Coronavirus Report 700 B.C.

Isaiah 53:4 Hebrew Translation: “Surely he hath accepted, carried away and raised up our griefs upon himself, and carried our sorrows: Yet we did using our minds inventing him stricken inflicting plagues on him by physical contact smitten or struck, wounded and slayed by God the Divine Ruler and Judge of all men.” Comment: The very first verse in Isaiah chapter 53 says, Who’s report will you believe?” Who is Isaiah predicting would come and accomplish all this? Christ on the Cross some 700 years later! Jesus carried way your plagues upon himself! How did Jesus get in physical contact with us? God became flesh! However if you reject the cure for your sin then you own your own plagues! Do not even try to blame the Chinese! All have sinned! All have come up short! By one man Adam all men die! By one Savior all are raised from the dead! We in our minds war against God! War! Disease! Ideologies that oppose Christ! Darwinism! Gay Marriage! Homosexuality! Cross Dressing! Transgenderism! Atheism! Hinduism! Islam! The list goes on and on! Jesus was wounded and slayed by God for our sin! God slew God! On an ugly Cross! God inflicted himself to free you from judgment and eternal death! The Romans did not crucify Jesus! The Jews did not crucify Jesus! God did it himself! If you never understand or experience this love for you then you will have missed God’s greatest treasure for you! He is more precious than silver more costly then gold! God inflicted himself for you to be free from your plagues of sin! Sin is a pandemic! Only one vaccine will work! The blood of Christ! Who’s report will you believe? A lie or the truth? I believe the report of the Lord! As for me and my house we will serve the Lord! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Bethlehem Times Report!

Luke 1:1-2  Greek Translation: “[For as much] as may be taken in hand to set forth in order as a detailed account the declaration of those things most surely believed with an ample and complete account confirmed with the fullest evidence and fully proved to be fully persuaded these things did occur! Even they brought forth many eye witnesses and ministers under authority of the intelligent spoken words of these events.” Comment: Luke the beloved disciple and a physician would be concerned with details! This was not a Democrat investigation with fake news! It was authenticated with facts and eye-witness accounts! It was not a phony he said she said scheme! There is ample evidence to support the account! Luke was proclaiming these events that took place in history! There is a lot of history that is bad but these events are our hope for mankind! This is a historical record established both by government and citizen reports! This is established not by just one eye witness but through many documented sources! The political leader of Judea King Herod confirmed these reports! When the caravan of wise men from the east arrived at Jerusalem Herod knew something was up! They did not travel by camel all the way from Persia for their health! The Roman soldiers ordered to slay the babies at Bethlehem knew something was up? There were too many eye-witnesses to discount this event! In Jewish Law it took at least two witnesses to verify an account! Here there were a multitude of witnesses! From the Angels in Heaven to the government leaders to the shepherds above the hills of Bethlehem! From the Inn keeper to the owner of the manger! No one could dispute the facts! The evidence was overwhelming! The Prophets of the Old Testament prophesied this event hundreds of years before! The ball got rolling in real time when Caesar decided to tax the world! Surely he was a Democrat! It was not fair that Jesus would end up with all the silver and gold! Caesar wanted gifts under his Christmas Tree! He looked out of his Palace window across his Empire and thought if I could get a buck out of each of the peasants in my Empire I would be rich! Did God put this idea in his head? Caesar meant it for evil but God meant it for good! Without the decree of Caesar Joseph and Mary would have never left Nazareth to go to Bethlehem and the Old Testament Prophets who told us that the Christ would be born in Bethlehem hundreds of years before would have been wrong! The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous! Herod tried to stop the birth of Christianity! Trump the leader of the Christian movement is trying to be stopped by another government! Our own government! The battle goes on and has for ages but Christ has won! Writers over thousands of years have spoken about the Christmas story! Hopefully I have contributed a small part in that today! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Bethlehem Times Report!

