Socialism is Theft! Exodus 20:15

One of the consequences of such notions as “entitlements” is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence! Winston Churchill Comment: Socialism is not Biblical! It is theft! If I take something that belongs to me and give to a poor person then I am doing the Biblical model! If I take something that does not belong to me and give it to the poor I am stealing! Jesus instructed the rich man what he had to give to the poor but he did not ask him to steal property that was not his to give to the poor! Robin Hood was a thief! He was a socialist! Jesus took the little boy’s lunch and multiplied it to feed 5000 people! God will multiply what you have gotten honestly and then will multiply it for you to help others! The steward that multiplied his talents was commended by Jesus but the steward that buried his talent was condemned! Our National Debt has everything to do with Socialism! If Jesus were a socialist then he would have raided Herod’s Treasury and used the funds to feed the 5000! Judas was a thief! He robed the Temple treasury to betray Jesus! Do you tithe your income to your local church? Do you give offerings to ministries? If not you are robbing God! Give your lunch to Jesus and he will feed the multitude! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Trinity of Communion! 1 John 5:7-8

Verse 7: “These are the 3 that witness a good report in heaven, the Father, the written Word and the Holy Spirit or the Breath of God.: Verse 8: “and these are the 3 that witness a good report in the earth, the Spirit, and the water and the blood; and these 3 agree as one.” Comment: So we see in Heaven a Trinity of the Father, Word and Holy Spirit! So where is Jesus in Heaven? Remember the Word became flesh and dwelt among us! Now let us move down here to the earth. We have a good witness of the Spirit,  the Water and the Blood! We have the Holy Spirit, the Blood (Jesus Christ) and the Water! The Water? There is only one thing the Lord could be talking about here! Baptism! Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River! Jesus washed the disciples feet with water before the Cross! I believe there are 3 elements of Communion! The body, the blood and water! Baptism is a separate ordinance in the church as so is Communion however you cannot separate them spiritually! After Jesus was baptized the Holy Spirit descended on Him! It pleased the Father! Should we want to please God? Baptism is a witness in the earth to the world that we belong to Christ! In Communion we identify with Christ in Heaven here in the earth and in Baptism we identify with Christ here in the earth as a witness to the world! We do these things in remembrance of Him because He first remembered us at Calvary! God first loved us! Do you want to identify with Christ? Can you be saved without baptism and communion? Yes like the thief on the Cross but would you not want to experience the joy and fellowship of communion with God? In order to be in authority we must be under authority! The ordinances of the Church and the tithes and offerings established by God are there to test you and see if you are under God’s authority? You cannot be in God and not under His authority! Do you forsake assembling together in Church on Sunday’s? If you do you are not under His authority! If we really believe the Word of God then we need to practice the Word of God as a witness for Him in the earth and in Heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Giving to Ministries

I cannot tell you where to give or how much to give! That is between you and God! Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive! I am not soliciting to give to this ministry or any other ministry! I got a call from Joel Osteen Ministries today Sunday. They wanted a $35 dollar donation. I suggested to the caller that he should make a disclaimer to all donors that our tithe first belongs to the local church! He agreed yet I asked him why he did not tell me this? Then I asked him if he worked for Joel Osteen Ministries? He told me he was a private contractor collecting money for the ministry. I told him I thought Joel was a good preacher but does not enter into the cultural warfare breaking down America! I mentioned that Joel lives in a 10.5 million dollar mansion! He owns another house worth 2.9 million and another lot worth 1.9 million! The caller told me we cannot judge him! I told the caller I am not judging anyone but these are just facts about Joel’s lifestyle! His lifestyle does not fit the Jesus I know in my Bible? I told the caller I appreciate him giving up his 200 thousand annual dollar salary back in 2007 from the church. However his net worth is 40 million dollars! He sells his books but most of the money is gained by Christian’s buying his books! This is money from believer’s in the Church! Could this money have been more productive by church member’s investing in their local church? Also the 501c tax exemption allows the escape of tax money to the treasury department and that short fall has to be made up by the American tax payer! The caller told me I need to move on! Here is the point I am trying to make! Jesus said to render unto God what is His and to Caesar what is his! The tithe is automatic going to your local church! The offering is optional! To give to any ministry I need to see sacrifice from the leadership! If God speaks to you to give to Joel Osteen Ministries do it! Joel’s father is the one who really sacrificed to build the foundation for Joel! The same can be said of Franklin Graham. He gets 880 thousand dollars per year annual salary! Billy Graham’s net worth is 25 million dollars! I have to see examples of sacrifice for me to invest in any ministry! We need to put our money where our mouth is! These ministries do great things but the love of money is still the root of all evil! I would suggest that all ministries tithe their incomes to other ministries and support for the poor, widow’s and orphans! My prayer is those who read this will get a conviction in their heart’s including myself to be wise with our resources and invest into those who mirror Jesus Christ the most! Will 35 dollars break me? No! I wanted to make a point to our caller! God Bless your ministry! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Do The Righteous Suffer With The Wicked? Isaiah 6:10-13

