation of Matthew 24:38 did not hold water– There is nothing wrong in marriage itself, unless wrong things or wrong people are being married to one another.” Rabbi Keller has provided information from Jewish Midrash (commentary) to help us better comprehend Jesus intended meaning and message. Comment; As we see the continued decline of America we also see cultural perversion endorsed and sanctified by our governments across America. Much of the “Church” is mute on these issues and some even endorsing them! Many Pastors do not want to loose their 501c exemptions and many want to remain popular and sell their books! There is only one “Book” that counts and that is the Holy Bible! God has provided a way out from all sin through His Son Jesus Christ! God will not accept “Gay Christians” which is another oxymoron! Repent means to denounce your sin whatever it might be and stop your sin and let Christ take your Judgment on Calvary! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Go Green!

I was a young man then back in the early 1970’s. We had just gone through the Arab oil embargo and energy conservation was on every mind of America! I was in a barber shop in Denver reading a Popular Mechanics magazine. In this magazine was an ad for a solar clothes dryer! Ad said was compatible to any electric clothes dryer! It was only five dollars and just mail in to a P. O. Box Number address. I wanted to do my part so i sent in my five dollars. It was about two weeks before i received my package in the mail. I imagined solar panels attached to a complex computer network! I took the package and unwrapped it right on top of the clothes dryer! There in the center of the box was about 6 feet of clothes line? I wanted to strangle the guy that mailed me this with my new clothes line! I do not like deception especially in hard times as we are in today! Americans today in our economic trouble need honesty and encouragement in these difficult times! Do your best to help others even if it costs you something! Jesus said he who is greatest in the Kingdom of God is servant of all! God Bless! James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com