I always thought that John was a rebellious rascal! Even in death not inviting President Trump or his running mate for President Sarah Palin? Forgiveness is the Hall Mark of Christianity! What I did take away from the life of John McCain is that patriotism is not a spectator sport! At my funeral all are welcome to attend! Please do I want someone to show up! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Tag: hamsa
Storm Clouds Europe 1937
By May 1st, 1937 there should not be one single church left within the borders of the Soviet Union, and the idea of God will have been banished from the Soviet Union as a remnant of the Middle Ages, which has been used for the purpose of oppressing the working class. Joseph Stalin Comment: Another follower of Charles Darwin! What is interesting about this time in history is most of the major leaders of Europe were all followers of Darwin yet it lead to WWII? My Bible says a fool has said in his heart there is no God! Christian America had a civil war! The war was about the sin of slavery! Can we go to war for a right cause? Can we go to war for a wrong cause? Yes and no! My concern for America today is that the teaching of Darwinism to our children over generations in our public schools is beginning to pay dividends of anarchy within our nation! Darwinism says just kill your enemies! Those that disagree with you just get rid of them! That was what the Russian Revolution was all about! Jesus had a very different approach! Forgive your enemies! What the Bible shows us is that our 1st enemy is ourselves at war with God! We all need forgiveness! If we will all begin with this then reconciliation is possible! James and Hamsa Sasse, GodWhoisGod.com
Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism! Vladimir Lenin Comment: Marx, Engels and Lenin were followers of Charles Darwin and Evolution! They believed that evolution would inevitably improve men over time to a state of perfection! Their neighbor Hitler also believed the same thing! Hitler believed he could speed up the process by getting rid of the undesirables on planet earth through war! These two cultures believing the same Darwin theory clashed in WWII. There is no historical evidence to support Darwinism but evidence proves just the opposite! The Bible denies evolution and that man is a sinner in need of repentance to God! After teaching our children in public schools for nearly 100 years that Evolution is a real science is it any wonder socialism has a large political following? The teaching of Evolution in our public schools is the left wing of the Democratic Party! Lenin also said if you tell a lie long enough it will become the truth! The biggest threat to our freedom is teaching our children a lie! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Case Against Abortion Jeremiah 1:5
Hebrew Translation: “Before I formed you in the belly I intimately and personally knew you with your distinction between right and wrong. Before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified and morally consecrated you to me. I ordained you a Prophet possessing you with my Divine Spirit. A Prophet unto the non-Jewish (Gentile) nations.” Comment: Notice the non-Jewish nations (Gentiles)? The Jews rejected the message from God through Jeremiah and went into Babylonian captivity for 70 years! We could make a case here that we have a known existence by God before we were physically born into the earth! We were created in the Image of God! But before our birth? Jesus said we must be born again! We know the Trinity pre-existed creation! They were the cause of creation! However I do not support reincarnation! What the Hindus believe. So why would anyone one want to prevent a child from being born? Why at the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem did Herod order the slaying of all children 2 years old and under in the city trying to kill Jesus? Jesus said do not suffer or prevent the children from coming to me for such is the Kingdom of God! Today in America 500 children are murdered by their parents each year! Why over 57 million babies murdered in America since 1973? We have a missing generation of people! What political party would support this genocide? Why would our tax money be used to support the killings? Why would the Democratic Party be attractive to anyone? Because the Democratic Party has always supported immorality! Because it appeals to the sin of man! Whether it be slavery, Jim Crow laws, welfare, gambling, socialism, open borders, sanctuary cities for criminals or anti-law enforcement they have found a following of about 1/2 the U.S. population! Don’t work for a living! Live off the State! Protect illegal immigrants at a cost to their citizens! Government health care! State ownership of everything! The deep State control of every aspect of your life! State worship! Promoting the failed ideologies of Marx, Engels, Lenin and others! If we as Christian’s here in America want to maintain the control of our Constitutional liberties and the implementation of Biblical values then we have to take voting seriously! Support President Trump and those who value Biblical values! Kind of funny but a candidate who is running for office down here in Georgia said she supports both Republican and Democratic voters? Do not elect liars! Lying is not Biblical! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Democrat’s Playbook!
