Christmas & Taxes! Luke 2:1-7

The Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus got up on the wrong side of the bed one morning and decided the whole world should be taxed! This taxing was first made by Cyrenius governor of Syria! They must have been Democrats! So poor Joseph had to get on his donkey (hybred vehicle), along with his pregnant wife Mary and ride down to Bethlehem! Mary was also taxed along with Jesus still in her womb! The politicians played an important role in getting Jesus down to Bethlehem to be born fulfilling many Old Testament prophecies! Then another politician named King Herod who wanted to kill the baby Jesus caused them to flee down to Egypt for a couple years to fulfill more prophecy! Then after Herod died they moved to Nazareth where Jesus became known as the Nazarene! So the good bad and ugly of politicians helped to complete God’s promise of a Savior to the world! Many politicians today here in America try to stop Jesus second coming! Their strategy will help promote his second coming as they play the fool! The best way to celebrate Christmas is to understand no one can or will stop Christ from completing his mission to earth! No one can stop his love for the world even by changing his name to Happy Holidays! Rest in his peace and joy this season knowing all is well because of Christmas and Easter! Because his second coming is as sure as his first coming! Only his life and death can assure you of eternal life now and forever! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Roman Homosexuals!

Robert D. Mattei, 63, the Deputy of Italy’s National Research Council, says that the empire was fatally weakened after conquering Carthage, which was described as “A paradise of Homosexuals.” Source: Nick Squires, Rome April 8, 2011. Comment: Let us not forget that this sin was promoted by the political leadership! Roman Emperor’s Augustus, Tiberias, Caligula, Nero and Hadrian were homosexuals! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Politics & Christmas!

Using Jesus for political points during Christmas time irritates me a little bit! The Democrats use this same trick every Christmas saying we should be compassionate to the illegal immigrants because Jesus was an illegal immigrant? Jesus according to the biblical record was not an illegal immigrant! Joseph and Mary were citizens of Israel. They were of the tribe of Judah and lived in Nazareth! Israel was under Roman occupation during this time in history as was much of the world! When the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus made a decree that the whole world should be taxed (Luke 2:1), Joseph and Mary had to return to their home town of Bethlehem and register for the taxes! Raise taxes? Caesar obviously was a Democrat! In the Old Testament Micah the prophet predicted the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem some 700 years earlier in history! So Caesar played a part in this prophecy some 700 years later! When Joseph and Mary with the baby Jesus fled down to Egypt to escape the late term abortion program of King Herod who killed all the children two years of age and younger to get Jesus you could call that illegal immigration! Why do Democrats throw Jesus under the bus every Christmas? Why do they promote open borders and sanctuary cities? They are in hopes of politically legalizing the 11 million illegal immigrants here in America so they will become Democrats and vote for them so they can hang on to political power! This is there real moral high ground? I want all Democrats to have a Merry Christmas but do not do it spreading lies and fake news about Jesus! I only ask for honesty! The Biblical record is clear if you will read it! Jesus did not break the law becoming an illegal immigrant but fulfilled the law by taking our sin on Himself as our Savior! We are to be compassionate towards the illegal immigrants simply because God is compassionate towards us by incarnating Himself in flesh and being a baby born in Bethlehem as a Savior for all mankind that has ever or will ever live! I will not become a criminal because you say Jesus was a criminal because the Biblical record makes it clear that He never sinned! That is why He was the only sacrifice that could appease God for our sin! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christmas Tax! Luke 2:1

“And it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that the whole world should be taxed!” Comment: Did you get that? That the whole world should be taxed! Caesar was surely a member of the Democratic Party! He must have been their poster boy! This decree did get Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem! Caesar did not know he was fulfilling Bible prophecy with his tax decree! Remember years later Jesus said render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s! So the very first Christmas benefited everyone including the politicians! Everyone wins with Christ! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.