Last night it was reported that some shepherds in the hills above Bethlehem got blind sided by an unusual event! It was like they got hit by the back side of a Roman sword! Bang! Boom! Bong! Someone rang their bell! The shepherds claimed they were just spending another boring night tending to their sheep in the hills just above Bethlehem! They were guarding their smelly sheep from the wolves who wanted a free lunch! They built a fire to keep warm and protect their sheep! The sheep were just about asleep when the light show started! The shepherd’s thought they led an insignificant life until last night! One shepherd reported that he was thinking about years back when his grandma told him to go to school or you will end up a nobody! Now last night he was thankful to be on the lower end of the food chain! Meanwhile about 90 miles away a young couple had started their journey to Bethlehem from Nazareth by donkey’s! The couple’s names were Joseph and Mary. They had to come to Bethlehem because that scum bum Caesar ordered everyone to return to their home towns to pay more taxes! Since Joseph was of the House of David he had to come back to Bethlehem! The Motel’s were overcrowded since the Decree by Caesar! Caesar needed more money for his military expansion! During their 5-8 mile per day journey his wife Mary pondered many things in her heart! Things like I am pregnant yet a virgin! Try to explain that to your family? Then she thought of the Angel Gabriel appearing and explaining the whole event! Then the Holy Spirit dwelling over her! Then her husband Joseph telling her he was going to divorce her and put her away! Then the Angel speaking to Joseph in a dream and explain the whole purpose of her pregnancy! Instructing him to take Mary as his wife! Joseph was worried about Mary for every bump of the donkey ride meant the child may be born early! Where would they stay in Bethlehem? They had little money! Mean while back at the ranch in the hills of Bethlehem the light show was about to start! Night turned into day! The heat from the lights turned the cool 32 degree night temperature up to 80 degree’s! They began to sweat in the sheep skin jackets! Residents of Bethlehem reported seeing UFO’s! The sheep were getting anxious! Then Bam! The choir of Angels! It was a Northern lights show with sound! It was a rock band that shook everything that could move! These shepherds were surrounded by the Host of Heaven! The shepherds bowels reacted to these climatic events! So did the sheep!Global warming on steroids! There was a light in the sky brighter than the sun! A million voices in the choir! Wow! Super Bowl Sunday! For the first time in their lives the shepherds had a crowd following them! Surrounded by the Glories of Heaven! Fear struck the shepherds and the sheep! The end has come! The rapture is here! Guilt began to overcome the shepherds! We should return those sheep we stole from our neighbor! Then the orchestra and choir in Heaven stopped the music! An Angel told the shepherds this night a Savior is born to you in the city of Bethlehem! Go worship him! Wow again! We need to sell some of these sheep to present gifts to this new King! Then the lights dimmed and a star was hanging over Bethlehem! A new star never seen before! The choir is gone and the cold night returns to those hills above Bethlehem! Judah did you see that! Benjamin did you see that! Did you put something in my food? What have we been drinking? Who will believe our story? Caesar might lock us up! Boy’s we got to get down to that manger and see what this is all about! Round up the sheep let us worship this Savior promised to the world by our great prophets! Merry Christmas guy’s! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Last Arrow in their Quiver!

Dear President Trump,  Look for the Mueller Team to release or leak some unsubstantiated report to the press to shed a bad light on your character just before the mid-term elections! Halloween is alive and well in the deep State! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Abortion, Gay’s, Lesbian’s & Transgenders!

The fate of nations is intimately bound up with their powers of reproduction. All nations and all empires first felt decadence gnawing at them when their birth rates fell off! Benito Mussolini  Comment: Here is a quote from the USA Today Network: “New York–U.S birth rates declined last year for women in their teens, 20’s and 30’s leading to the fewest babies in 30 years! The immigrant population generates nearly 25 percent of babies born here in the U.S. each year.” Now you understand why the Democrats want open borders! To cover their sins of population decline so flood the problem created by them with immigrants! China has 125 men for every 100 women in it’s populations! So the 25 extra men for every 100 women are placed into military service! So then they can march with their armies and conquer nations who have a declining population because those nations cannot field a large army to oppose them! So the socialist political left has set consequences in motion for America that threaten our existence as a nation! Trump is trying to correct some of these imbalances such as hardly any manufacturing plants here in the United States! If a war came to America with no plants particularly steel and aluminum we could not produce war materials to defend our nation! I can only conclude the political left does not want America to succeed! Those manufacturing plants are overseas in nations such as China! God has sent President Trump to us to pull us back from the cliff we were about to fall off of! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Trinity of Communion! 1 John 5:7-8

