Two Stages to Anarchy! Isaiah 1:28

Hebrew translation “And the destruction of those who break away from religious and civil authority are criminals who habitually break the law and suffer the consequences of their actions shall be destroyed together! They that abandon the Lord shall perish!” Comment: As we look at this scripture we see the first stage is to break from religious authority! It may start as simple as working on Sunday and stop attending church altogether! It could also involve robing God and stop your tithes and offerings to the House of God! In America I have lived long enough to see the break down here started in the 1960’s! It began with the baby boomer generation. All traditional values were questioned especially Christian values! These values were mocked by popular culture in their music and immoral behavior! The courts decided prayer should be removed from our public tax funded schools! A vacuum in any culture is always filled with something else! Darwinism and evolution replaced scripture reading in our schools! Darwin was an atheist who taught our children we all came from monkeys! This explains the monkey behavior today in America! The University academia proceeded along the same lines of thought! Today in America Universities they have safe zones where students cannot hear any opposing views to atheism! Universities used to be the platform for debate on all issues but no longer the case! Free speech is shut down in favor of political correctness! The next stage in anarchy is a break from civil authority! It is lawlessness! Police in the streets of America are being killed simply for representing civil authority! We have riots all over America yet the politicians are telling police departments to stand down and give them space to vent their anger? The police are not intervening to protect the public and property destruction! We have celebrities and sports figures not standing for our National Anthem mocking the millions of American Military and civilians who died to protect our freedoms! Politicians have carved out sanctuary cities protecting criminal aliens who assault and murder our citizens! Drug dealers take sanctuary in these cities selling drugs and killing our young people! We have an immigration policy that lets in people who want to harm us! So according to Isaiah lawless people reject religious and civil authority! As a Christian I support and encourage religious and civil authorities! Now some companies refuse to serve law enforcement people? I would suggest that these companies be put on a “no-go” list where police do not protect them! When their business gets robbed, murdered or raped they can call their mommy for help! The way to counter the counter culture is with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Independence Day July 4th, 2017

Without moral and intellectual independence there is no anchor for national independence! David Ben-Gurion Comment: When any government decides what is moral and what and how we should think we will become dependent on it. God through His scriptures has already decided what is moral and what is not! Any government that will last has to hold these values close to itself and the people they serve! Political correctness or policed thoughts are contrary to our Constitution and our Founding Father’s framework for our government. We thank every American who is or has served in our military and have made the sacrifices to preserve our Union! We thank our law enforcement officers for protecting us from anarchy and preserving law and order in our land! To our clergy who everyday remind us that without the Blessings of God we will fail. To you and everyday citizens who work and raise their families and have made America great! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Are You a Saint? Philippians 1:1

Thankyou for the promotion! Are the only Saints in New Orleans? The football team there got put on probation and had to pay huge fines for violations of the National Football League Rules! My friend asked me if I thought he would make it to Heaven? Just wondering is not good! I told him that if he did make it he would be on probation for some time! Notice Paul addressed the congregation as “Saints in Jesus Christ!” Apart from Christ there are no Saints! In Him you are one! So by definition what is a Saint? Is it a marble statue in a church or park? No temptation there! According to the Greek a Saint is one who is set apart or consecrated from a common root! If you and I were branches on the same apple tree we would share a common root! We would draw the same nourishment from the same root for life! If we were cut off from that root we would die! As long as we were attached to the same root we would share the same life! So the life that I have is connected to Christ alone! Apart from Him I can do nothing! If I cut myself off from the Tree of Life I will spiritually die! The church cannot save me, the saints cannot save me, the clergy cannot save me and I am disqualified if I trust anyone else other than Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Groundwork for our U.S. Constitution!

This Bible is for the government of the people, by the people and for the people! John Wycliffe (1320-1384) He is most notably known as the Morning Star of the Reformation! He translated the Bible from Latin to English! He rejected the Doctrine of Transubstantiation! He sacrificed his life fighting for the common man and the abuses of the Clergy! Printing Bibles in English and getting them into the hands of the common man was a threat to the aristocracy! Thanks to John Wycliffe we have our English Bibles today! The principalities and powers of darkness declared John a heretic and dug up his corpse and burned it and scattered the ashes into the River Swift that flows through Butterworth England!

Covetousness? Jeremiah 6:13

So what does covetousness mean? It is a word in the Bible and it is something i do not want to do! I always thought it is just wanting someone else’s stuff? However according to the Hebrew definition it is much more than that! It is to gain through violence! It is dishonest gain or plunder! Like aborting babies and selling their body parts! Just before Israel went into captivity to Babylon this was the state of the people! This cancer affected the least to the greatest of people! Jeremiah went on to say it affected the Priests and Prophets also! They dealt falsely! Falsely means anything done with deceitfulness! To even do a right thing in appearance but with evil intentions! It simply means to lie with wicked intentions! So the whole Jewish culture was absorbed with covetousness! Were the Babylonian saints? They were even worse! God has a way to punish the wicked by sending someone to rule you that is even worse! History is full of Nations who have gone down this path! God will always have His voice through His Prophets to warn the people! I would remind America to listen to her Prophets as judgment will otherwise come! Donald Trump will help direct America back towards God and the Clergy must respond to take the mute button off their messages of repentance and proclaim God’s Word across America so that Liberty will once again Rule America! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Church Politics!

If all church power vests in the clergy, then the people are practically bound to passive obedience in all matters of faith and practice; for all right of private judgment is then denied!  Charles Hodges (1797-1878)  Charles was an American Theologian. His father Hugh was a military surgeon during the Revolutionary War! Charles married Sarah Bache the great-granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin. Comment: No organization ever saved anyone! Only Christ saves! Organizations are as imperfect as the people who make them up! Sadly politics is alive and well in the church! Many denomination and church splits are due to politics! On the other side of the issue people who do not want to submit to authority go out and start their own church. Abuse by the clergy and rebellion by the congregation are both destructive! Theology interpretations are also basis for divisions! However the Reformation came out of this! So it can be positive! Suggestion here is whatever your gifting is try to find a leader with the same gifting! Iron sharpens iron! If you are an Evangelist you may be uncomfortable with a leader who is a teacher? However you will still benefit from that gifting! Also find a leader who is open and transparent and not a politician who is manipulating people for his own gain! When I sense a leader is deceptive, manipulative and hides his real intensions I run like Hell! The Holy Spirit will give you discernment to be in the right place where you belong in the Body of Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.