Salvation through the Jew! Genesis 49:10

Hebrew Translation: “The septre or staff with authority to punish, fight and rule shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver engraving and writing ordaining Kingship to Judah from between his feet, until Shiloh the Messiah come; and unto him shall the gathering of the whole human race be.” Comment: Today we as believer’s in Christ sit before his Throne in Heaven submitting to his authority! One day at the Judgment Seat of Christ he will be seated but you and I will stand before him so judged to everlasting life and some to everlasting punishment! So why did God give us the Law? Simply to show us we all need the Savior! The truth is we are and will submit to someone! It may be God or it may be Satan! I was blind but now I see! I served Satan for years then one day just like the Apostle Paul a great light shone over me and the scales were removed from my eyes! I can see clearly now! You cannot discern you destiny unless Christ intervenes and shows you your error! I will one day stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ! However for me his judgment for my sin was taken by the judge and paid for on the Cross at Calvary! You do not want to take your own judgment! You will end up in Hell. The choice is still ours to make! This life is short but eternity is forever! Where we spend it is the most important decision you will ever make! Like the thief on the Cross there may still be time for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.