Verse 7: “These are the 3 that witness a good report in heaven, the Father, the written Word and the Holy Spirit or the Breath of God.: Verse 8: “and these are the 3 that witness a good report in the earth, the Spirit, and the water and the blood; and these 3 agree as one.” Comment: So we see in Heaven a Trinity of the Father, Word and Holy Spirit! So where is Jesus in Heaven? Remember the Word became flesh and dwelt among us! Now let us move down here to the earth. We have a good witness of the Spirit,  the Water and the Blood! We have the Holy Spirit, the Blood (Jesus Christ) and the Water! The Water? There is only one thing the Lord could be talking about here! Baptism! Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River! Jesus washed the disciples feet with water before the Cross! I believe there are 3 elements of Communion! The body, the blood and water! Baptism is a separate ordinance in the church as so is Communion however you cannot separate them spiritually! After Jesus was baptized the Holy Spirit descended on Him! It pleased the Father! Should we want to please God? Baptism is a witness in the earth to the world that we belong to Christ! In Communion we identify with Christ in Heaven here in the earth and in Baptism we identify with Christ here in the earth as a witness to the world! We do these things in remembrance of Him because He first remembered us at Calvary! God first loved us! Do you want to identify with Christ? Can you be saved without baptism and communion? Yes like the thief on the Cross but would you not want to experience the joy and fellowship of communion with God? In order to be in authority we must be under authority! The ordinances of the Church and the tithes and offerings established by God are there to test you and see if you are under God’s authority? You cannot be in God and not under His authority! Do you forsake assembling together in Church on Sunday’s? If you do you are not under His authority! If we really believe the Word of God then we need to practice the Word of God as a witness for Him in the earth and in Heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Pilate’s Report to Caesar!

Go to YouTube search box and type in, “Pilate’s Report to Caesar of the Crucifixion of Jesus” This is an interesting historical record that has some fascinating details of the on scene account of Jesus execution and surrounding reports including Jesus description and resurrection! This audio and written record runs for 28:47 minutes and is really worth listening to! James and Hamsa Sasse.

What Makes America Great?

I sought for her greatness and genius of America in her commodius harbors and ample rivers and it was not there? In her fertile fields and boundless forests but it was not there? In her rich mines and her vast world commerce and it was not there? In her Democratic congress and her matchless Constitution and it was not there? Not until i went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did i understand the secret of her genius and power! America is great because she is good and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great! Alexis De Tocqueville Comment by Eric Metaxas: For Alex it is inescapable; The secret to American freedom is American virtue! Comment: This material was used from a Hal Lindsey Report. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Science and Faith Psalm 90:10

It has been said that those good in the sciences are good in math! We have a Book in the Bible named Numbers! God is so merciful i can even figure out Numerology in the Bible! King David wrote this Psalm around 1000 B.C So the above scripture was written about 3000 years ago! David was inspired by the Holy Spirit when God told him few people live past 70 years old! So how would science verify the Bible? How would we do the math? I know some people lie about their age like Bob Hope and Jack Benny! However except for Obama birth certificates and death certificates tell the story! I went to the 2010 census report for the United States. This report is done every 10 years. They have a category for the 65-74 age group which includes both men and women. According to the chart those living in this category make up 7 percent of the population! So what percent are living in the 70-74 age group? No data but you can figure about 2 percent or less? What are the percentages for 3rd world countries? The health care industry and the whole food industries do not want you to see these statistics! However they can improve you quality of life but not your length of life! Everyone wants to be in that number when the Saints go marching in! However all go marching out! This is March madness and turbo shakes will not change your score! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse

Things I Trust More Than Obama….?

1. Mexican tap water  2. A porcupine with a ‘pet me’ sign 3. Bill Clinton  4. An elevator ride with Ray Rice  5. Taking pills offered by Bill Cosby  6. A Bigfoot sighting  7. A Palestinian on a motorcycle  8. A Hillary Clinton war story  9. Gas station sushi  10. Jimmy Carter  11. Brian Williams News Reports  12. Pete Carroll coaching decisions