Build Back Better?

Since Uncle Joe has taken over there has been a 34 percent increase in Americans running out of gas along streets, highways and interstates across America! What does this lead to? Accidents! Rear end collisions! People getting out of their vehicles at night and being struck by an on-coming vehicle! Way to go Joe! His Transportation Secretary Mayor Pete says the solution is for us to ride bicycles! We pay our politicians our tax money not to create problems but solve problems! What can we say? Go Brandon Go!

For Better or Worse! 1 Peter 3:17

Greek Translation: “For it is better preparing, providing and making ready, if the will of God which pleases God be so, that you suffer for well doing benefiting others, than for doing evil harming others.” Comment: Remember your marriage vows? For better or worse! Sometimes it is better and sometimes it is worse! But together in covenant with God we stay together! Everyone will suffer in this world! Suffering does not discriminate! You will suffer either for the right reason or the wrong reason! If you are suffering for the right reason then your persecution comes from those that hate God! If you are suffering for evil then your persecution is coming from God! In the end Job was rewarded for his righteous persecution! God gave him back all he lost plus much more! Patience is your reward to see the righteousness of God! Time exposes the truth for the righteous and the wicked! Jesus chose suffering to deliver us from Satan our accuser! So what is our obligation back to God for suffering for us? Even though Salvation is a gift from God we still suffer the same persecution Jesus did for us! If you want to love God then receive his gift of eternal life to you! To hate God is to reject his gift! When you lift up the name of Jesus in the earth persecution will come but for the right reason! Rejecting God will bring the judgment of God! Jesus took our suffering and defeated death and the hell that was reserved for us! Now he is seated at the right hand of his Father in Heaven praying for the believer’s in the earth and awaiting the time for his second coming back to earth! He took our judgment and part of his reward is to be judge of all the living and the dead! God’s grace to you is greater than anything you could ever do on your own! By grace you are saved and not of yourselves! When your Facebook, Google or YouTube account is shutting you down because you posted a Bible verse there understand the persecution is against Christ himself and they want to shut him up and the only way to do that is to shut you up! Be patient and keep taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The White Wave!

“Depend on it, your dying hour will be the best you have ever known! Your last moment will be your richest moment, better than the day of your birth will be the day of your death. It shall be the beginning of Heaven, the rising of a sun that shall never go down no more, forever!” Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892), Baptist Preacher