John 3:16 Word Study “Son”

Son (Hulos) Strongs #5207. This word in the Greek is specifically reserved for the Son of God and has no other application! There are other Greek words used for son. An example is for adopted sons and daughters. Hulos specifically refers to the male offspring of legitimate parents! We as believers have a likeness to God’s character but we are not the Son of God! The word son used here refers to Jesus special relationship to the Father! Jesus is never referred to in scripture as a child of God! Only the Son of God! Think about this! Jesus was the Son of God before he came to earth! Jesus Sonship did not start at Bethlehem! Believer’s show maturity by acting as the Sons of God! John 1:12. However this word sons is a different Greek word! Teknon (Strongs#5043). Son (Hulos) stresses the dignity and character of the relationship of the Son to the Father but Teknon sons, communicates the fact of a natural birth. Jesus had a Supernatural birth where we are the product of a natural birth! You can see why a Hebrew-Greek study Bible will help us with interpretations of scriptures! Remember Jesus said we must be born again! The word born (Strongs #1080), means God devine nature imparted to us! But when? The word again (Strongs #509), means from the beginning referring back to the Garden of Eden before the fall of man! Here is a side note for you. Every time the son of man is used in the New Testament the word is not translated from the Greek to English! Why? Matthew 8:20, 16:13, 20:28, Luke 22:69, Hebrews 2:6-9

John 3:16 Word Study “Only Begotten”

Greek Word Strongs #3439 The Greek root word used here is metamorphose! Yes! A worm turning into a butterfly! However in the incarnation the butterfly becomes a worm! Becomes a human! Well the butterfly was always the butterfly! God becomes man but still God! Only begotten means only Son of his mother. Jesus had brothers and sisters but they were from a different father! Jesus was unique only from one race! Salvation has come through the Jews! Father God said this is my beloved Son! Jesus was not born eternally of the Father but as to his humanity here on earth at his incarnation! The Trinity pre-existed creation and the cause of it for the Trinity always has been and forever will be! At Salvation our outward form changes because of a inward transformation! Jesus said we must be born again! The miracle of God in our life changes our condition! It is an invisible process with outward demonstrations of the change! Character is changed! From earthly to Godly character! Remember the Transfiguration? Jesus, Moses and Elijah transformed from earthly to Supernatural! One day we will have a new heaven and a new earth! The word “new”, in the Greek means qualitatively new! A new quality! That is what happens to us at salvation! It will happen at the Rapture of the Church and our eternity spent with Christ! If you can believe your eyes when you see a worm turn into a butterfly here on earth is it too hard for you to believe God’s only Son Jesus Christ was born out of heaven into earth? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Wisdom! Proverbs 9:10

Wisdom is the supernatural art of living skillfully in whatever actual conditions we find ourselves in. Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Comment; There are about 100 scriptures on wisdom in your Bible. There are about 12 root words that form these 100 scriptures in the Hebrew and the Greek. I will give you these root words for wisdom. Wisdom includes intelligence, discretion, understanding, knowledge, prudence and skillful ability. Wisdom includes substance, expertise, meaning and the center of anything including the will and the heart. Wisdom is the ability to separate mentally to perceive, discern, and distinguish. Wisdom means to make bare and use judgment. Wisdom is to make things clear with insight. Wisdom means to be of one mind and to set your affections on. Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.