Trade Deficiets & Illegal Immigration!

The measure of the wealth of a nation is indicated by the measure of its protection of its industry; the measure of the poverty of a nation is marked by the degree in which it neglects and abandons the care of its own industry, leaving it exposed to the action of foreign powers! Henry Clay (1777-1852), Kentucky Senator, Speaker of House of Representatives and Secretary of State.


The nation certainly would have been better off if President Clinton could have focused on Osama bin Laden without being distracted by the Paula Jones sexual harassment case and it’s criminal investigation offshoots. Bret Kavannah  Comment : I agree with the Judge that we have the impeachment process in our Constitution and any sitting President need not be burdened with litigation while in office! However with Clinton without the law suit his pursuit of women would not have been impeded! However like Clinton and others they had never read the Quran so they were ignorant of their theology and the destructive history of Islam! Obama supported Islam and it grew during his administration! He even wrote in one of his two published books; The Audacity of Hope ad My Father’s Dreams that when push comes to shove I will side with the Muslims! Over 600000 Muslims immigrated to the United States during his administration and also sending a plane load of cash to Iran! Kavannah is correct that any litigation against a President should be held off until he is out of office! Democrat or Republican! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Putin, Gays & Immigration!

Europeans are dying out! Do you not understand that? Same sex marriages do not produce children. Do you want to survive by drawing migrants? But society cannot adapt so many migrants! Vladimir Putin  Comment: Even Putin see’s the light but not the Democrat’s on the left? What about the 57 million dead American’s through abortion? A missing generation of children! If the Democrat’s continue their genocidal policies no wonder they want open borders, sanctuary cities and  illegal immigration! They need bodies to replace the dead! The dead from their policies! Even our enemies see their error! Tragically many who live here in America cannot? James and Hamsa Sasse.

One World Two Kingdoms! Acts 17:26-27

Greek Translation; “God has made one flesh and blood of all nations of an organized people of men (Democracy), to dwell in a fixed dwelling place on the face behaving to the eye of another on the earth and has set boundaries for the time (not chronos), but the opportunity to do something with my specific Commands for my specific purpose. That they should seek the Lord, if decisively, then they might feel after him and find him, though he be not far from every one of us.”  Comment: So is God a Nationalist or a Globalist? We see here that God created everything but yet set boundaries! Boundaries like the ten Commandments and territorial boundaries! God respects sovereignty! No sanctuary cities in Heaven where criminals can hide! Heaven has a border and so does Hell. Notice we are to decisively seek God making a conscious decision to do so! We have one world but two Kingdoms! Two Kingdoms competing for dominance! God promotes life and Satan promotes death! God wants righteousness to reign and Satan wants evil to reign! This is what this war on earth is all about! God has an immigration policy that prohibits illegal immigrants from entering Heaven! The screening process is the Blood of the Lamb! Jesus atoning blood must be applied to your heart and mind! This will legalize your status into Heaven! The refugee’s from Hell are looking for illegal entry into heaven! Satan wants a one world government with no borders or rules must like his first attempt at the Tower of Babel. God thwarted his plan dividing one language into many to confuse their attempt! God’s rescue plan was to send His only Son Jesus Christ into the world to save humanity! God promised Israel a land of their own through His Covenant promises! A case for Nationalism here! Jesus said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel. Not to destroy cultures as marching armies have done throughout history but to redeem people within the context of their own cultures! That is to recruit people from wickedness to righteousness! One nation under God! Did you ever wonder how the Book the Bible ends? Read the Book of Revelation! Read the last Book! Want to see the ending! The two opposing Kingdoms of this world go into a final battle! Satan rules the world during a short seven year tribulation period! With the greatest destruction known to world history! Christ returns with the saints at the end of the seven year period conquering Satan and his armies and setting up Christ’s Millennium reign for a thousand years! Want to know more well read the book! So which leader of which Kingdom are you following right now? You can ignore the truth and believe a lie but it will cost you your eternity separated from God! My responsibility is to warn you of future events and the importance of your decision about Christ! Eternity is a long time in fire! The rich man tried to warn his family still living on earth about the misery of Hell but Lazarus told him if they would not believe Moses why would they believe me? The truth is you can thank someone for your redemption in Heaven but who will you blame in Hell? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Jesus a Colonialist? Mark 16:15

