RideShare Pass!

It was 1973 and Hamsa and I were just married! It was also the start of America’s greatest recession which lasted until 1975! It was the year of the Arab Oil Embargo and President Nixon being impeached! In a matter of a few months living in Denver Colorado we were both laid off from our jobs! So together each day we would go out to the Aurora Colorado unemployment office and look for work! We were still excited about our daily trips to the office because we were living life together! We shared our problems and our joys! We no longer had to be alone! We were having fun in spite of the economic downturn! Our world was bigger now because it included two instead of one! Two could pull easier than one! We solved problems together! I was newly saved and had found Christ! Together we shared our Savior! A three stranded cord is not easily broken! I remember coming out of that office and meeting a blind man on the street! He had an escort and I asked him if I could pray for him? The escort seemed irritated but allowed so I prayed for this man for Salvation and a healing! I long for some of those days where our possessions were few but our Faith was great! When we accumulate too many earthly possessions we can begin to trust those rather than God! So what is the cure? Give them away! That is what Jesus told the rich man to do! To be rich in Christ is better than silver and gold! As Christmas is approaching remember our joy is not based on what we can do but based on what God has done for us! We have not deserved or earned his gifts we just need to receive them! Jesus purchased our RideShare tickets! He has punched those tickets for us and are now along for the ride! Never get off this Gospel train because it is taking you home! There is a joy in the journey because you are not alone and Jesus promised to never leave you or forsake you! He is true to his word! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Reverse Roe vs Wade 1973

With Justice Kennedy retiring this summer President Trump has an opportunity to place another conservative on the bench! The supreme court has reversed itself many times over our history with a later generational membership that saw the error of the court! We are ripe for a reversal now with another generation in the court and with more conservatives on the bench! The 1973 court members that pushed this through have a lot of blood on their hands! Now is the time to stop the murders of our children and the war on women! Please pray that Trump will find the right person with a Christian conscious! The Democrats will try every way to block the next appointment or at least stall it! Begin praying for a victory today in your devotions! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Do You Know That You Know? 1 Kings 13:24

After the death of Solomon the Kingdom of Israel was divided! Rehoboam and Jeroboam were both bad leaders! Jeroboam tried to draw worship away from Jerusalem and Judah by setting up altar’s in the high places around Bethel. Jeroboam himself was trying to offer worship at these altar’s and hired low class people to be Priests! An old Prophet from Judah came over to Jerobaom and warned him not to offer worship from these altars! He did not listen and his arm was rent useless and the altar was rent and the ashes poured out! He asked the old prophet to pray to the Lord to restore his arm again! The old prophet prayed and his arm was restored again! The King was so happy he wanted to reward the prophet! The prophet said no for the Lord told him not to eat bread or drink water from this place! The old prophet rode his donkey back to Judah. Another old prophet from Bethel heard this story and his son’s saddled his donkey and he went out looking for this old prophet of Judah! This prophet of Bethel found this prophet of Judah and told him the Lord spoke to me and you are to go back to Bethel with me and eat bread and drink water? The prophet of Bethel said he was old and also heard from the Lord! So the prophet of Judah went back to Bethel and ate bread and drank water there! On his way back to Judah a lion attacked him and killed him! After this King Jeroboam continued in his evil ways! When God speaks to you you will know that you know! Confirmation by others is alright but if contradictions come to what God has told you follow God! This happened in our call to India from 1980-1983! God spoke to us in dreams and visions. We knew during this time period we were going to the mission field but did not know where? Then God fined tuned the call and in 1983 made it clear it was India. I went to our local Pastor’s in Denver Colorado and they did not seem excited? One Pastor told us we need to go to Bible College for 4 years! Another said he woud pray for us! Another Pastor told us he would send monthly support but never did! None would confirm our calling? I can understand their reluctance! Quit my career job at age 35. A wife with two small children under the age of four! No Bible training? However they did not know i met Jesus on my death bed in 1973! He raised me from the dead! After these dissappointments a short little Pastor by the name of Cho from Korea met us in a church parking lot. He prayed for us for about 30 seconds and told us we would be coming to Korea to be commissioned to India from Korea for three years! He was and still is the Pastor of the largest single church in the world with over one million members! The window opened to India for three years and never opened again! The rest is history! When you hear from God be sure you know that you know! Do not let anyone talk you out of it! If God told you not to go do not let anyone talk you into it! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Yom Kippur-Day of Atonement

The door to Holiness is in you! It is the one marked mistakes. The Holiness of Yom Kippur exists in the space we make through our mistakes. We do not study our defeat to learn from it, we study our defeat to love from it! Source; Rabbi Stephen Baars. Comment; This Rabbi has some good insight here. The year was 1973. I was a young man on my death bed. I had some defeats in my life. I knew it was my last night on earth! I had made one good choice. I received Christ a few days before! I closed my eyes in death. Christ entered the room and told me God Loves You! I am now 62 years old and no experience in my entire life has ever matched Christ coming into my life! Christ’s Love has been healing me ever since 1973. As the Rabbi said His Love flowed out of my defeat! The next 10 years was street ministry to drunks, prostitutes and every other person I met down on Larimer street in Denver, Colorado. Larimer Street was skid row where the worst of the worst hung out! The drunks would be asleep on the side walk and I would awaken them and tell them that Jesus Loves You! It was prison ministry every week. His Love poured out of me and then on to India in 1983. The rest is history. No, His Love continues to flow out of me in 2011. Please see; IndiaJesusLovesyou.com