Cutting a Covenant! Isaiah 49:16

“Behold, I have cut, prescribed and decreed a permanent law giver and ruler upon the palms of your hands, thy walls are a perpetually an offering before me.” Comment: The Hebrew word for palms is the eleventh character of the Hebrew alphabet. The shape of the letter is as the form of open hands as expressed in prayer and praise as opposed to a clenched fist! The word also means a permanent binding! Remember what Jesus disciple Thomas said in John 20:25? “Except I see in his hands the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side I will not believe.” Thomas was telling the other disciples that this would be the only way he would believe Jesus rose from the dead! The word “nails”, used in Greek has an interesting meaning! It actually means the outward manifestation of something much greater than the outward marks! So who was Isaiah talking about a permanent law giver, ruler who’s sign was cut or engraved into his hands? When Jesus returns for His Church what is one of the ways you could identify Jesus? The permanent engraving in his hands and side! Maybe like Thomas you would ask him to show you his hands and side? Did Thomas believe? Thomas went to India where he was martyred with a spear! Thomas also has a mark in his side! Thomas began a Christian community there which is thriving there today! What did Isaiah mean by thy walls are a perpetual offering before me? The walls of the Temple and the Church! Worship! The walls of the tomb! Sacrifice! Sacrifice and worship are eternally linked together! You cannot have one without the other! Keep that in mind on your journey to Heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Fear Not!

Just before Jesus raised the dead, healed the sick or calmed the storm he said, “Fear Not!” So what did he mean? Why did he say it? The Greek word is phobia which means to be in awe of or revere! To exalt it! To worship it! How do we worship fear? Watch violent movies! Have evil thoughts and replay them over and over again in your mind! We live in a violent world today just as Jesus did! Fear causes us to sin! I will do whatever it takes to get what i want! Love is just the opposite of fear! Love means to have affection or benevolence towards people! To have charity! It means more than just being a friend! It means to sacrifice for others! It does not mean to sacrifice others! That is what fear promotes! Hell is full of the fearful! They believe the lie that God does not love them! Heaven is full of love! For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son! A sacrifice for you and me to deliver us from our fear! Be a giver and not a taker in 2017! Start today! James and Hamsa Sasse.