“Behold I have created the smith that bloweth the coals on the fire, that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.” Comment: Certainly Satan opposes God but by his rebellion against God does he end up working for God? We know Satan runs his own prison! No tax money needed to support! Satan knows who the sinners are! Everyone! He knows his own! He is called the accuser of the brethren! Satan wants you to live in his image! In the image of doubt, fear and death! God asked Satan have you seen my servant Job? Both God and Satan know which camp you are in! What about those that switch sides? Some Democrats become Republicans! Some Republicans become Democrats! Satan would have everyone in Hell except for one problem! It is called the Blood of the Lamb! When your sin has been forgiven the guilt, fear and condemnation is gone and you are then free to serve God and His Christ! The disciples betrayed Jesus at the Cross just like you and I would have done but Jesus forgave them and they became the foundational leaders of the Church! Without God no Heaven! Without Satan no Hell! This is the problem with atheism! Deny God and deny Hell? Come up with a religion or ideology that supports their belief there is no God! Like Marxism and Darwinism! Both were Jews and atheists! To deny their existence does not make them non-existent! If you deny God you support Satan for you deny the Atonement! If you deny Satan you deny God for God created Lucifer the fallen angel! We will cover verse 17 in our next blog posting which is a very encouraging verse for us from God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Tag: work
Work of Holy Spirit! John 16:13
Greek Translation: “Now when the breath of God blows on you at the reality of my appearing he will show you the way into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear with the ear of the mind, that shall he announce to you things to come.” Comment: Jesus was not talking about fortune cookies here! The Apostle John also went on to write the Book of Revelation! Want to know the future? Do not go to a palm reader! Read the Word of God! Yes! Your Bible you never open! Most of the Church avoids the Book of Revelation? They pretend it does not exist? Is the church interested in the future? Does your future interfere with God’s plan for your life? What makes the Book of Revelation challenging is that John makes many references to Old Testament prophecies out of Ezekiel, Isaiah, Psalms and others but he does not reference these scriptures! So if you are not a student of the Old Testament it will be hard for you to understand! Remember the Old Testament prophets predicted the time and place of the arrival to earth of our Messiah! Hundreds of years before! They also predicted events today in the 21st Century! Tim Clement was probably the best prophet I have seen in my life time! I first met Kim back in the early 1990’s when he came to our old church Harvest Cathedral in Macon Georgia. After hanging around him and his piano a few minutes revelation would begin to come to you! Kim went on to prophecy in 2007 a leader by the name of Trump would come to power to turn America back to God! In 2013 Kim prophesized his first name “Donald!” This is why the left hates Trump so much! He is God’s choice and not their choice! Kim’s video’s are all on YouTube so you can check them out for yourself! Kim has gone on to the Lord! Kim was not a 50 percenter! Will it be Hillary or Trump in 2016? Even the Gamblers in Vegas can hit on this one! Kim did not divine for money! He was the real deal! God can use you just like Isaiah, Ezekiel and Kim! Remember that old song, “The future is not ours to say?” A big lie! We choose our future by accepting or rejecting Jesus Christ! God has predicted the future because he has written the future! Is your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life? God has spoken his word through his written word (logos) from the pages of your Bible! Our future is our choice! Speak the Rhema or spoken word from his written word and the life of God will come to you! God will then dwell in you and you will speak the things he gives you! Excitement will come to your life! An eternal purpose will come to you! To see the future before it happens and to then see the newspapers report these events and confirmed through history is about as exciting as it will ever get for you! Are you bored? Get on with God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Messianic Prophecy! 700 B.C.
Isaiah 50: 6-11 Comment: Isaiah begins in Chapter 50 asking the Jews why should they be surprised that they are in Babylonian captivity? You dug your own grave! The Lord told them they sold themselves into captivity through your own sin! Your mother is put away and you can never pay your creditors! The answer to their yoke of slavery is through a coming deliverer that has the tongue of the learned! This deliverer has given his back to the whip! His beard is plucked out! He has set his face like a flint to his task! He shall not be ashamed! No one will be able to condemn you although you deserve death! Is there anyone who will fear this deliverer? Walk in His light! He will show you the way of righteousness which by yourselves are not able to achieve! If you trust in the work of your own hands you will lie down in sorrow! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Artificial Intelligence?