Jesus commanded us to go out into all the world an preach the Gospel. By definition Jesus is a colonialist! Was Hitler a colonialist? Lenin? Stalin? Imperial Japan? Ho Chi Minh? Columbus? If you read the journal’s of Christopher Columbus and his voyages you will find that his highest priority was the evangelize the New World in Christ’s name! When the Pilgrim’s came to America they found the native American Indian tribes warring against each other! Colonialists? Are the Islamist colonialists? Absolutely! The cultural war here in America is a war against believers who follow Christ with the Holy Bible! If you are not colonializing in Jesus name then you are colonializing in your own name or another name! Are you colonializing in the name of evolution? Are the Republican and Democratic parties colonialists? Absolutely! The illegal immigration debate is all about legalizing them not that they care about them but to get the credit so they will vote for their party so they can stay in political power! They are pawns in a chess game! Is God a colonialist? Is Satan a colonialist? There are and always have been two Kingdoms being colonialized with people! Heaven and Hell. Which Kingdom will you end up in? Depends what you do with Jesus Christ! The political left and the anti-colonialist movement is all about turning back the light of Christ and the stability of Christ and America to the dark ages! To break down the very foundation that has made America the greatest Nation on earth! The only two nations on earth that stand in the way of the one world government with Anti-Christ leading with his false prophet is America and Israel! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Politics & Christmas!

Using Jesus for political points during Christmas time irritates me a little bit! The Democrats use this same trick every Christmas saying we should be compassionate to the illegal immigrants because Jesus was an illegal immigrant? Jesus according to the biblical record was not an illegal immigrant! Joseph and Mary were citizens of Israel. They were of the tribe of Judah and lived in Nazareth! Israel was under Roman occupation during this time in history as was much of the world! When the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus made a decree that the whole world should be taxed (Luke 2:1), Joseph and Mary had to return to their home town of Bethlehem and register for the taxes! Raise taxes? Caesar obviously was a Democrat! In the Old Testament Micah the prophet predicted the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem some 700 years earlier in history! So Caesar played a part in this prophecy some 700 years later! When Joseph and Mary with the baby Jesus fled down to Egypt to escape the late term abortion program of King Herod who killed all the children two years of age and younger to get Jesus you could call that illegal immigration! Why do Democrats throw Jesus under the bus every Christmas? Why do they promote open borders and sanctuary cities? They are in hopes of politically legalizing the 11 million illegal immigrants here in America so they will become Democrats and vote for them so they can hang on to political power! This is there real moral high ground? I want all Democrats to have a Merry Christmas but do not do it spreading lies and fake news about Jesus! I only ask for honesty! The Biblical record is clear if you will read it! Jesus did not break the law becoming an illegal immigrant but fulfilled the law by taking our sin on Himself as our Savior! We are to be compassionate towards the illegal immigrants simply because God is compassionate towards us by incarnating Himself in flesh and being a baby born in Bethlehem as a Savior for all mankind that has ever or will ever live! I will not become a criminal because you say Jesus was a criminal because the Biblical record makes it clear that He never sinned! That is why He was the only sacrifice that could appease God for our sin! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

God’s Immigration Policy! John 3:16

New World Quote; “And I say that your Highnesses ought not to consent that any foreigner does business or sets foot here, except Christian Catholics since this was the end and beginning of this enterprise, that it should be for the enhancement and glory of the Christian religion, not should anyone who is not a good Christian come to these parts. Here may be found the first suggestion of the exclusive Colonial Policy that Spain and the other nations followed.” Christopher Columbus. Comment: God’s immigration policy is honest and fair! Everyone can apply regardless of sex, race or ethnic origin! No one is denied based upon their past! Everyone who chooses Christ and cast their vote for Him and accepts the terms of the agreement is in! Your parents and grandparents cannot choose Him for you only you have to decide! We are all destined for Heaven or Hell or one of two Kingdoms! This is why the little baby born in Bethlehem is a big deal. What we do with God determines what God does with us! God first loved us! If we do not get that we can miss everything else! Ben Shipiro is a smart young Orthodox Jewish kid who I like to listen to his debates with liberals! He believes the Messiah when he comes will be a political figure! I share with him that the political figure who will rule the world for a short seven years will be a Jew and gay but he will be the Anti-Christ! Our Christ is a Jew and so will be the Anti-Christ! Along side the Anti-Christ will rule the False Prophet and be the one world religious ruler! He will not be a Christian or an Orthodox Jew! Christ will never be a political figure because when He returns the second time after the 7 year tribulation period He will be God as He was at His first coming! Political figures are always dependent on who puts them in office! They are controlled by the voters! God is never controlled by anyone and His decisions are always independent of any mortal. Hanukkah is upon us or the Festival of Lights! God did a miracle to defeat the enemies of the Jews! God did a bigger miracle to defeat sin and power of Satan over mortal men! The miracle star over Bethlehem was a light visible to only those who were looking for Him! Are you looking for Him? Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Two Stages to Anarchy! Isaiah 1:28

