Human DNA In Household Dust!

New York: Criminals beware! Researchers have found for the first time identified human DNA in household dust which is a breakthrough which could be used in the future to trap murderers and thieves by proving their presence at a crime scene at a certain time! Source: Times of India,  June 2, 2008 Comment: The dust of the earth has the DNA in it that is contained in plants, animals and humans! Why? All the elements in the dust of the earth are found in the human body! Why? We have to go back about six thousand years to Genesis 2:7.  God created man from the dust of the earth! So all living creatures, plants and tree’s and the soil contain the same DNA properties! This is not rocket science but science will always verify the Holy Scriptures! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Abortion, Gay’s, Lesbian’s & Transgenders!

The fate of nations is intimately bound up with their powers of reproduction. All nations and all empires first felt decadence gnawing at them when their birth rates fell off! Benito Mussolini  Comment: Here is a quote from the USA Today Network: “New York–U.S birth rates declined last year for women in their teens, 20’s and 30’s leading to the fewest babies in 30 years! The immigrant population generates nearly 25 percent of babies born here in the U.S. each year.” Now you understand why the Democrats want open borders! To cover their sins of population decline so flood the problem created by them with immigrants! China has 125 men for every 100 women in it’s populations! So the 25 extra men for every 100 women are placed into military service! So then they can march with their armies and conquer nations who have a declining population because those nations cannot field a large army to oppose them! So the socialist political left has set consequences in motion for America that threaten our existence as a nation! Trump is trying to correct some of these imbalances such as hardly any manufacturing plants here in the United States! If a war came to America with no plants particularly steel and aluminum we could not produce war materials to defend our nation! I can only conclude the political left does not want America to succeed! Those manufacturing plants are overseas in nations such as China! God has sent President Trump to us to pull us back from the cliff we were about to fall off of! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

God Plant’s Word’s First! Isaiah 51:16

Hebrew Translation: “I have put my words the Ten Commandments into the border of your mouth, and have concealed thee in the shadow of my hand with power and strength, that I may plant the heavens and lay the foundation of the earth, and say unto Israel, unto Jerusalem, thou art my people.” Comment: God has planted his words into the mouth of the Jews even before creation! Remember John 1:1? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. God’s Word established the world! It is the first cause of everything! Notice God has concealed the Jews from their enemies! He has given them power and strength over their enemies! They are the head and not the tail. When God’s Word lives in your heart, soul and mind then we become his people! God gives us a new heart! His heart! Jesus said we must be born again! A new creation where sin no longer controls us! Our flesh is defeated and God’s Spirit rules the day within us! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Where Two Roads Meet!

One road is a pathway of promoting the gay lifestyle and state sanctioned gay marriage. The other road is where there is a denial and effort to downplay any connection between Islam and the reason American’s are dying from terrorist attacks. This has resulted in an Islamic gunslinger visiting a gay bar! Islamic gunslingers attending a Christmas party and Islamic Bombers participating in the Boston Marathon! Obama has promoted his agenda and American’s are paying a price! Who is next? Obama’s solution is to disarm law abiding citizens! As these Islamic immigrant plants grow and strengthen and plan their attacks you who care about America must be vigilant and protect your family! Our United States Constitution gives you the opportunity to bear arms and defend your family! Do not despise the framework our Founding Father’s established to defend America and your family! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.