Absolutely! Even one step further they suffer for the wicked! Jesus on the Cross for us is the best example! How about Moses in Egypt? Isaiah was frustrated! He asked the Lord how long shall I preach to a people who have a fat heart, heavy ears, blind eyes and a heart that does not understand? The Lord answered and said, “Until their cities be wasted without an inhabitant, and their houses without men and the land utterly destroyed.” The Lord removed them to a far place (Babylon). After 70 years the Lord said ten percent would return as a Holy Seed! If you could get an accurate account of how many Christians today faithfully give their tithe to the work of the Church most Pastors would probably say about ten percent! It has been said that if every Christian would tithe their income and not rob God there would be enough funds to Evangelize the world in about 30 days! However most cannot even trust God with 10 percent of their income yet the same people claim they are going to trust God with their eternity? Someone is blowing smoke here? Jesus and John both quoted Isaiah 6:10, explaining that the 1st Century Jews were no different than the Jews living in Isaiah’s day 800 years earlier! Remember as Jesus predicted the Romans destroyed their Temple in 70 A.D. and carted off all the wealth of the Temple and burned Jerusalem and carted off one hundred thousand Jewish slaves to build the Roman Coliseum! Then the Christians were martyred in the Coliseum for the next 300 years! Is the 21st Century Church any different from the Jews in 1st Century Palestine? Are you a 10 percenter? God will never forsake the righteous or their seed begging for bread! I share this message with the beggars in the streets as I give alms to them and a testimony of God’s faithfulness! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Blowing Smoke! Malachi 3:8

The first time the tithe is mentioned in our Bible is in Genesis 14:20. Abram gave a tithe to the Priest Melchizedek! This was before the Law of God was given to us by Moses. I find it difficult sometimes when Christian’s profess that they trust God with their Salvation and eternal life yet they will not trust God with ten percent of their income? This is a contradiction! Jesus commended the widow when she put all she had into the offering plate while others just gave a little off the top! We had some interesting experiences while doing mission work in India! When we would go into the remote villages and preach the Gospel the people would bring us tithes and offerings after the services! This widow brought us a small little chicken on a string about the size of a pigeon! I could not refuse it because it was all she had! I understood this tithe and offering was going to cost her a few meals! Another villager brought us a goat! We named him Charles but he was a real headache for me! I have found that the more money people have the harder it is to give! Why? Simply because they begin to trust in their wealth rather than God! You say you trust God here on earth? Show me! Your tithe belongs to the local church and your offering as God leads you! As a small boy growing up on a farm in Nebraska the annual county fair was the highlight of our life! All the carnival rides, freak shows and other entertainment would be there! Today all the freak shows have moved to Washington D.C.! We would save our quarters all year long getting ready for the fair! They had this one little side show where you put a quarter in the machine and then you turned this little crank wheel and moved your drag line out above the toys beneath it and dropped your bucket to try to catch a prize! I would explain to my little brother Tommy how the last guy that lost his quarter made his mistake and I would have not done it that way! We watched others for two days lose their money to learn from their mistakes! Finally the guy running the concession stand lost his patience with us and shouted at me and said, “Hey boy! Put your money where your mouth is!” That is what God is asking us to do! Not unreasonable! Also other ministries should tithe their income to other ministries! Otherwise they rob God of His tithes! You can read the rest of Chapter three to see the outcome if you disobey God! Simple obey Him and be blessed! James and Hamsa Sasse.

$30000 Dollar Perfume! Mark 14:5

Would you spend thirty thousand dollars on perfume for your girl friend or wife? How about that much money spent on perfume for a burial! Probably not! Most Christian’s today would have picked up a bottle of perfume at Dollar Tree for Jesus! The pence or denarius was a day’s wage in the first Century! The pence was equal to ten asses or donkey’s and would have the purchasing power to get this many for a day’s wages! The day laborer and the Roman soldier got one denarius or about 20 cents for a day of labor! The denarius was a small silver coin. So the woman that anointed Jesus with this precious perfume spent 300 days labor for this act of love! The average American worker makes about 100 dollars per day wage. So the American worker at 300 day’s labor would spend thirty thousand dollars on Jesus perfume! If you were a millionaire and made 365 million dollars per year then he would spend 300 million dollars on Jesus perfume! Is it any wonder the crowd got upset at this woman? She was making them look bad! The crowd said the money could have been given to the poor! Jesus said the poor you always have with you! Since the 1960’s the American taxpayer has spent hundreds of billions of dollars on programs for the poor but the poor population has grown in numbers since then? Jesus complimented her and told her this anointing was for my burial. What she did stands as a memorial to her forever! You will meet her in Heaven! Today it is just like pulling teeth to get Christian’s to tithe their income to the church? They will not do it unless they get an income tax deduction! Forget about the offering? I find it difficult sometimes when people want God’s Blessings but will not invest into His Kingdom? We get prayer requests for health and prosperity but not a penny investment into God’s Kingdom? The only rationale I can come up with is that they do not believe God exists but in case He does pray for me! It is like playing the lottery! Buy me a ticket in case you win! This woman had wisdom to invest in the Kingdom while she was living on earth that paid eternal dividends! Her memorial stands 2000 years later! Another interesting word us for perfume is spikenard. Two Greek words make up this English word! It literally means a genuine true beloved friend of foreign origin! Are you a true beloved friend of Jesus? Is He like a treasure of foreign origin to you? Like my grandpa used to say put your money where your mouth is! Put up or shut up! James and Hamsa Sasse.

