Sinless Savior!

1 John 3:5 Greek Translation: “We know, perceive and understand with our mind by sight and actual witness that he was manifested by divine revelation and is unveiled truth a mystery made known to the world. He has come to take away and carry our burdens on a Cross breaking us free from our prison of sins finding our purpose in God. He has no sin because he is more than human he is God! God cannot sin! His purpose was established before the foundation of the world reconciling men to God.” Commentary: The world hates to admit it but God is superior to us! God loves the sinner yet much of the world loves their sin more than God! When you are in love with evil bad things happen! Like a slave who wants to walk away from the plantation yet powerless to do so! Satan is a slave owner! He has millions of souls under his power! He is the master of their souls! They have no power within themselves to break free! They are dependent upon their own sin! Only someone outside of themselves can deliver them because Satan also a spirit controls them from outside of themselves! They need someone who cares about their plight more than they do! They need someone who would sacrifice themselves to deliver them out of bondage! Someone that would love them this much! Hate crucified Jesus on the Cross yet the same hate released his love by forgiveness upon his enemies! The Christ without sin took our sin and the penalty of death upon himself! He took our losses and gave us victory! The slaves became the plantation owners! The peace of God conquered the guilt of sin! Poverty turned to wealth! Sickness turned to health! Joy replaces worry! Death traded in for life! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Easter Thoughts!

The word compassion means to suffer with! Do you see the word passion in compassion? The first use of the word compassion used in our Bible is in Exodus 2:6. Pharaoh’s daughter saw the baby Moses drifting down the river in a basket! She had compassion on the baby and rescued him! The word used here means to have pity and spare! However there is another Hebrew root word used for compassion that really got my attention! This word is used in 1 Kings 8:50 and 2 Chronicles 30:9. The word means the tender mercies of the womb! Moses was a deliverer of his people and the fruit of the womb! Compassion was born! Just as Jesus death was an act of compassion so was His birth! You cannot separate Christmas and Easter! We were not born to die but Jesus was!  We die because of sin but Christ is sinless! So Jesus suffered for us and with us at birth and at death! He took our death upon Himself so that we could live! His resurrection nullified our death! Satan threw the yellow flag with the penalty of death for our sin but Jesus protested the penalty and threw the red flag reversing the decision! The penalty on the field of life is reversed! Our new resurrected life is a 1st and 10! A fresh start! Born again! A second chance at life! His blood defeated death and has won the day and life for us! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Politics & Christmas!

Using Jesus for political points during Christmas time irritates me a little bit! The Democrats use this same trick every Christmas saying we should be compassionate to the illegal immigrants because Jesus was an illegal immigrant? Jesus according to the biblical record was not an illegal immigrant! Joseph and Mary were citizens of Israel. They were of the tribe of Judah and lived in Nazareth! Israel was under Roman occupation during this time in history as was much of the world! When the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus made a decree that the whole world should be taxed (Luke 2:1), Joseph and Mary had to return to their home town of Bethlehem and register for the taxes! Raise taxes? Caesar obviously was a Democrat! In the Old Testament Micah the prophet predicted the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem some 700 years earlier in history! So Caesar played a part in this prophecy some 700 years later! When Joseph and Mary with the baby Jesus fled down to Egypt to escape the late term abortion program of King Herod who killed all the children two years of age and younger to get Jesus you could call that illegal immigration! Why do Democrats throw Jesus under the bus every Christmas? Why do they promote open borders and sanctuary cities? They are in hopes of politically legalizing the 11 million illegal immigrants here in America so they will become Democrats and vote for them so they can hang on to political power! This is there real moral high ground? I want all Democrats to have a Merry Christmas but do not do it spreading lies and fake news about Jesus! I only ask for honesty! The Biblical record is clear if you will read it! Jesus did not break the law becoming an illegal immigrant but fulfilled the law by taking our sin on Himself as our Savior! We are to be compassionate towards the illegal immigrants simply because God is compassionate towards us by incarnating Himself in flesh and being a baby born in Bethlehem as a Savior for all mankind that has ever or will ever live! I will not become a criminal because you say Jesus was a criminal because the Biblical record makes it clear that He never sinned! That is why He was the only sacrifice that could appease God for our sin! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.