Socialist Objectives!

My objective in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism! Karl Marx/Founder Marxism, Communism, Socialism/ Darwin Promoter. Commentary: He has done a pretty good job! Billions of people live under the authoritative rule of China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba and some lesser known countries! However his big prize is the United States! His spirit lives on through the Democratic party! Promoting his idea’s that have ruined so many lives! Dethrone God! Take prayer out of schools! Take Bibles out of schools! Off limits! Remove the Ten Commandments from schools, court houses, community parks, military installations and the list goes on! Efforts to ban Bibles and free speech through the courts! Cancel culture to ban our National heroes! Then to destroy capitalism with unrelenting National debt and high taxes on small business! Give the church an income tax deduction 501c to shut up and not resist this devil! !High taxes and promotions of socialist idea’s like the Green New Deal saddling heavy taxes on middle income Americans! Capitalism has promoted prosperity to America and the rest of the world! However it is threatened by the political left and their Marxist goals! They have never been about a good outcome for your life but to retain power over your life and orchestrate the demise of America! They continue to chip away at freedom and more choices for all Americans! Our next blog will cover some scriptures that include God’s cancel culture for those on the political left! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Socialist Utopia!

Why doesn’t that Devil take me with him? It would be much better with him than it is here. Eva Braun, Mistress of National Socialist Party Leader Adolf Hitler. They were married for 40 hours before both committing suicide in a bunker in Berlin while the Allied Armies were closing in on them!

How To Create Socialist State!

This is the Democrat playbook! Saul Alinsky is a hero for Obama and Hillary! Also for the political left! So here are the rules from Alinsky himself used by the Democrat Party! “There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a socialist state. The first one is most important! 1. Healthcare–Control healthcare and you control the people. 2. Poverty–Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live. 3. Debt–Increase the National debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. 4. Gun Control–Remove people’s ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you will be able to create a police state. 5. Welfare–Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing and income). 6. Education–Take control of what people read and listen to–take control of what children learn in school. Think “Common Core” 7. Religion–Remove the belief in God from the Government and the schools. 8. Class warfare– Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.”

Homework Assignment for the Socialist!

The main vice of capitalism is the uneven distribution of prosperity! The main vice of socialism is the even distribution of misery—— Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery! Winston Churchill   Comment: We do not have to go so far to see the examples of socialism like in Cuba, Central America, South America, North Korea, Russia or other good examples around the world but look at our inner cities in America where the Democrats have been in control for generations! Look at Chicago, Baltimore, L.A, or other Democratic strongholds! Look at the inner cities! They are cultures of poverty, crime, drugs, gangs, prostitution and every other vice! The Democrats give people just enough to survive like on the older slave plantations here in America!  When capitalist come into these area’s to set up business the Democratic administrations oppose these investments! Why? Because they do not want the people to come off the plantations and prosper for the threat to them is the people would no longer need them and they would not vote for them and they would lose their political power over them! The failed school systems in these area’s keep the residences of these populations ignorant of their plight and the way out of it! The propaganda machine of the left tells them they are victims and the successful are the reason for their poverty when in fact the left and their policies are the real reason for their plight and the policies of socialism! Jesus said the poor you will always have with you! Did he mean the socialists you will always have with you? There are about twenty of them running for President of the United States! God help us! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Failed Socialist States!

Here is a list of countries who have tried socialism and failed or are presently trying socialism and are failing! This is not a complete list but honestly my hand got too tired to type the names of all of them! Here they are; Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Barbados, Benin, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cambodia, Cape Verde, China, Congo, Czechoslovakia, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, East Germany, Guyana, Greece, Grenada, Hungary, India, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Mongolia, Mozambique, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saint Vincent, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Tanzania, Ukraine, Urughay, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Yugoslavia and Zambia. Comment: If socialism is so great then why do the citizens of these countries try to sell their soul to get to America? Why does America have to build a wall to keep them out when their countries build a wall to keep them in? If you have been a victim of the political left indoctrination of a liberal college professor promoting Marxism or socialism as a Utopia to be achieved then move to one of these countries and live there for a few years! None of these candidates running for President of the United States have ever lived out their socialism ideology in any country that has ever practiced it! I do not want any mal-practice ideologies that are proven failures practiced on me and America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

ANTIFA & Political Left!

Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Party of Nazi Germany had a 25 point plan to make Germany a better nation! Here is point Number 22; We demand the abolition of the regular army and the creation of a National citizens army!  Comment: ANTIFA is the left wing army being formed by the Democratic party! This army of thugs does there bidding and goes after people who have an influence over American culture and disagree with their ideology! Hitler raised up the Hitler youth or brown shirts who eventually became the S.S. Mussolini raised up the black shirts who were a civilian army of youth who attacked anyone who disagreed with their ideology! This  explains why of recent Republican political leaders have been attacked and harassed by this group in public places! Also of recent Tucker Carlson of Fox News! ANTIFA claims they are anti-fascist but by definition they are fascist in every respect! When President Obama hinted while he was President that we need a civilian defense force I understood the playbook he was using to take down Democracy! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Socialism & Darwinism!

Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism. Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism. Vladimir Lenin  Comment: What is scientific socialism? What was Lenin referring to? The fake science he was referring to is Darwinism! All the different words they throw in front of socialism to sugar coat it! Remember the Nationalist Socialist Party? Adolf Hitler was the leader of the party! In America they call it the Democratic Socialist Party! None of these words placed in front of socialism can make it legitimate! No nation has succeeded in implementing it! China has it! Russia has it! Cuba has it! Venezuela used to have it but has collapsed! Remember the Soviet Socialist Republic that collapsed in the 1990’s after 70 years of failure? So what keeps socialism being tried and tried again! The first prerequisite is atheism! Darwin and teaching of evolution in our public schools prepares the way for the sale of this failed product by the Democratic Party! Public education produces Democrats because they brain wash the children that there is no God and teach them the socialist ideologies of Darwin, Lenin, Marx, Engels and many more founders of socialism! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Suicide Mission! Proverbs 8:36

Hebrew Translation :”But he that sinneth missing the mark in your relationship to me and missing your true end and purpose in life wrongeth or commits violence and suicide against your own soul; against your mind, your body and your very breath: all they that hate me love death.” Comment: So what would be some examples of suicide in American culture in the 21st Century? How about abortion with over 57 million deaths! How about drugs with over 73 thousand young people killed last year? The list goes on but all because people hate God and will not follow his Commandments! When you teach young people Evolution and remove God out of their lives they lose hope in living! So what ideologies has man concocted to replace God? Let us take the more recent ones! Here is the most recent one with a historical record of hundreds of millions of deaths created! Engels, Marx, Neitzsche, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini all created socialist political systems based on their belief in Darwinism or Evolution! These were all suicidal political systems created by a vacuum left in the belief that there is no God and every man is accountable to no one! Darwinism today in America is the foundation of the Democratic Party here in America! These ideologies are taught in our public schools! The same socialist idea’s are alive in the party today! These idea’s are resurrected in the party today! Remember God laid down his life for you! Are you trying to be greater than God? Men have tried but history proves that they were fools! Are you the same fool? Repent from your sin and follow God and his Christ the rest of the days of your life! James and Hamsa Sasse.

How to Destroy Christianity?

To destroy Christianity, we must first destroy the British Empire. Karl Marx   Comment: Karl Marx is one of the founders of socialism and communism! He was a Jewish atheist and produced an ideology opposed to Christianity and capitalist democratic governments! China, Russia and North Korean and Cuba would be examples of Marxist states! Why was the British Empire such a threat to him and his political ideology? At one time in history England was the hub of Christianity! Their mission field as Christ commanded was the entire world! The sun never set on Britain! Britain ruled the waves! The greatest evangelists in the world came out of Britain! Richard Baxter and the Puritans! John Newton who helped abolish the slave trade! John and Charles Wesley and the Methodist movement! George Whitefield! Charles Spurgeon and Johnathan Edwards! The founding of America began with the Puritans landing at Plymouth Rock in `1602! I was a missionary in India for 3 years where Britain ruled over 200 years! So I would talk to the local people about the British rule of India. The local people told me they were thankful for them putting in the rail systems and for the electric grid in India. However what they were most thankful for was bringing the Gospel to India! These Gospel workers turned us from darkness to light one told me! When we look at England today in the 21st Century what has happened? The mayor of London is a Muslim! The old English churches are either warehouses or Mosques! England joined the EU with no borders! The illegals flooded into England! The Muslim invading armies no longer carry weapons of war but refugee status! Obama let over 6 hundred thousands Muslims into America as President! Obama is a smart Muslim! When he pulled us out of Iraq he knew millions of Muslim immigrants from the ensuing war would flood into Europe! Why is the political left in love with Islam? Because they are the military wing of the Democratic party! Marx could not be happier! If Christianity is defeated then socialism and communism will replace it! America’s biggest enemies are socialist states! Jesus was a colonialist! He said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! When Britain did this they were the greatest empire on earth! No longer! As long as America does this they will continue to be the greatest empire on earth! This battle that wages internally in America and externally is for the heart and soul of America! Make America great again will only come when we put Christ first and make him our only goal! James and Hamsa Sasse.