Is Jesus a Colonialist? Mark 16:15

Jesus commanded us to go out into all the world an preach the Gospel. By definition Jesus is a colonialist! Was Hitler a colonialist? Lenin? Stalin? Imperial Japan? Ho Chi Minh? Columbus? If you read the journal’s of Christopher Columbus and his voyages you will find that his highest priority was the evangelize the New World in Christ’s name! When the Pilgrim’s came to America they found the native American Indian tribes warring against each other! Colonialists? Are the Islamist colonialists? Absolutely! The cultural war here in America is a war against believers who follow Christ with the Holy Bible! If you are not colonializing in Jesus name then you are colonializing in your own name or another name! Are you colonializing in the name of evolution? Are the Republican and Democratic parties colonialists? Absolutely! The illegal immigration debate is all about legalizing them not that they care about them but to get the credit so they will vote for their party so they can stay in political power! They are pawns in a chess game! Is God a colonialist? Is Satan a colonialist? There are and always have been two Kingdoms being colonialized with people! Heaven and Hell. Which Kingdom will you end up in? Depends what you do with Jesus Christ! The political left and the anti-colonialist movement is all about turning back the light of Christ and the stability of Christ and America to the dark ages! To break down the very foundation that has made America the greatest Nation on earth! The only two nations on earth that stand in the way of the one world government with Anti-Christ leading with his false prophet is America and Israel! James and Hamsa Sasse.