He That Overcometh! Revelation 2:11

Comment: Jesus repeated this over and over again to the church! He that overcometh I will give the crown of life! He that overcometh  will escape the second death! What does the word really mean? Let us go to the Greek root word. The word is “Nikao”. The word means to subdue and conquer! To have success in victory! The Greek root word also has a root word! It is the word “Niki”. You got it! It is the athletic foot wear company named Nike! It means conquest! If you are in the body of Christ and believe you will never have a fight with the devil in this life you are in denial! You are in “La La” Land! This life in your generation just as in all preceding generations is a battle between good and evil! You can try to ignore it but it will not go away! You can wish it away? You can try to isolate it away? You can try to spend it away? However you have to join a team and play! Your team can win but you must fight the good fight of faith and face your enemy! Jesus has given you the tools to overcome! To win the victory! His Word! His Spirit! His power! His love! We conquer in Christ’s name! Satan was conquered on the Cross! However in his stupidity he thinks he can still win! He will try to take as many down as he can in defeat! This week a young man went on a mission trip to a remote island where a remote tribe lived! He was martyred! Others will follow to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth! This missionary gave his all to take the Gospel into all the world! If I live my life sheltered, protected, financially secure, and die of old age in this condition I have wasted my life for nothing! The church of Jesus Christ is a conquering army! It is an offensive army! We have real sacrifices and we take some casualties in this war against evil! But we win and will eat of the Tree of Life forever! Remember you are using the blood of a martyr to conquer! The blood of God shed on a Cross for you! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

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