New Revelation on the Clinton Foundation!

It is hard to get information about the Clinton Foundation because it is set up in Canada where under Canadian law they do not have to disclose donors! What happened to transparency? You have to sue Obama to get something that is to be provided to the citizens by Constitutional law! Anyway through law suits under the Freedom of Information Act under our Constitution information is slowly being released! What we have learned is that the Clinton Foundation is spending on itself as a proclaimed charity 90 percent of all income taken in! Ten percent of collected funds go to charities! I would like to know the names of those charities? This is an example of Santa Claus turning into a scrooge! Santa delivers 10 gifts to the children on Christmas morning and keeps 90 gifts for himself? We need to ask ourselves as Christian’s how much of our income do we spend on ourselves? How much does the ministry you support spend on themselves? To be a good steward it is intellectually honest to ask your church for the annual budget report! If they are buying jet planes and putting property in their names it is time to step back and pray about your investment! Are they using the funds to proclaim the Gospel, mission work, helping widows, orphans, single moms and homeless people on the outer fringes of our culture? Our income requires time and we have only so much of it before we stand before Jesus! If we amass a lot of money with no compassion for the lost then we are bankrupt before God! The word time in the Greek means to  Honor God with your tithes and offerings as one of the ways we worship God to say to Him i am who i claim to be as a believer in His name! A believer who names the name of Christ and follows His Commandments while here on earth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Don’t Worry!

A wealthy man who had retired decided to go on a cruise to the south pacific! He was elderly and his wife had passed on so he thought it might help him with her loss! Into the second week of the cruise a typhoon hit and the ship began to take on water! The ship sank and he found himself floating in the warm pacific ocean! After three days he drifted unto this small island! A day later another man from the cruise ship drifted ashore! The rich man was not much worried about their plight but the other man was frantic! The worried man walked around the island looking for food and water! When he got back he reported he saw a giant Komodo dragon lizard that almost caught him! He told the rich man the only food on this island is you, me and the lizard! The rich man told him not to worry for he made ten thousand dollars a week! The worried man took off again across the island looking for food and water! He reported back no food or water we are going to die! The rich man again said not to worry for i make ten thousand dollars a week! The worried man asked him what good his money would do us? We could try to start a fire with it! The rich man told him he makes big offerings to his church and tithes his income to the church and his Pastor is out looking for him right now!

Worship The Right Way! 1 Samuel 13:

Saul was the first King of Israel. He was appointed and anointed by Samuel the Priest of Israel. Saul won a lot of military victories but lost the Spiritual victory! If you lose this victory you lose everything! Saul worshiped the wrong way! He tried to do the Priest’s job! Do not try to worship without the Priest! Jesus is our High Priest but we also have an earthly Priest! Jesus had an earthly Priest and his name was John the Baptist! He prepared the way for Jesus! Your earthly Pastor or Priest prepares the way for you to meet Jesus! Through Jesus you worship the Father! Please do not let your earthly Priest live on locust and wild honey! Your tithe supports your Pastor! You honor your High Priest by honoring your earthly Priest! Give your tithe do not be a fake worshiper! Judas stole the tithe! Saul was in great danger surrounded by the Philistine armies! Samuel was separated from him so he offered the sacrifice for worship! Caiaphas the High Priest of Jerusalem felt threatened by Jesus so he unknowingly offered the true sacrifice for the redemption of man! God Himself! The earthly Priest arranged for the redemption of man! Why we worship and how we worship and who we worship is very important! We worship God alone but understand God became man to establish His Kingdom here on earth! God uses men and women to build His Church! He chooses earthly men and women to lead His Church towards Heaven on earth! Enlist in His Army and follow your leader here on earth! Find a Church this Sunday and worship Him! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christians! Stand Your Ground! Daniel 12:3

Latest IRS revelation is agency is targeting those who give 10 percent or more to charities? That means Christians who follow the Bible and tithe 10 percent or more of their income are targets! The average American gives 2 percent of their income to charities. We as Christians know 10 percent giving is the least we can give. I am 64 years old and have never living here in America all my life seen such an abuse of power by President Obama of any standing president! It reminds me of a mafia figure using federal agencies who are paid by our tax dollars to go after Christians because he does not agree with our Biblical positions on many issues. This life is a battle between good and evil. We are now in America where good is called evil and evil is called good. We need to stand on the side of righteousness regardless of the cost to us. Stand on Holy Ground and continue the fight! Time is short and the good we stand for is locked in by our Christ both now and forever! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.