Hebrew translation “And the destruction of those who break away from religious and civil authority are criminals who habitually break the law and suffer the consequences of their actions shall be destroyed together! They that abandon the Lord shall perish!” Comment: As we look at this scripture we see the first stage is to break from religious authority! It may start as simple as working on Sunday and stop attending church altogether! It could also involve robing God and stop your tithes and offerings to the House of God! In America I have lived long enough to see the break down here started in the 1960’s! It began with the baby boomer generation. All traditional values were questioned especially Christian values! These values were mocked by popular culture in their music and immoral behavior! The courts decided prayer should be removed from our public tax funded schools! A vacuum in any culture is always filled with something else! Darwinism and evolution replaced scripture reading in our schools! Darwin was an atheist who taught our children we all came from monkeys! This explains the monkey behavior today in America! The University academia proceeded along the same lines of thought! Today in America Universities they have safe zones where students cannot hear any opposing views to atheism! Universities used to be the platform for debate on all issues but no longer the case! Free speech is shut down in favor of political correctness! The next stage in anarchy is a break from civil authority! It is lawlessness! Police in the streets of America are being killed simply for representing civil authority! We have riots all over America yet the politicians are telling police departments to stand down and give them space to vent their anger? The police are not intervening to protect the public and property destruction! We have celebrities and sports figures not standing for our National Anthem mocking the millions of American Military and civilians who died to protect our freedoms! Politicians have carved out sanctuary cities protecting criminal aliens who assault and murder our citizens! Drug dealers take sanctuary in these cities selling drugs and killing our young people! We have an immigration policy that lets in people who want to harm us! So according to Isaiah lawless people reject religious and civil authority! As a Christian I support and encourage religious and civil authorities! Now some companies refuse to serve law enforcement people? I would suggest that these companies be put on a “no-go” list where police do not protect them! When their business gets robbed, murdered or raped they can call their mommy for help! The way to counter the counter culture is with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Mirror Mirror on the Wall? Psalm 146:3

After the Comey testimony who is the fairest of them all? Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin or James Comey? Comey drug a lot of witches out of the closet including himself! Hopefully the witch hunt is over now! The clear winner might be Putin! As we fight each other the enemy escapes! The old cliché is I hunted down my enemy and I found out it was me! Forgiveness is the most important element of the Christian faith! I wish the politicians would now focus on making middle class American’s to have a better life! More jobs, better jobs, lower taxes, less debt, strengthen military, protect borders, enforce illegal immigration, give Pastor’s freedom of speech, weaken Islam, stop unfair trade practices and put American’s first! We see the obstructionists to these goals! If you do not believe the American people know what is going on then ask those candidates both Republican and Democrat who ran against President Trump! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Nationalism versus Globalism!

This is what the battle lines are drawn around in American politics! They have for years now! This is the battle between the Republicans and the Democrats! This battle is for the soul of America! Sanctuary cities are about globalism! Enforcement of our immigration laws is about Nationalism! Better jobs for America is about Nationalism! Illegal immigration is about globalism! Secure borders is about Nationalism! No borders is about globalism! A carbon tax on America is about globalism! Socialism is about globalism! Capitalism is about Nationalism! The United Nations is about globalism! Those wanting to destroy Israel is about globalism! Those defending here is about Nationalism! H.G. Wells predicted this battle for America in some of his books he wrote over 120 years ago! This is a civil war going on in America and has not been armed yet! Do you remember our Bible predicting a one world government? The Anti-Christ and the False Prophet or one world religious ruler running things for the seven year tribulation period? What religion will this religious ruler be? How about Islam? The Saints will be raptured! Our public school systems and their labor union are run by the Democratic party! Why are they promoting Islam to the children? Why are they requiring to learn other languages and not promoting English? Why are they promoting the homosexual life style? We know from the Bible that the Anti-Christ will be gay and have no natural affection for women! The Democratic party has a war on women through abortion! All of these things can only be explained through the scriptures and the coming one world government! If you read and study your Bible you will never be surprised by past, present or future events! If you go to he has a very good video about these things on his latest posting! Can you see the hand writing on the wall? Christ will prepare us for these events! James and Hamsa Sasse.