“It was always our view that in order to attain this (proletarian revolution) and the other far more important aims of the future social revolution, the working class must first take possession of the organized political power of the State and by it’s aid crush the resistance of the Capitalist class and organize society anew.” Frederick Engels Comment: Who was he referring to by always been our view? He was referring to his partner Karl Marx! Socialism is immoral! It is theft of wealth! Capitalism is moral and the business people work to create a product to supply a demand for services and products! The creation of these products employ people! Socialism is taking what is not yours! It is living off those that do work! Engels made an argument using anthropological evidence of the time to show that family structure changes over history, and that the concept of monogamy came from the necessity within class society or men to control women to ensure their own children would inherit their property. He argued a communist society would allow people to make decisions about their relationship free of economic constraints. Where did Engels get his anti-marriage anti-Biblical idea’s? After reading the publications of Charles Darwin on the “Origin of Species”, which was the epiphany of everything they believed! (Marx and Engels). So we see our social ills in America are based on the left promoting this agenda! Welfare since the 1960’s in America took Father’s out of homes with children with no moral guidance! Their economic welfare state requires they sell drugs to supplement their welfare monies! So our war zones in Chicago and other inter cities are the result of Democratic administrations over decades of time pushing the socialist doctrines of Marx and Engels that has put our inter cities into war zones! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Wrath or Salvation? I Thessalonians 5:9-11
Thessalonica was the Crown Jewel of the Apostle Paul’s mission work! His preaching there achieved a numerous and socially prominent following! Paul and his companions in the summer of 50 A.D. had to leave the city! Paul’s sudden departure left the newly found church exposed to great persecution! Paul sent Timothy from Corinth to check on the congregation at Thessalonica. Timothy informed Paul at his return to him that the congregation was steadfast and had a zeal to spread the Gospel! However the church did have some internal problems with sexual relations and some theological issues. Some in the congregation thought that those believer’s that had preceded them in death would have a disadvantage over the living when the Lord returned! So the Letter to the Thessalonians was born out of the need for Paul to settle these issues with the Church there. Paul has made it clear in his letter that God has not appointed us to wrath! The word wrath used here means a punishment with revenge from men! Revenge is a punishment from men that satisfies them but also brings grief to the punisher! The wrath of men is the opposite to the Salvation of God! God took out his revenge on men for their sin by punishing his only Son Jesus Christ on the Cross! Wrath and judgment came upon Jesus Christ for our sin! This is why rejecting Jesus Christ is so serious an offense to God! In fact it is the only unpardonable sin! Judgment or Salvation? Heaven or Hell? The choice you make about Jesus Christ will cast your eternity forever! Jesus is not an option unless you want the consequences being separated from God forever! Jesus is Judge of the living and the dead! He will be your Judge or Savior! The choice is yours to make! Keep in mind in Hell there are no more choices! In Heaven as the Angel’s who are created beings like us still have a choice! Lucifer made his choice to reject God but do you want to follow him to Hell? Jesus took our place on the Cross and took our Judgment upon himself! If Jesus does not take your Judgment you will take your own Judgment! Paul went on to clarify that whether we wake or sleep we live together with him! The word live from the Greek means that God through his Son Jesus Christ causes us to live righteous and Holy physically, spiritually and eternally in him! Paul goes on to say we need to comfort one another! We as the Church need to come to one another’s aid! To comfort one another together as the Body of Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
The Jewish Phenomenon! Isaiah 60:12
Hebrew Translation: “For the non-Jewish nations (Gentiles) and their idol Kings that will not serve and worship thee shall not escape a down fall, those Gentile nations shall utterly be wasted through war.” Comment: Did you ever observe the obvious? The greatest Salvation and the greatest destruction has come through the Jews! Our Savior is Jewish! The disciples were Jewish! The cell phone was invented in Israel. Between 1901-2017 two hundred and one Jews have been awarded the Nobel Prize accounting for 23 percent of world wide recipients and 37 percent of all U.S. recipients! Jews have been awarded 26 percent of all Nobel Prizes and 28 percent of them in scientific research fields! Jews only make up two tenths (.2) of the world’s population and two percent (2) of America’s population! The greatest destruction on the earth has been wrought by atheistic Jews such as Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Lenin and Charles Darwin! You will get some push back that Darwin was not a Jew but wrong! There is a good article in Scientific American that will clarify this! Jews throughout Europe and even America changed their names to avoid persecution! My wife worked for a rich Jewish family in Pittsburg while attending college there back in the 1960’s. She did baby sitting for the children for two years. She found out through them that they changed their names to hide their Jewish roots! We know from Daniel 11:37 The Anti-Christ will be Jewish! He will be an atheist and a homosexual. Albert Einstein helped America build the Atomic bomb that ended WWII. Hitler kicked him out of Germany in the 1930’s because he was a Jew! Hitler was so ignorant that he followed a atheist Jewish ideology of Charles Darwin that drove him to destruction! Evolution says the strong shall defeat the weak! Hitler though he must speed up the process of Evolution which would otherwise take millions of years to do by eliminating the weak! Evolution drives abortion here in America! The religious Jews persecuted our Jewish Messiah in the first Century! Jesus warned them that their Temple and the City Of Jerusalem would be destroyed which the Romans did in 70 A.D. Our attitude towards the Jews will determine the outcome in our lives! God deals with the Jews during the Tribulation period of history! Many will come to Christ when they see their betrayal by the Anti-Christ! God loves all people! See John 3:16. The Apostle Paul a Jew got frustrated with the Jews and took the Gospel to the Gentiles! Paul reminded us to take the Gospel to the Jew first and then to the Gentiles! A Christless Jew is as dangerous as a Christless Gentile! I know! I was one once! Did you know Mohammad has a Jewish background! He was from the offspring of Ishmael. His father was Abraham! Mohammad’s first wife was a young Jewish girl. Yet his ideology in Islam opposes our Jewish Messiah and the Jews? The war in the Middle east over history is a family feud over who is the rightful heir to Abraham! The Arab and Jewish races are both classified as Caucasian’s! Only Christ can end this feud but as long as both sides reject the King of Kings the war will continue! Unless the Prince of Peace lives in your heart men will always be at war against each other and with God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
From Democrat’s Playbook!