Does it really exist? Research scientist’s have found large deposits in Washington D.C.! There are layers of it in the rock formations there built up for over 200 years! According to research there were also found layers in Moscow, London, Brussels and other liberal strata formations! DNA tests have confirmed that this exists among the liberal left populations of the world! Communists, socialists and democrats hold the highest percentages of this material in their populations! Psychological studies have shown us that these people do not want to work for a living so they must live off those that work for a living! Will update you on anymore new research on this subject! James
Made Whole! Luke 8:48-50
Jairus the Temple ruler had one daughter 12 years old who was very sick! Jairus had sent for Jesus but He got delayed when a crowd of sick people thronged Him! A woman in the crowd touched the hem of His garment and got healed! Jesus commended her for her faith! Jairus sent another message to Jesus telling Him not to come for his daughter is dead! You might call this a cold case! Jesus presented two conditions for restoration! Fear not and believe and you will be made whole! So what does the words made whole mean? Elementary Watson! The Greek root word used here is “Sozo.” It is the same word used for our English word “Salvation.” This word means a spiritual and eternal rescue granted immediately by God for those who believe in Christ! It is the current experience of God’s power to those who believe in Christ! It is God’s power to deliver us from sin and death! What death are we talking about here? It is the second death or eternal judgment made by Christ Himself! Remember Jairus daughter and Lazarus were raised from the dead but they died a physical death again! Lightening can strike twice! I was delivered from my death bed in 1973 and have served Christ for the past 44 years but I will experience another physical death! Remember what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 5:5? Remember the congregation member living with his father’s wife? Verse 5: “To deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the Spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Remember Physical death is Satan’s work not God’s work! Death is the result of sin! If Salvation was a rescue of our physical bodies here on earth then we would never die again while here on earth! At the resurrection we will receive glorified bodies that will never get sick or die! Remember at the Judgment seat of Christ some Christians will lose their rewards but not their Salvation! When some Christians get to Heaven will they be on probation? Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us! Jesus went back to Heaven to pray for us, send the Holy Spirit and prepare a place for us! He will come again! You cannot go there unless you have Salvation with a new body and a redeemed soul! He can provide that to you because of Calvary! The Easter message is about this hope we have in Him and His promises to those who accept Him as Savior! Our hope is in Him! Our past is in Him! Our present is in Him! Our future is in Him! He is the same yesterday, today and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
This Do In Remembrance of Me! (Communion)
How does Jesus save you and keep you saved? Answer; 1 Chronicles 16:12 Hebrew Translation: “Remember His extraordinary and difficult work that He has accomplished and completed! Remember His signs with power and the legal decisions made with His speech!
Tipping Point!
Latest statistics are that 114 million people work in America and 106 million are on welfare! So right now about half the population works to support the welfare crowd! The welfare crowd voted for Hillary and the workers voted for Trump! The eight million margin was enough to get Trump in however if the welfare crowd increases to about 50 percent and fewer and fewer workers support the welfare bums then our demise could come quickly! Right now at 19 trillion debt the printing of money continues to fund the social programs! Hopefully these welfare bums under a Trump administration will have to go back to work in productive jobs that will better their lives and strengthen America! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Grave Yard Charm! India 1985
Sound appealing? Would any church leader surround his church with a grave yard? Probably would not be a draw for big crowds? Most people here in America today want a grave yard placed out of their sight! In our mission work in India I discovered churches completely surrounded by grave yards? It seemed foolish at first until I spent a few years there and then it made sense! What the British did in India for 200 years was take the Gospel to the people! One of the problems faced there was Hindu’s and Muslim’s taking over a church, desecrating the altar and erecting a temple or mosque over it. This same problem going on in Britain and America today. So the British surrounded the churches with grave yards especially in remote area’s of India! Halloween would have been a big hit there! The Muslim’s and Hindu’s were fearful of grave yards so they left those churches alone! So the British protected their central worship centers while reaching out to the community in evangelism. We discovered this first hand because we rented out an old fellowship hall next to the grave yard and no one would attend our meetings! So we moved our location from the church and Hindu’s and Muslim’s began to attend services! The fear of death is a bondage to men! This is why Easter reminds us and confirms to believer’s in Christ that death has been conquered! He is risen! He who also promises us to raise us from the dead! As I used to walk through the grave yard on my way to worship services I was reminded of my mortality and that Christ who I serve defeated death for me! My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Blood and righteousness! Jesus is more than a man He is God! Only God could achieve the miracle of the resurrection from the dead! O’ death where is thy sting? O’ grave where is thy victory? The opposite of fear is love! For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son! Christ will return to judge the living and the dead! No one escapes! Accept the judgment Christ took for you on Calvary! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Who is God?
All views can’t be true because they are opposite; this is the logical aspect. For example, Islam says we are good in nature; Christianity says we are born in sin. Islam says God is a man; Christianity says he is more than a man, He is God. All truths cannot be the same. Norman Geisler. Comment: If you believe you are good but inherently evil then there is no moral ability for any redemptive work. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Satan is a Trinity! Revelation 16: 13-14
Here we see unclean spirits coming out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. The dragon being Satan and the beast the anti-Christ and the false prophet who will be the religious ruler of the world. They are all spirits of devils. They work miracles with the intent of recruiting followers for the last battle here on earth! This last battle will be the armies of good and evil meeting in Israel. This place is called Armageddon! The word Armageddon is a very interesting word used in the Book of Revelation. It is made up of three Hebrew words. The first word means a hill or mountain. The second word Megiddo is a place in Israel. The third word means the gathering of troops pressing together in battle. Megiddo, modern day Tel Megiddo is an important town overlooking the Plain of Esdraelon (Valley of Jezreel). It lies about 18 miles southeast of Haifa in Northern Israel. The last military action there in 1918 drove the Muslims out and ended the Ottoman Empire. British General Edmond Allenby drove out the Turks 7th and 8th Armies and helped to end World War I. Just a note of history the reason the British defeated the Germans in World War I was because a Jewish chemist developed a method to rapidly produce gun powder. This gave England the advantage! The Jews were rewarded by England as they helped them establish Israel as a nation in 1948. There will be another battle at Armageddon but this will be the mother of all wars! Have you noticed lately all the nations turning against Israel the mother of Christ! This is an important sign in Bible prophecy! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com