Love His Appearing?

II Timothy 4:8 (Please Read) Commentary: Do you love his appearing? In an earlier post we discussed another scripture where Jesus said he would appear to those that are looking for him! Not everyone is looking for Jesus! In fact much of the world will weep and cry when he shows up! Their wicked schemes will come to an end! Those that hate Jesus promote unrighteousness in the earth! Abortion! Gay marriage! Homosexuality! Transgenderism! Promote every wicked imagination of the heart! We are created in the image of God not the image of sin! Those that hate God promote removing Bibles and prayer from schools! Deprive our children of truth! Promote evolution! Remove crosses and the commandments from our land! Remove nativity scenes! They do not love his appearing! Just the opposite! Hate his appearing! So how do we promote Jesus appearing? Get Bibles into schools and government! Get Bibles into prisons, motels and hotels! Distribute Gospel Tracts! Encourage and support your church pastor! Financially support the work of your church! Much of the world will fight against God and are fools enough to think they can win? Did you know when you pray for your enemies you are promoting Jesus into their lives! Your enemies cannot stop you for praying for them! This is how you love your enemies! What is the crown of righteousness used in this verse? There is none righteous but God alone so how do we receive this righteousness? The righteousness of God is the right God has on men his creation! Yes we did not evolve! Righteousness is the state commanded by God and is judged by his standard! We do not achieve righteousness but receive it! A gift from God! We live by faith and not by law! No mortal flesh can keep the law! This is why God had to become flesh! To pay the penalty for our sinful flesh! Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God! That is why all of us will go to the grave then he will raise us up! Jesus wore a crown of thorns so we could wear a crown of righteousness! At the Cross Jesus established our righteousness forever! Paying the penalty for our sin! This is why we look for his appearing again! He accomplished for us what we could never do on our own! Without faith it is impossible to please God! Not faith in ourselves but in him! We receive the righteousness God has provided for us in trusting that his way is the way back to heaven and no other way will work! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Grandpa and Grandma get a Son! Genesis 18

They say that if your two year old son raises his hands up to his father and says grandpa you know you have a miracle! Abraham has three men show up at his tent door in the heat of the day! Normally people do not travel in the heat of the day? These men were not normal and represent a theophany or God appearing to men Could these three men represent the Trinity? Jesus Christ is the personal manifestation of God to man! Abraham recognizes that these were not just men but God Himself standing before him! Abraham entreats them well offering the best he had with provision and water. When they announce to Abraham that he will have a son his wife Sarah laughs! Their son that was eventually born to them was named Isaac which means laughter. God also promises to Abraham and his descendants that they will be a great nation and all the earth will be Blessed through them! Later in history the birth of Christ and the nation of Israel would confirm these promises! The second mission of these three men was to destroy the gay’s living in Sodom and Gomorrah! Abraham tried to convince God to spare them because his nephew Lot and immediate family was living among them! Lot was a lousy evangelist even among his own family! God spared them but destroyed the rest of them! God could not find ten righteous in the city! God is faithful to Bless the righteous and destroy the wicked! So how does one move from the camp of the wicked to the camp of the righteous? There must be a change in behavior! Repent of your sin to Christ and let Him give you the strength to live a new life! You must be “Born Again!” Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

There is Gold up in them Hills!

Since Obama took office the Jews have been buying up all the Gold! Why? The Jews are always two steps ahead of everyone else! You have seen the ads on TV, newspaper, ect, over past years to bring in your Gold! Gold prices have soared to new highs over past few years. The Jews are expecting the dollar to crash! If they are right anyone holding dollars after the crash can use them for toilet paper! The Jews will then be able to trade their Gold for the new currency! The Bible in First Peter, Chapter one verse seven says this; That the trial of your faith being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ!