Mission Impossible?

Luke 1:37  Greek Translation: “For with God no nothing at all never shall be unable, impotent or impossible with God.” Comment: God is unlimited! How about creating the world in six days we are living in right now! How about creating the heavens! The sun, the moon and the stars! How about creating you and me! It did not take millions of years to get here as the evolutionists assume! God did not evolve! He always was and always will be! If I have any assumptions then I am not living by faith! How about parting the Red sea for Moses! You can still find Egyptian chariot wheels under the Red Sea! How about the shepherd boy David slaying the giant Goliath! Then David becomes King of Israel! Even today God delivers Israel from their enemies! Mary asked a fair question to the Angel Gabriel. How can this be when I know no man? The Holy Spirit will come on you just like he did on the face of the waters at creation! Your cousin Elizabeth will bare a son in her old age named John the Baptist! Jesus walked on water! Raised the dead! Himself raised from the dead! Ascended to heaven and will return to earth at his second coming for those that trust him! There is only one thing God cannot do! He cannot sin! It comes easy for you and me and the mortals of the earth! Sin comes naturally for us! Jesus said we must be born again or have a second birth! A supernatural birth! So what is impossible with men is possible with God! Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! Sin is possible for men living without God! It is guaranteed! Death, destruction, war, evil, wickedness and every evil device of Satan is possible for men without God! God has provided Salvation to men through his only Son Jesus Christ! You need faith to please God! Faith in Christ! Outside of God there is no Salvation for men! No miracles! No redemption! No life! No hope! No light! Only death and judgment! Everyone has to make a choice about Christ! Everyone will make a choice before entering eternity! Eternity is expressed here and now in the life you live here on earth today! The thief on the Cross changed his eternal destiny by receiving Christ as Savior! The other two thieves rejected Christ! One out of three! It is interesting that 1/3rd of the earth are Christian! One out of three!  The choice is yours and remember wise men still seek him! To play the fool is to risk your forever without Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Blowing Smoke! Malachi 3:8

The first time the tithe is mentioned in our Bible is in Genesis 14:20. Abram gave a tithe to the Priest Melchizedek! This was before the Law of God was given to us by Moses. I find it difficult sometimes when Christian’s profess that they trust God with their Salvation and eternal life yet they will not trust God with ten percent of their income? This is a contradiction! Jesus commended the widow when she put all she had into the offering plate while others just gave a little off the top! We had some interesting experiences while doing mission work in India! When we would go into the remote villages and preach the Gospel the people would bring us tithes and offerings after the services! This widow brought us a small little chicken on a string about the size of a pigeon! I could not refuse it because it was all she had! I understood this tithe and offering was going to cost her a few meals! Another villager brought us a goat! We named him Charles but he was a real headache for me! I have found that the more money people have the harder it is to give! Why? Simply because they begin to trust in their wealth rather than God! You say you trust God here on earth? Show me! Your tithe belongs to the local church and your offering as God leads you! As a small boy growing up on a farm in Nebraska the annual county fair was the highlight of our life! All the carnival rides, freak shows and other entertainment would be there! Today all the freak shows have moved to Washington D.C.! We would save our quarters all year long getting ready for the fair! They had this one little side show where you put a quarter in the machine and then you turned this little crank wheel and moved your drag line out above the toys beneath it and dropped your bucket to try to catch a prize! I would explain to my little brother Tommy how the last guy that lost his quarter made his mistake and I would have not done it that way! We watched others for two days lose their money to learn from their mistakes! Finally the guy running the concession stand lost his patience with us and shouted at me and said, “Hey boy! Put your money where your mouth is!” That is what God is asking us to do! Not unreasonable! Also other ministries should tithe their income to other ministries! Otherwise they rob God of His tithes! You can read the rest of Chapter three to see the outcome if you disobey God! Simple obey Him and be blessed! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The Penless Author John 1:14

Christ Himself wrote nothing, but furnished endless material for books and songs of gratitude in praise! Philip Schaff (1819-1893) Comment: Yes the Word became flesh! Christ was written about thousands of years before He ever showed up here on earth! No human could accomplish this! People have and are sacrificing their lives for Him on the mission fields of this world yet have never seen Him! I witnessed this first hand in India during the three years we were there! Families in Yercaud on that remote mountain who had been Christians for generations would show me the graves of missionaries who had taken the Gospel to their ancestors! I was not treated like royalty in India because I was anybody but had followed those who had gone before me! Philip Schaff has gone before us! He was a Swiss Theologian who while living here in America was President of the committee that translated the American Standard Bible which was published a few years after his death in 1901. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Church! Make America Great Again!

The millennial generation sometimes know as the Y generation is made up of people between the age group of 22-35 years old. The Great Recession has hit this generation the hardest! Not only do they suffer from high unemployment rates they have abandoned the church! According to the Barna Group and other studies only 2 in 10 attend church services! 59 percent of millennials who were raised in church have dropped out! 35 percent of millennials have an anti-church stance believing the church does more harm than good? Millennials are the least talked about age group in church! Can you sense the hopelessness here? If the church is going to help make America great again we have to catch this generation! If not the church in America is just one generation from extinction! There are some underlying possible reasons for the exodus! The baby boomer generation neglected their kids while pursuing the American dream! The teaching by secular public funded schools promoting evolution and other atheist doctrines! They feel abandoned by the low economic status and abandoned by the culture! We have to restore hope to this generation and the first step of the church of Jesus Christ is to identify the problem and then to do something about it! Perhaps our mission programs need to also make America first and focus on this generation as they feel like foreigners in a strange land! Let us not abandon them to Islam and the socialist Bernie Sanders types! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Voting Consequences!

So how will the world go? So how will America go? It will go one of three ways! It will either go secular, Christian or Islamic! America and the west have succeeded in pushing back Islam for the past 200 years because we were stronger spiritually, politically and militarily! Islam has been weaker than the west so their gains were small. However if the balance changes then they take new territory! So what happens next? This is a tricky call. It is possible the radical secularists may partner with the radical Islamist against Christians! We may not be fighting one opponent but two! The religious battlefield in America is also the political battlefield! We know the religious outcome as believers in Christ as outlined in our Bible. However the same cannot be said about America! The great providential leaders of America such as Lincoln and Reagan saw America with a Divine mission sanctioned by God just as Israel did! The vision of these men inspired greatness in her people and great things happened because of them! Dinesh D’Souza

Do You Know That You Know? 1 Kings 13:24

After the death of Solomon the Kingdom of Israel was divided! Rehoboam and Jeroboam were both bad leaders! Jeroboam tried to draw worship away from Jerusalem and Judah by setting up altar’s in the high places around Bethel. Jeroboam himself was trying to offer worship at these altar’s and hired low class people to be Priests! An old Prophet from Judah came over to Jerobaom and warned him not to offer worship from these altars! He did not listen and his arm was rent useless and the altar was rent and the ashes poured out! He asked the old prophet to pray to the Lord to restore his arm again! The old prophet prayed and his arm was restored again! The King was so happy he wanted to reward the prophet! The prophet said no for the Lord told him not to eat bread or drink water from this place! The old prophet rode his donkey back to Judah. Another old prophet from Bethel heard this story and his son’s saddled his donkey and he went out looking for this old prophet of Judah! This prophet of Bethel found this prophet of Judah and told him the Lord spoke to me and you are to go back to Bethel with me and eat bread and drink water? The prophet of Bethel said he was old and also heard from the Lord! So the prophet of Judah went back to Bethel and ate bread and drank water there! On his way back to Judah a lion attacked him and killed him! After this King Jeroboam continued in his evil ways! When God speaks to you you will know that you know! Confirmation by others is alright but if contradictions come to what God has told you follow God! This happened in our call to India from 1980-1983! God spoke to us in dreams and visions. We knew during this time period we were going to the mission field but did not know where? Then God fined tuned the call and in 1983 made it clear it was India. I went to our local Pastor’s in Denver Colorado and they did not seem excited? One Pastor told us we need to go to Bible College for 4 years! Another said he woud pray for us! Another Pastor told us he would send monthly support but never did! None would confirm our calling? I can understand their reluctance! Quit my career job at age 35. A wife with two small children under the age of four! No Bible training? However they did not know i met Jesus on my death bed in 1973! He raised me from the dead! After these dissappointments a short little Pastor by the name of Cho from Korea met us in a church parking lot. He prayed for us for about 30 seconds and told us we would be coming to Korea to be commissioned to India from Korea for three years! He was and still is the Pastor of the largest single church in the world with over one million members! The window opened to India for three years and never opened again! The rest is history! When you hear from God be sure you know that you know! Do not let anyone talk you out of it! If God told you not to go do not let anyone talk you into it! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Grave Yard Charm! India 1985

Sound appealing? Would any church leader surround his church with a grave yard? Probably would not be a draw for big crowds? Most people here in America today want a grave yard placed out of their sight! In our mission work in India I discovered churches completely surrounded by grave yards? It seemed foolish at first until I spent a few years there and then it made sense! What the British did in India for 200 years was take the Gospel to the people! One of the problems faced there was Hindu’s and Muslim’s taking over a church, desecrating the altar and erecting a temple or mosque over it. This same problem going on in Britain and America today. So the British surrounded the churches with grave yards especially in remote area’s of India! Halloween would have been a big hit there! The Muslim’s and Hindu’s were fearful of grave yards so they left those churches alone! So the British protected their central worship centers while reaching out to the community in evangelism. We discovered this first hand because we rented out an old fellowship hall next to the grave yard and no one would attend our meetings! So we moved our location from the church and Hindu’s and Muslim’s began to attend services! The fear of death is a bondage to men! This is why Easter reminds us and confirms to believer’s in Christ that death has been conquered! He is risen! He who also promises us to raise us from the dead! As I used to walk through the grave yard on my way to worship services I was reminded of my mortality and that Christ who I serve defeated death for me! My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Blood and righteousness! Jesus is more than a man He is God! Only God could achieve the miracle of the resurrection from the dead! O’ death where is thy sting? O’ grave where is thy victory? The opposite of fear is love! For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son! Christ will return to judge the living and the dead! No one escapes! Accept the judgment Christ took for you on Calvary! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

