Is Jesus Just a Gardener to You? John 20:15

Just as with Mary at one time in my life Jesus was just a gardener to me! As long as you do not look for Jesus you will never see Him! Mary Magdalene was the first disciple to recognize Jesus after His resurrection from the dead! Death seems to close the door on our personalities but really it does not! Remember the rich man and Lazarus? One life carried on in Heaven and the other life in Hell. Jesus carried on after his death the same way He was before death! Jesus disciples wrote Jesus off after the Crucifixion! Peter and John had preconceived idea’s about Jesus before they entered the tomb! They looked around the empty tomb and saw the grave clothes then fled and went into hiding from the Romans and the Jews! What they saw confirmed what they believed! This whole thing is a hoax! Mary hung around the tomb weeping because there was no body there to anoint for burying? Mary had experienced Jesus power for He cast 7 demons out of her! Yet she let death close the door on her faith and thought the man speaking to her in the tomb was a gardener! Then the voice and light of Jesus opened her eyes! Rabboni! Rabbi! Master! Jesus is always present even if you do not see Him! Just as a blind man can feel the rays of the sun so you can feel Jesus love! The stars shine brightest in the darkness of the night! After Jesus delivered me from death I could only see Him and experience His love! My allegiance and devotion turned to Him! Rabbi! Master! Power over death! Jesus was no longer a gardener to me! The Resurrection took on a whole new meaning! It was no longer just a religious story I heard once a year at church! Do you want the reality of Jesus or just a once a year story? You do not want to wake up on the wrong side of death as the rich man did! Either a Heaven or a Hell? The reality of Christ will one day come to all the living and the dead! Just so it is not too late for you! Chance and choice only come once to every individual. Wise men and women still seek Him! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Jesus a Colonialist? Mark 16:15

Jesus commanded us to go out into all the world an preach the Gospel. By definition Jesus is a colonialist! Was Hitler a colonialist? Lenin? Stalin? Imperial Japan? Ho Chi Minh? Columbus? If you read the journal’s of Christopher Columbus and his voyages you will find that his highest priority was the evangelize the New World in Christ’s name! When the Pilgrim’s came to America they found the native American Indian tribes warring against each other! Colonialists? Are the Islamist colonialists? Absolutely! The cultural war here in America is a war against believers who follow Christ with the Holy Bible! If you are not colonializing in Jesus name then you are colonializing in your own name or another name! Are you colonializing in the name of evolution? Are the Republican and Democratic parties colonialists? Absolutely! The illegal immigration debate is all about legalizing them not that they care about them but to get the credit so they will vote for their party so they can stay in political power! They are pawns in a chess game! Is God a colonialist? Is Satan a colonialist? There are and always have been two Kingdoms being colonialized with people! Heaven and Hell. Which Kingdom will you end up in? Depends what you do with Jesus Christ! The political left and the anti-colonialist movement is all about turning back the light of Christ and the stability of Christ and America to the dark ages! To break down the very foundation that has made America the greatest Nation on earth! The only two nations on earth that stand in the way of the one world government with Anti-Christ leading with his false prophet is America and Israel! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Blood Moon and Signs!

Scriptures: Joel 2:31, Matthew 24:29, Luke 21:25 and Revelation 6:12-13.  A Blood Moon is a total lunar eclipse. The lunar tetrad is where four lunar eclipses happen six months apart. For example they have happened on April 15, 2014, October 8, 2014, April 4, 2015 and September 28, 2015. The two April eclipses have coincided with important Jewish Festivals. They occurred on Passover! The October and September eclipses occurred during the Festival of Tabernacles. Eight of the tetrads since the 1st century have coincided on Jewish Holidays! The word sign means to reveal the character and the truth of any person or thing. It is a mark or token. It is a memorial, monument or proof. Simply the signs in the sun, moon and stars is a reminder and confirmation of Jesus promises to us! It is a confirmation that His return is on schedule! His promises to us are revealed in the Heavens and on the earth! Whether the star over Bethlehem or the earth growing dark over Calvary His signs are everywhere! Look up for your redemption draweth nigh! Take comfort and trust your yesterday, today and forever with your Christ! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.