Follow the Winner!

Follow the leader not the loser! Prior to the win of the Super Bowl by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers a team member in the locker room prior to a game came up to Tom Brady and expressed his regret that he did not make the Pro-Bowl team. Brady replied that players who do not win Super Bowls play in the Pro-Bowl games! The Pro-Bowl is for losers! We are after the game that really counts! The Super Bowl! Never settle for second place! Why risk your body and life for a game that makes no sense? Let us together go after the prize! We risk everything for the prize! Why risk everything playing with the losers? Never settle for a substitute prize! Commentary: I follow Jesus because he is the winner! He conquered death, hell and the grave for me! He beat Satan at his own game! Death and destruction transformed into life and victory! My life and purpose was secured by his victory over death and the grave! Mike Tyson was interviewed years ago and was asked his key to success in the boxing ring? He replied the key to winning is when I go into the ring I have to be better than who I am! Great leaders make you better than who you are! They bring out the best in you! Brady makes a team better than who they are! But Brady cannot conquer death! There is only one that has done that! His name is Jesus Christ! Who are you going to follow into eternity? Christ or Satan? Heaven or Hell? Who are you playing for right now? Today? If not you better quickly change teams or sides before it is too late! Follow the winner! James & Hamsa Sasse.

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