Night Owl Ministries Mark 1:32-34

They say when the sun sets the party begins! There was good reason for the people to celebrate for Jesus cast demons out of them and healed all their sick bodies! The passage says all the city came out to see him! Why a big crowd at night time? We know that infirmities seem to get worse at night! You cannot sleep! As we learned in India all the people were working during the day so we could only go to them at night! In the night on the mountain in Yercaud India it was not easy! We would travel by motor scooter until the trail was only a foot path up the mountain then with flashlights make our journey to the remote villages! The rich young ruler came to Jesus by night! He was afraid the religious rulers would see him go to Jesus! Likewise in Yercaud the people who lived above us on the mountain would only come at night because the Catholic Priest warned them that since their huts were built on church property they would have to move if they came to us for prayer! Not all Catholic priests were like this for one came to us for prayer in the daytime and then left the church back in the 1980’s and began which became a big evangelistic ministry in India! Many Catholic priests love God and are doing a good work! I am sure that some religious leaders were losing sleep as Jesus delivered people from their sin! Ministry is not easy but the rewards of seeing people delivered by Jesus is the most rewarding thing you will ever do! When the local Pastor would hold his flashlight on my Bible and the candles lit all I could see was the reflection of the light in their eyes! When revelation would come to me by the Holy Spirit and was translated into their language their eyes would brighten up and reflect more light from the candles! No money can buy this kind of joy! When your container is full of joy you have to share it with others! They may come to you in the secrecy of the night but one touch from God and they will tell the whole world! Why not share what God has given you? His love! His power! His resources! His time! His sacrifice for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Cloudless Harps! Revelation 21:1-27

In the new heaven and earth there will be no sanctuary, temple or church! Yes unemployed Rabbi’s, Priest’s and Pastor’s! There will be no sun and no moon! Jesus is the light of the world! Remember at creation? Let there be light! No night there! No clouds there! We reflect the light of Jesus as the moon reflects the light of the sun! No sickness in heaven! No hospital’s, no doctor’s, no nurses, no pharmacy, no x-ray machines, no MRI scanners and no chemo therapy! No sadness in heaven! No more tears! No tears of wasted lives! No tears of pre-mature death! No tears for suicides! No graves! No undertaker’s! No cemetery! No stone cutter’s! No wreath maker’s! Also no separation in heaven! No more farewell parties at the airport! No crying for departed loved ones! No more sea of separation! Remember the Apostle John who wrote this Book of Revelation? He was imprisoned on the island of Patmos surrounded by a sea! He longed to be with the seven Churches but was imprisoned as a slave laborer in a marble stone quarry! No prison’s in heaven! No more condemnation in heaven! I will pray for you but the reason for all your problems is because of sin! No prayer in heaven! Last no more sin in heaven! No military, no police departments, no FBI. no CIA, no NSA. The unrepentant sinners will be separated from heaven in the Lake of Fire! No dirty words spoken in heaven! No disobedient thoughts and actions! No acts of revenge from unrepentant sinners expressed in violence! Yes, cloudless harps! We will be in constant praise to our King in heaven! Sound boring? Then try the Lake of Fire where the worm never dies and the fire is never quenched! You cannot have one foot in heaven and one foot in hell? You have a choice as long as you have breath! Do not delay and default to hell. A choice not for Jesus is a choice for hell. Pastor David Jeremiah. Note; The wife of Pastor David Jeremiah is the great granddaughter of D.L. Moody!

Fishing Without Jesus! John 21

The disciples jumped into the boat with Peter! Peter was going to show them how to do it! It was his old occupation! Can you imagine taking Thomas the doubter along with you on a fishing trip? I told you guys you would not catch anything! Just wasting my time! The only thing we caught was a cold out on this water all night long! I really had my doubts about this trip! Shut up Thomas! Since the ministry had failed Peter went back to his old job! However it looked like Peter was failing in his old occupation? Was he rusty or bad luck? Failure can be a good thing if it points us to God! That has been my experience in life! When our own efforts fail God can do mighty things through us! If we can trust God rather than ourselves good things will come out of that! The disciples were so into themselves they did not recognize Jesus standing on the shoreline patiently waiting for them after their night of failure! Hey boy’s you caught anything last night? Hell no! I got a little heaven waiting for you guy’s! You boy’s are fishing on the wrong side of the boat! Throw your net on the other side! If in life you fish in the wrong place without Christ you could even catch things that could harm you! John was the first to recognize Jesus from the boat and when Peter found out he jumped into the water and headed to shore dragging the net with 153 fish in it! When Peter got to shore Jesus had a fire going on frying fish with bread! Jesus had already prepared what the disciples were seeking! They did not even need their big catch! Jesus has promised us that He would prepare a place for us! The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is waiting for us! The disciples finally figured out they could not make it without Jesus! Don’t be a slow learner but profit from their mistakes! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Dumb Blonde!

A NASA scientist was interviewing a lady for a secretary position in the agency! The scientist asked her what her goals were in life? She told him she wanted to travel to the moon and eventually travel to the sun! He told her the sun was too hot and no human could travel there! She told him you probably think I am a dumb blonde but I am smarter than you for I would travel to the sun at night!

