9-11 & Quran!

Surah 9:5 “Fight and slay the pagans (Christians, Jews and non-Muslims), wherever you find them and seize them and confine them, and lie in wait for them in every place of ambush.” Comment: Ignorance is bliss except when it comes to Islam! We have 1400 years of war as historical evidence! Let us not forget our more recent examples of Islam and pray for the families that lost loved ones and pray for our leaders that they not forget history and the lessons we should have learned from it! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Messianic Prophecy! 700 B.C.

Isaiah 50: 6-11 Comment: Isaiah begins in Chapter 50 asking the Jews why should they be surprised that they are in Babylonian captivity? You dug your own grave! The Lord told them they sold themselves into captivity through your own sin! Your mother is put away and you can never pay your creditors! The answer to their yoke of slavery is through a coming deliverer that has the tongue of the learned! This deliverer has given his back to the whip! His beard is plucked out! He has set his face like a flint to his task! He shall not be ashamed! No one will be able to condemn you although you deserve death! Is there anyone who will fear this deliverer? Walk in His light! He will show you the way of righteousness which by yourselves are not able to achieve! If you trust in the work of your own hands you will lie down in sorrow! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Have We Learned Anything Since 9-11?

Nothing! Our political leaders act as though the problem does not exist? Our military will win wars if their hands are not tied behind their backs! No one knows the Islamic playbook? No one has read the Quran? The Jihadist playbook is open for all to see! Christian’s ignorantly think they follow Biblical rules? Our current administration acts as though they are our friends? In fact they give them material support and aid our enemies! If we are to prevent a bigger attack than 9-11 then political correctness must go and we must recognize who our enemies are! Hillary Clinton took millions of dollars in bribes from Muslim governments while she was Secretary of State! She owes them big favors! Payback for the American citizen on the street could be very costly! Would you elect a leader as President of the United States who owed more favors to foreign governments than the citizens of the United States? Think about it?? A vote for her is a vote for Islam and the terrorism they will execute on America and Israel. Let not those 3000 American human sacrifices and the thousands of military members who were killed or maimed not be sacrificed in vain! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com