My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism! Karl Marx Comment: So how do you do this? Promote socialism! Get rid of Bibles! The deep State going after Christian’s through the IRS and other Federal agencies! Legalize sins that contradict the Bible! Homosexuality, gay marriage, lesbianism, gambling and illegal immigrants. Attack those that enforce our laws! ICE and law enforcement. Sanctuary cities! Disrespect our National Flag and military! Remove prayer from schools! Mock the Christian Faith! Take down Crosses and God’s Commandments! Head for the one world government with no borders! Make the world a UN or EU! The political left in America has the Karl Marx playbook and they are making plays! They are not following our Founding Father’s but following the failed ideologies of Communist regimes! When will they ever learn? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Christ or Anti-Christ? Daniel 11:36-37
Verse 37: Neither shall he regard the God of his Fathers (Jewish), or the desire of women (Homosexual), not regard any god (Atheist): for he shall magnify himself above all. Comment: In verse 36 it says he will do marvelous things against the God of gods! Marvelous here translates miracles and astonishing things! This prophecy explains the promotion of the gay agenda in America and around the world! As we prepare to meet Christ as believer’s the world is preparing to meet the Anti-Christ! Atheism is also on the rise in America and around the world! Another preparation for the Anti-Christ! The Orthodox Jews have to be very careful here! Daniel was a Jew and trying to warn them! The orthodox Jews are still waiting for the Messiah? Ben Shapiro says we are looking for a world political leader who would be their Jewish Messiah! I have warned him that the one world Jewish political ruler that will appear 7 years before the return of Christ will be the Anti-Christ! This is how the Jews will be tricked into believing this guy is the real deal! Being Jewish they will let him into their re-built Temple in Jerusalem at the beginning of the Tribulation period! The Othodox Jews would never accept a homosexual however like Hitler it could be hidden from them until he sets himself up in the Temple and at the 3 1/2 year period of the 7 year Tribulation period sets himself up as God! Hitler’s homosexual gender was hidden from the world until his medical records were released in 2009! So which Jew will the world follow? Christ or Anti-Christ! People have and are making their decisions right now! Homosexual and atheistic behavior are Spirits of death! Let us look at the facts: “Studies have found that GLBT youth attempt suicide 3 times (300 percent) more frequently than their heterosexual counterparts! Transgender people have a 30-40 percent higher rate of suicide!” Source: Health Place 2018 Jewish atheists such as Karl Marks and Frederick Engels were responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths! Also the Jewish atheist Charles Darwin who Hitler worshipped is also responsible for tens of millions of deaths! Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is built on the premise there is no God! So things must have happened this way? The atheistic abortion practices here in American are responsible for 57.76 million babies being murdered since 1973! Today in America 1.3 million babies are aborted a year or 3562 babies per day! Our choices have good or bad consequences! Christ knows who are his own here in the earth! Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? If it is he is coming back for you as Savior! If not he is coming back as your judge both the living and the dead! Choose this day who you will serve! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
John 3:16 Word Study “Life”
Life (Zoe), Strongs #2222 This word refers to the principle of life in the spirit and the soul. It is distinguished from our physical life! It expresses the highest and best of what Christ is and which he gives to his Saints! It is the highest blessing of the creature! It is the eternal part of us that never perishes! Whether in heaven or hell. What profits a man if he loses his only soul! Our physical life will perish one day for flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com