Foundation for Ministry? Isaiah 33:6

So what is it? God delivered me off my death bed 45 years ago as a young man! I did not deserve it but He did it! A miracle and my first at the hands of Jesus! After this event I was actively involved in ministry through my local church! I went into prisons! I went down to the skid rows down on Larimer street in Denver Colorado! I went down to the drunks in alleys sleeping and awakening them and telling them Jesus loves you! I held Gospel meetings in the alleys of slum area’s of Denver! Saturday morning I was there among them preaching the Gospel! I was faithful for 10 years in these kind of ministries! I spent time in half-way houses holding prayer meetings! Then visions came to me in the middle of the night! Visions of going to the foreign mission field! I went to my local Pastor and explained these visions to him but he felt I should spend 4 years in Bible school. However the window was open now but for how long? I went back to other churches we had attended over the years in Denver but they all had excuses why they could not help us! Then my wife in Denver heard over the Christian radio station that the pastor of the world’s largest church was coming to Denver for crusades! My wife asked me if we should go see him? I was skeptical? If these Pastor’s here in Denver don’t want us even though we supported them for years who are we to this guy? I told Hamsa we are going to put our house up for sale this week and I am resigning my job! We are selling everything we have except two traveling bags each and buying a one way ticket to India! Sponsor or no sponsor we are going! She told me before you take this big step of faith why not take a small step of faith and go to this crusade! So we took our two little daughters who were 3 and 5 years old and went down to the crusade! It seemed uneventful? We left out to the parking lot after it was over with hundreds of cars leaving the parking lot! We went to our car and then it seemed out of nowhere Pastor Cho surrounded by elder’s was heading to his limo! My wife told me to stay with the children and I will talk to him! She shouted through the ring of elder’s and told Pastor Cho we are going to India as missionaries would you pray for us! He told my wife to bring your husband and we will pray! He took our hands and began to prayer for about 30 seconds. Then he told us we would come to Korea to be commissioned by our church for a 3 year work in India! The rest is history! So what is the bed rock foundation for ministry? I learned later that Cho as a young man was dying of TB! The hospital sent him home to die! He lived in a slum of Seoul. He was coughing up cups of blood! This little teenage girl would come by his cot in the cold winter everyday and pray for him! He would insult her and call her a Christian dog and would spit on her! She kept coming back each day for prayer! As she prayed he began to get better! A miracle walked into his life by the name of Jesus! Cho began a tent ministry in the slum of Seoul that eventually became the world’s largest church with over one million members! Suffering is the foundation for ministry! We do not look for it but God will bring it according to His will and purpose of your life! Pastor Cho looked for 60 years to find this teenage girl but never could find her? She is probably wearing a crown right now! She led Cho to Christ! Never discount who you have led to Christ! Suffering has purpose! Easter is about God suffering for you! Compassion means to suffer with! Are you willing to suffer with and for others? This is the Spirit of Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Jesus Just a Gardener to You? John 20:15

Just as with Mary at one time in my life Jesus was just a gardener to me! As long as you do not look for Jesus you will never see Him! Mary Magdalene was the first disciple to recognize Jesus after His resurrection from the dead! Death seems to close the door on our personalities but really it does not! Remember the rich man and Lazarus? One life carried on in Heaven and the other life in Hell. Jesus carried on after his death the same way He was before death! Jesus disciples wrote Jesus off after the Crucifixion! Peter and John had preconceived idea’s about Jesus before they entered the tomb! They looked around the empty tomb and saw the grave clothes then fled and went into hiding from the Romans and the Jews! What they saw confirmed what they believed! This whole thing is a hoax! Mary hung around the tomb weeping because there was no body there to anoint for burying? Mary had experienced Jesus power for He cast 7 demons out of her! Yet she let death close the door on her faith and thought the man speaking to her in the tomb was a gardener! Then the voice and light of Jesus opened her eyes! Rabboni! Rabbi! Master! Jesus is always present even if you do not see Him! Just as a blind man can feel the rays of the sun so you can feel Jesus love! The stars shine brightest in the darkness of the night! After Jesus delivered me from death I could only see Him and experience His love! My allegiance and devotion turned to Him! Rabbi! Master! Power over death! Jesus was no longer a gardener to me! The Resurrection took on a whole new meaning! It was no longer just a religious story I heard once a year at church! Do you want the reality of Jesus or just a once a year story? You do not want to wake up on the wrong side of death as the rich man did! Either a Heaven or a Hell? The reality of Christ will one day come to all the living and the dead! Just so it is not too late for you! Chance and choice only come once to every individual. Wise men and women still seek Him! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christmas Myth Debunked! Luke 2:8

Skeptics over the years claimed that the winter time would be too cold for the shepherd herders to be out in the field with their sheep! The average temperature in Bethlehem Israel in the month of December is 59 degree’s F. There are 6 hours of bright sunlight each day which represents 58 percent of the 10 hours of daylight. Bethlehem and the surrounding hills get 4.4 inches of rain in December. Here is a quote from a Holy Land traveler who spent most of his life on the dusty trails of Palestine; “In the dry summer season the hills are well-nigh bare, affording insufficient pasture, so the shepherds then normally keep their sheep near a town and enfold them at night. But when the winter rains fall, the hills become clothed with grass, and the shepherds knowing this, take their sheep further into the fields. Then because of the distance it would make the sheep walk too far every evening expending energy needlessly, they simply watch the flocks in the fields at night. In the winter the shepherds do not stay in the town they are afar in the field or common pasturage. The sheep were only taken there in the winter.” H.B. Tristrous (Holy Land Traveler)

Good Success? Joshua 1:8

To start off the new year we need to know what good success is? The word means to be prudent! To act in wisdom, insight and devotion! When you add circumspect with intelligence you find good success! T.D. Jakes once said if you have good success then it is possible to have bad success! What would be bad success? Living your life out of the purpose and will of God! Remember good success is conditional! The scriptures must not depart out of your mouth! You must meditate on the scriptures day and night! Follow the scriptures by living them out in your life! Trust Jesus and not the world! Also remember that God is still giving you the success! Happy New Year! James and Hamsa Sasse.