Abortion! Darwinism! Gay Marriage! Homosexuality! Lesbianism! Transgenderism!

When the principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then the battle is your calling, and peace has become sin! You must at the price of dearest peace lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy with all the fire of your faith! Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920), Theologian, Prime Minister of the Netherlands.

Babylon & Rome! Daniel 11:36-37

“The fall of the Roman Empire was a result of the effeminacy of a few in Carthage, a paradise for homosexuals, who infected the many. An act of Sodomy was prepared for the original movie, ‘Spartacus.’ The abhorrent presence of a few gays infected the good part of the Roman people.” Professor Roberto Mattei, July 31, 2013. “Actually homosexuality was accepted as a normal alternative in Babylon. Just as the Greek and Romans in later times. In fact the Greeks and the Romans took a lot of their customs as well as their religious beliefs from ancient Babylon. Many of the gods of the Romans had their roots in Babylon. Homosexuality was practiced and taken as normal in the ancient city of Babylon. The Romans also took the same sexual customs from the Babylonians homosexuality being one of them” Source: Yahoo Answers   Comment: Babylon fell in 539 B.C. Rome fell in 476 A.D. However the foul spirits of Babylon and Rome live on today with homosexuality, lesbianism and transgenderism being promoted in America and worldwide! In the Book of Revelation when the angel tells the Apostle John that Babylon is fallen and the Church in Rome with its seven hills is fallen this is future! However not very far off! How can you identify the apostate church today? By their promotion of homosexuality including not speaking against this sin!  We are having many church splits here in America because of this issue! So Babylon has been revived here in America! Daniel identified these signs of the end times and also revealed that the Anti-Christ will be gay and a Jew! So the followers of the Anti-Christ are preparing for him by the promotion of sexual perversions while the followers of our Jewish Christ are opposing these sins and being persecuted by opposing homosexuality just as the early disciples were persecuted by the Roman Emperors for opposing their homosexual activities! This battle between good and evil will be climaxed during the seven year tribulation period as described in the Book of Revelation! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Early Church on Homosexuality!

Consider how great is that sin, to have forced hell to appear even before its time…For that rain was unwonted, for the intercourse was contrary to nature, and it deluged the land, since lust had done so with their souls. Wherefore also the rain was opposite of the customary rain. Now only did it fail to stir up the womb of the earth to the production of fruit, but made it even useless for the reception of seed. For such was also the intercourse of the man, making a body of this sort more worthless than the very land of Sodom. And what is there more detestable than a man who hath proclaimed himself or what more execrable? Saint John Chrysostom (347-407 A.D.)

From Democrat’s Playbook!

My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism! Karl Marx    Comment: So how do you do this? Promote socialism! Get rid of Bibles! The deep State going after Christian’s through the IRS and other Federal agencies! Legalize sins that contradict the Bible! Homosexuality, gay marriage, lesbianism, gambling and illegal immigrants. Attack those that enforce our laws! ICE and law enforcement. Sanctuary cities! Disrespect our National Flag and military! Remove prayer from schools! Mock the Christian Faith! Take down Crosses and God’s Commandments! Head for the one world government with no borders! Make the world a UN or EU! The political left in America has the Karl Marx playbook and they are making plays! They are not following our Founding Father’s but following the failed ideologies of Communist regimes! When will they ever learn? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Key to Understanding Revolutions!

Political correctness was alive and well in Nazi Germany in 1933. Book burning parties were the main events across Germany! The German Student Union were filled with youth who wanted change! On May 6, 1933 twenty thousand books were burned! On May 10, 1933 twenty five thousand books were burned! Millions of books were burned over the next few years! Books were destroyed written by Jews, anarchist, socialists, communists and religious books! Bibles were burned! 1400 Synagogues were set on fire! Children were encouraged to participate in these acts! The 10 Commandments were ripped off walls across Germany! The blind writer Helen Keller published an open letter to the German students! She said, “You may burn books and the books of the best minds of Europe, but these idea’s have been passed on to millions and they will go on!” All revolutions start with the premise that we want to change the past! Hitler wanted to right the wrong of their loss in WW1. He blamed the Jews! The American political left today wants to change the past? America was never great? Get rid of those Bibles! Cast off Christianity! Attack Christian business and shut down churches! Replace the Bible with homosexuality, drugs, lesbianism, single families and welfare! Drugs killed over 73000 thousand of our youth last year! Attack our flag and remove any sign of patriotism! Remove our borders! Protect criminals with sanctuary cities! Despise our military! Why did the American Revolution succeed when most other revolutions failed? Why did we have such a good outcome? The American Revolution promoted the Bible with our Constitution a Christian document! I watched an old Billy Graham Crusade today that went back to the 1970’s! Something very significant caught my attention about his preaching then! He talked a lot about heaven and hell and the consequences of rejecting Jesus Christ! Today when I turn on Television preachers I don’t hear anything about hell? Nothing said! All I hear is about success, prosperity and money! Pastor’s today have been infected by the politically correct culture where the past is taboo! Sin is the wave of the future! To change the past you have to get rid of heaven and hell! We have to get rid of prayer in schools! We have to get rid of the 10 Commandments! We have to get rid of any visible Crosses across America! Get rid of statues of great Americans! You cannot say Merry Christmas! We have to change our past! Get rid of American Colonialism! Jesus said to go out into all the world! Substitute Christian thought with Darwinism and the Godless theory we teach to our children in our public schools! Persecution is rising among the Jews in America! When men try to change the past they create a bigger monster in the present! Who can change our past? Only God! Open your Bible and read John 3:16. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Jeremiah, Abortion, Homosexuality and Islam! Jeremiah 6:15

Are these words related? I did a word study of Jeremiah 6:15. In this verse we have the word “abomination.” The Hebrew root word is “Tow’ebah”. So what does it mean? If you stay with the English word you get the idea of something nasty and repulsive to God! However it does not answer the question to what is nasty and repulsive to God? I am going to copy to you out of the Hebrew dictionary! “The feminine noun meaning an abomination. The word is primarily understood in the context of the law. It identifies the practice of child sacrifice, homosexual behavior and the religious practice of the wicked.” Did you get that? What do you not understand about this? Jeremiah is speaking to America today as he was to Israel thousands of years ago! My Bible says that God is the same yesterday, today and forever! God does not change but we must! Elect leaders who hold Biblical values to spare America from judgment! Make it easy for God to Bless us! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com