He Must Be God!

Socrates died with honor, surrounded by his disciples listening to the most tender words-the easiest death one could wish to die. Jesus dies in pain, dishonor, mockery, the object of universal cursing-the most horrible death that one could fear. At the receipt of the cup of poison, Socrates blesses him who could not give it to him without tears; Jesus, while suffering the sharpest pain, prays for his most bitter enemies. If Socrates lived and died like a philosopher, Jesus lived and died like a god. Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-1778, Promoter of the bloody French Revolution.

Be Yourself!

Do not be afraid of being unique! It is like being afraid of your best self! Donald Trump Commentary: He is so right! Identity politics has destroyed more lives than you can count! Identity politics is about being someone else rather than being yourself! If you are male you should be female! Transgenders! If you are a man stay away from women! Homosexuals! If you are white you should have been black! If you are straight haired you should have had curls! If you are a woman you should have been a man! The whole culture runs around trying to be somebody else rather than developing who they are! This is all about an attack on creation and the God who made us! These are Darwinists attacking God and his creation! It is slapping God in the face and saying I do not like me and how you created me! I reject my gender, race and my God! Identify with the God who made you! He will bring the best out of you because no one knows you better than your designer! We were created in the Image of God! Identity politics tries to erase this Image! You are unique because God made you unique! Your best is his best! He will bring out the best in you but remember not everyone will accept you at your best! If God does the rest do not matter! This is the Spirit of America and what has made her great! Only God can release your full potential! Man will try to minimize you! Be your best for who you are and the world will benefit from you! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

I Will Be Home For Christmas?

I was shopping in a store today and heard this old Christmas Song! It was really nice to hear then something struck me kind of funny! With the pandemic going on for past months almost everyone is home! Kids from school, workers locked down from their jobs! Only exception would be the military! So we need a new song that says I will be away from home for Christmas! A travelers dream song! Away from home with all the craziness of the lock down! Perhaps in 2021 we can all get away from home for a change? So your new year’s resolution is you would like to just get in a car, plane, ship, train or bus and just freely travel! Perhaps with the new vaccine this will come to pass and we will all be let out of jail with a free pass! Santa’s workshop is also locked down so just tell your kids that Santa will deliver their presents next year! Merry Christmas!

Thy Will Be Done!

A man can surely do what he wills to do, but cannot determine what he wills! Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) Our will opposes the Kingdom of God and his Christ! This is why Jesus gave us the Lord’s prayer for us to recite! Your free will will net a bad outcome and will destruction in your life! God’s will for your life is redemption and victory over death hell and the grave! Heaven awaits those that do the will of God! Hell awaits those that do their own will! Jesus went to the Cross so that the will of the Father could be done in your life! Jesus made it possible for you! Outside of him only the will of men is done with devastating results! Death rules instead of life! Riots, mobs, gangs, arsonists and anarchist rule the day! Drugs and murder roam the streets! Law and order is rejected chaos is the order of the day! Our will is wicked and self destructs upon us! Who are you following is the test of where your will belongs! Are you following Jesus or Satan? Life or death? Sickness or health? Poverty or prosperity! Righteousness or wickedness? Submission or rebellion? You have already made your choice! However you can change before it is too late! Choose this day who you will serve! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Be Thankful!

Mostly it is loss which teaches us about the worth of things! Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) Commentary: This old philosopher got it right again! Truth is truth regardless of what generation it lives in! My wife of 37 years went to the hospital for 7 days! Then she no longer slept beside me as she had for 37 years! It was like the house was empty! Because of COVID-19 I could not visit her in the hospital! I asked the Lord if you bring her back I will do whatever it takes to take care of her at home! God brought her back and now I am able to take care of her again! While she was gone to me she became more valuable! People error by looking for what they do not have! That is why they buy lottery tickets! So where did all this start? It started in heaven! Lucifer had the top job in heaven leading the praise and worship around the thrown of God! But one day he looked at God who appointed him to his position and decided this job was not good enough? I will replace God! Rebellion followed and one third of the angels who followed him were cast out of heaven down to earth! His influence and rebellion continues down here on earth! People who do not value God try to replace him with themselves! The gift of life is not respected or valued! Sadly for some only the loss of life will cause people to understand the value of life! Jesus lost his life on a Cross for you a sinner because God values your life! Then he took his life up again from the dead at the resurrection so you could be raised from the dead! Jesus second coming as his first coming is only because he values your life even above his own! True sacrifice is to value the life of others more than your own life! This is what God has done and is doing today and will be doing tomorrow for you! This is God! James & Hamsa Sasse, GodWhoisGod.com