Peace and War! Genesis 3:15

The coming of the woman’s seed was Jesus birth! On the Cross Jesus body was bruised and broken! At Jesus second coming Satan’s head shall be bruised and broken! The seed of the woman brought forth a Savior! Since then Satan has declared a war on women through religious systems that persecute women and political systems that promote abortion and same sex marriage! Satan attempts to destroy lives through through religious and political systems that oppose Christ! His plan is to destroy future seed that might come to Christ! Satan also has a war on believers in Christ! He also has a war on Jews for Salvation has come through the Jews! Satan’s offspring is at constant war with Christ’s offspring! God has declared war on evil but His plan also includes His only Son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice made to deliver us from evil. Our judgment for sin was taken on Jesus at the Cross! Christ made peace with God for us in that our judgment was taken by Christ at Calvary! Even the most intelligent human could never devise such a plan! God is awesome in that He has punished the wicked one Satan author of evil forever and yet spared his victims with Salvation and eternal life with God! Amazing Grace! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Voting is a Christian Doctrine !

Choose this day who you will serve! Joshua 24:15. The enemies of “The Cross” try to take our choices away through religion(Islam), and through politics(ObamaCare) ! Vote Biblical Values so that our way of life and freedoms we have are not taken away! Thankyou. James Sasse.