A Prophet Like Moses! Deuteronomy 18:15-19

Only Abraham was called a prophet before Moses. A prophet is one who is called by God and can only proclaim what the Lord has given him to say. A prophet could not contradict the Law or speak out of his own mind or heart. What a prophet spoke had to come true! A prophet is visionary and perceptive. Prophets are also connected to music as in the case of King David. A prophetess like Miriam or Debra had the gift of songs. The identity of the unnamed prophet was revealed through other scriptures both in the Old and New Testaments of your Bible. By Jesus day, the Jews had developed a clear cut expectation of a yet future figure who would fulfill Moses words. Priests and Levites from Jerusalem asked John the Baptist if he were, “the prophet?” John denied it but pointed to Jesus Christ! Everything that Jesus has prophesized about himself and future events has or is coming to pass! Jesus also warned us about false prophets! If you reject the true prophet then you will be deceived by the false prophet! I believe the false prophet who aligns himself with the anti-Christ is Islam! Islam is deceiving many of youth today and alluring them into his death trap! The power and authority of Christ will overcome this evil one and has also promised us victory over all our enemies! Our sin is the first foe He has defeated! Every new day is an appointment with Christ as He reveals His plans for our lives! Your eternity began the day you received Christ as your savior! You will complete your mission here on earth and then go back to Heaven to the place He has prepared for you! Your purpose in Christ is never over and is as eternal as God Himself! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Sticks and Stones ! Mark 16:14

The year was 1986. We were living in Yercaud India in our second year of mission work in India. It was a challenge living on this mountain top in South India. Electricity was only on for about 2 hours per day! Scorpions, rats and snakes lived with us in our house! However it was a beautiful place with coffee estates and tropical fruit everywhere! It was truly a village with no gas station and animals roaming the streets. Our house was located on Lady’s Seat Road next to a convent. The slums were all around us with people living in huts with manure dried floors and grass roofs. There are good slums and bad slums so the locals warned us not to go to one particular slum and if you did you may not come out! There was plenty of other work there so we stayed away. One day we took the long way around the village back to our house from the village shops. I do not even remember why? The road went along side this forbidden slum but I thought we were safe in our vehicle. Well a dog ran out in front of our vehicle and got one of his feet under a tire. A mob of people surrounded our car from this village. They picked up rocks and brought bamboo poles from their huts. They swarmed over our vehicle like ants so thick we could not see out any window glass! They were screaming they need to kill us because I drove over their dog and next it will be our children! We offered to pay for the dog and his injury but did not help! Even our daughter Sandra who was 4 years old then says she was so scared because the car was so dark inside with people covering the window glass! In the midst of all this chaos a man comes walking down the road and stops next to our vehicle. This man looked like an escaped criminal with knife scars on his face and arms. I thought it was surely over for us now! My wife Hamsa translated for me what he was telling the mob. In Tamil he told the crowd the following! He said, “You bunch of dogs! This man has a feeding program in your village and is feeding your children everyday! They have rented a building for a day care center and medical clinic! So is this how you return thanks to him? He did not have to come all the way from America to feed you dogs! If any of you touch this man or harm him me and my gang members will take care of you! The mob melted away back into their huts. As I was driving back to our house just over the hill drops of sweat were still dripping off my forehead! Then the most beautiful thought came to me! Now I have a free pass to go into this slum! So the next day at the crack of dawn I entered into this slum with pockets full of candy for the children and Gospel tracts for the adults! So the stones were rolled away and life entered death! I gained a lot of important lessons with my years in India. One important lesson is that you cannot really change a culture! If you do it is like trying to stop a tidal wave with your hands! Our Pastor Brady Boyd in his Sunday message at New Life Church here in Colorado Springs made a very important point! He said, ” Christianity historically is strongest when giving, loving and serving those who live in the margins of the culture!” Why the political and cultural battles rage sow seeds of love to the disenfranchised of our community! The widows, orphans, single moms and homeless! Roll that stone away and bring life to the hopeless! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Hall of Fame or Hall of Flame? Matthew 11:11, 19:25

Jesus said in Matthew 11:11, “Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist notwithstanding he that is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he!” Comments; John the Baptist had a very important role in prophecy to usher in Christ. He as we have had plenty of opportunities to deny Christ and he could have saved his neck from Herod’s chopping block! But his mission was bigger than himself! Is your mission bigger than yourself? Or is your mission all about you? Later on in Matthew 19:25, Jesus explained to his disciples that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven! The disciples threw in the towel and gave up and asked Jesus who can be saved? Jesus explained to them that with man it is impossible but with God all things are possible! I have learned over the years that sometimes our evangelism efforts seem not to work but when we turn people over to God and not play God great things happen! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com