Dumber than Dumb? Luke 1:20

God gets the job done in spite of us! God has to use difficult people! This is all he has to work with! Zechariah was a Priest in the Jewish Temple. He studied scriptures all his life! He was a Holy man! He feared God! He prayed faithfully and had dedicated his life to the service of God and his people! It was the time of incense at the altar! The people were praying that the sacrifice would please God! He and his wife Elizabeth were old and his wife was barren! No children! They were praying a long time for a child. So God answers their prayer and sends Gabriel the messenger Angel to tell Zechariah the good news! The angel even told him they were to name the child John who became known as John the Baptist! So Zechariah tries to talk God out of this miracle by claiming they were too old to have children! He tried to explain to God it was impossible! Remember a miracle is always something done by God that you cannot do on your own! So God had to strike Zechariah dumb for a season so he would not go around telling people this is impossible! God could not let him talk himself out of a miracle! God cannot do miracles in your life as long as you in unbelief talk yourself out of it! The disciple Thomas had the same problem! He said I will not believe unless I touch his wounds and touch the scar in his side! Actions follow words! King Herod did believe the wise men! However even in belief he chose to oppose God’s plan for the redemption of men and try to kill the baby Jesus! He slew the children in Bethlehem and killed the mother’s that were pregnant with child! Abortion on demand! You can believe God yet oppose him by your words and actions! You can also oppose God by your unbelief! When you believe Christ and his promises to you and act in accordance with his Word righteousness is sown into the earth! The same Herod’s of today oppose Christ! Happy Holiday! We need to create laws that suppress the believers in Christ and oppose his Kingdom on earth! Take the Christian bakers to court! We must by law criminalize Christianity! God is faithful and John the Baptist was born to Zechariah and Elizabeth the forerunner of Jesus! When God promises you things out of the Bible you need to execute those promises in faith believing them! Claim them as your own! God promised a Savior to the world hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem! Even the devil’s believe yet dumb enough to oppose God and his Christ! Whether Bethlehem or Calvary the devil still tries! Satan the deceiver does believe but will convince his disciples not to believe! This is how deceptive he is! Do not be dumber than the devil and follow him into Hell! Satan wants company in Hell but God wants you in Heaven with him! That is why Christ was born into the earth for the redemption of man! You will follow someone but if not Christ then who? If anyone but Christ you default to Hell! You have hope at Christmas if you follow Christ and the place in Heaven he has prepared for you! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The White Wave!

“Depend on it, your dying hour will be the best you have ever known! Your last moment will be your richest moment, better than the day of your birth will be the day of your death. It shall be the beginning of Heaven, the rising of a sun that shall never go down no more, forever!” Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892), Baptist Preacher