Are NFL Players Jehovah Witnesses?

Jehovah Witnesses are conscientious objectors refusing military service and refuse to salute our National Flag! They refuse blood transfusions! They do not celebrate Christmas, Easter and birthdays! They do not believe in the immortality of the soul. They believe there is no Hell. They believe the 144 thousand in the Book of Revelation are the only ones going to Heaven! They believe the last days began in 1914. They believe all present day religions except them will be destroyed by the United Nations! They believe Armageddon will only begin when they are attacked! They believe Jesus Christ began his rule in Heaven in 1917. They distribute Watch Tower Magazines and Awake Magazines going door to door. Comment: They are polite people and come to our neighborhood knocking on doors once a month. I question them about their Faith! I share with them that their organization, Pastor, denomination, doctrines and elders cannot save them! I tell them only Jesus Christ can save you from your sin! They look at me puzzled? I share with them only Jesus Christ can save them from eternal separation from God and eternal Judgment! No response or reply? Can you name His name from your lips? Jesus Christ the Son of the living God! They just walk away turning their backs on the Savior? We are free in America to believe what we want to believe but this organization is not main stream Christianity and is another way to try to climb up to Heaven another way! James and Hamsa Sasse.

NFL Protests & Boycotts!

Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but having the right to do what we ought! Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) Comment: I am going to have to boycott the NFL this season! This is a small sacrifice in terms of the men and women who have died on the battle field for our freedom! For the millions wounded with missing arms and legs! For those mentally affected from the wounds of war! I will always side with those who have sacrificed the most for our nation! This includes our law enforcement who have sacrificed their lives for Americans! To me our Flag and National Anthem represents those people! People can protest America but I will side with those that have given the most for us! That is why I stand for my Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Basket of Deplorables!

How did Hillary know she was referring to NFL players, coaches and owners? Is she a prophet? What is behind this spirit of trashing America? Why would you bite the hand that feeds you? Should we change the name of the NFL? How about the IFL? International Football League! Would this make the left happy? Get rid of Nationalism and go global? This is what this fight is all about! The push for the move to a one world government! If you read and study your Bible you will see this predicted in scriptures! The push is expressed in illegal immigrants rights, no borders, sanctuary cities, single payer health care system, no voter I.D. laws, mockery of National Anthem and more! One of the biggest clues is the promotion of homosexual behavior! My Bible says the Anti-Christ will have no natural affection for women! The one world leader during the 7 year Tribulation period will be a homosexual. Today there are two things simultaneously going on! We have those who are preparing for Christ and His Kingdom and those who are preparing for the Anti-Christ and his Kingdom! These two Kingdoms will clash in the Apocalyptic last war on earth during the 7 year rule of the Anti-Christ! The war will be against Israel. Why Israel? Why would the armies of the earth surround Israel for this last battle with God Himself? Remember the Church is raptured! Why more hate against the Jews? Because Israel produced the Messiah! So which Kingdom are you for? Where is your loyalty? God or Satan? God knows where we stand right now and all of us will stand before Christ at the Judgment Seat of Christ! He will either be your Savior or your Judge! Let it be clear where I stand! “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Two Stages to Anarchy! Isaiah 1:28

Hebrew translation “And the destruction of those who break away from religious and civil authority are criminals who habitually break the law and suffer the consequences of their actions shall be destroyed together! They that abandon the Lord shall perish!” Comment: As we look at this scripture we see the first stage is to break from religious authority! It may start as simple as working on Sunday and stop attending church altogether! It could also involve robing God and stop your tithes and offerings to the House of God! In America I have lived long enough to see the break down here started in the 1960’s! It began with the baby boomer generation. All traditional values were questioned especially Christian values! These values were mocked by popular culture in their music and immoral behavior! The courts decided prayer should be removed from our public tax funded schools! A vacuum in any culture is always filled with something else! Darwinism and evolution replaced scripture reading in our schools! Darwin was an atheist who taught our children we all came from monkeys! This explains the monkey behavior today in America! The University academia proceeded along the same lines of thought! Today in America Universities they have safe zones where students cannot hear any opposing views to atheism! Universities used to be the platform for debate on all issues but no longer the case! Free speech is shut down in favor of political correctness! The next stage in anarchy is a break from civil authority! It is lawlessness! Police in the streets of America are being killed simply for representing civil authority! We have riots all over America yet the politicians are telling police departments to stand down and give them space to vent their anger? The police are not intervening to protect the public and property destruction! We have celebrities and sports figures not standing for our National Anthem mocking the millions of American Military and civilians who died to protect our freedoms! Politicians have carved out sanctuary cities protecting criminal aliens who assault and murder our citizens! Drug dealers take sanctuary in these cities selling drugs and killing our young people! We have an immigration policy that lets in people who want to harm us! So according to Isaiah lawless people reject religious and civil authority! As a Christian I support and encourage religious and civil authorities! Now some companies refuse to serve law enforcement people? I would suggest that these companies be put on a “no-go” list where police do not protect them! When their business gets robbed, murdered or raped they can call their mommy for help! The way to counter the counter culture is with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.