Water Boarding!

What is it? It is a swimming stroke taught at a summer swimming clinic? Democrat Schumer says she is connected to water boarding tactics to get terrorists to talk! Gina Haspel would be the first women director of the CIA! Is that a problem for Chuck Schumer? Just because Hillary did not make it does not mean you need to stop all women from promotion? Chuck Schumer forgot to mention it was the water boarding of terrorists that got us the information to find Ben Ladin! Of course the Democrats do not want us to punish terrorists or illegals but only American citizens! The United States of America is becoming the Illegal States of America thanks to Democrats like chuck! Chucky Cheese! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Diversity Visa?

Obama brought 680 thousand Muslims into America under his watch! If you think his health care is bad for you this will seem like a small problem as Jihadists in these numbers will really be bad for your health! They are now living among us infested into the population! American streets are starting to look like the Middle East! Terrorist attacks everyday! This is equivalent to God issuing visa’s to residents in Hell to come to live in Heaven! Good leadership is key to our survival. It is bad leadership that has gotten us to where we are now! Islam has no allegiance to any Nation! Their allegiance is only to Allah and Mohammad! If they follow the Quran and other Muslim sources their duty is to overthrow any nation they are living in including America using deadly force to terrorize the population into submission. They are diverse from us but not in a way to establish peace and prosperity! Only war! According to the Quran after they kill and subjugate the infidels their next job is to purify Islam and remove those Muslims who are apostate and not following the Quran! What does this mean? Continuous war! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Political Correctness Strikes Again!

This time in London! British Prime Minister Theresa May told the people of England that this was an evil ideology that attacked us! She did not have the moral courage to explain what the ideology is? She is no Winston Churchill or Margaret Thatcher! Where did these terrorists get their idea? Did they snatch it out of the thin air? It would be like after the city of London suffered from a night time bombing raid and Winston Churchill getting up the next day and announcing to the British people that they were attacked by a evil ideology! Sorry folks but we cannot mention the word Nazi or Hitler! We cannot mention Mohammad or Islam or Muslims? The Quran certainly had nothing to do with this? We cannot have a Muslim travel ban because people must be dying in our streets for another reason? Is it the weather? If our political leaders cannot identify the problem and the Church is deadly silent then this will continue! This war is no longer in a distant land but has come to our streets! I am thankful President Donald Trump has the moral courage to name our enemies as Islamic Terrorists! Sin is about hiding the truth and it all started in the Garden of Eden! We have to shine the “Light”, on the darkness but we have to identify the darkness! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Tribute To America’s Greatest!

These fallen hero’s represent the character of a nation who has a long history of patriotism and honor and a nation who has fought many battles to keep our country free from the threats of terror! Michael N. Castle, Governor of Delaware (1993-2011), U.S. Congressman (1993-2011). Comment: There are two kinds of people in this world! There are givers and takers! The terrorists want to take your life! The givers join our U.S. Military to give their lives to defend you! Jesus said there is no greater love than a man to lay down his life for his brother! So which are you? Taker or giver? What has made America great throughout our history is that we have had a lot more givers than takers! If you think your life is more important than giving it then you don’t value America! Terrorist don’t value life and if you also do not then they will win! Do you value life enough to defend it? If you are a mouse who will never rise up and defend America then please honor those who have and will. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Warning to America!

Even after the Paris attacks Obama says he still plans to bring in ten thousand Syrian refugees to America? This is an act of suicide! As of October 2015, he has moved 1293 Syrian refugees into America! Where are they? One governor has already refused to let them into his state! We should all move there! Obama is out to fundamentally change America! He has and is and we are loosing our freedom! He has declared war on law enforcement across America! As thousands of these Jihadist flow into American streets you are going to have to make changes in your life here! First you are going to have to avoid large crowds! You are going to have to avoid football games, basketball games, sporting events like the Boston Marathon! You need to avoid concerts, large congregation churches, shopping malls wherever large crowds gather! I believe house churches will come back to America! Do your children attend schools that have armed guards? Avoid gun free zones like the plague! Our hospitals and nursing homes will need more security! Order your gifts on Amazon and other on-line retailers! Our power plants, transmission lines, communication towers, gas lines, fuel refineries and cell phone towers will need increased security! Obama pulled us out of Iraq and now 1/3 of Iraq is under ISIL control and thousands of Christians martyred! We now have 4 million Syrian refugees! Obama will never admit a mistake so his solution is to bring his foreign policy mistakes back to America! Last Americans need to arm themselves! Obama at the same time is trying to take our arms away from us? America? Do you get it? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Jihad Here In America!

This year Obama wants to bring about 13000 refugee’s from the Middle East! If there are any Christian refugee’s among them I will be very surprised? There is no way to screen these Muslim refugee’s to see if they are Jihadists? Are we going to call ISSIS and find out if they are good people? Remember the Boston Marathon Bombers were refugee’s! The FBI knew of the attack coming on Pam Geller 3 hours before the attack and did nothing? Obama is trying to make good guys out of bad guys by calling them good guys! Obama is trying to degrade civil law enforcement by trying to make them bad guys! It seems that all the recent civil unrest is working for him! I believe Obama never intends to leave the White House! If he can break down civil authority, weaken our military, legalize the illegal, break down our economic system and strengthen our enemies he just may get the job done in the next two years! He is importing terrorists to America through the refugee program! I never thought the day would come where every American citizen must arm themselves! How do you protect yourself? First avoid large crowds! If you are a large church then you need security guards! Even a smaller church needs security! Avoid shopping malls! Buy your stuff in smaller shops or purchase on-line. Athletic events will also be targets! If you have a weapon or get a weapon you do not need a lot of fire power! We never plan to use our weapons! They are for defense only! Avoid automatic pistol’s! The loaded magazine spring will weaken over time and then the gun will jam when you need it! Get an old six shooter pistol and get an extra cylinder. If you keep a weapon in your vehicle have a safe anchored to the frame of your vehicle. Do not keep the safe key on your vehicle key chain! The same goes for your home safe! When storing your weapon keep the cylinder out of the gun frame. This way the weapon is unloaded but can be quickly loaded. You can put a small drop of silicon on each bullet and preload the cylinders so the bullets will not fall out of the cylinders when you move them! If the bad guys have weapons and you do not they will win! If you have no weapons training get some! You are probably saying just pray! There are a lot of Christians walking around trying to find their heads! You may think I am crazy but I see what is coming to America! Your protection of your family is first your responsibility! Police are becoming so paranoid they don’t want to stop anyone! Our Constitutional right of American’s is to protect our families and our nation! Do not be looking for a fight but if it comes to you be prepared! God Bless America! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

God Promises Blessings to the Arab’s! Genesis 21:18

God promises Abraham a Son to be heir for all of humanity. Abraham tried to fulfill this promise in his own strength and with the help of his wife Sarah. Sarah encouraged Abraham to go into his bondwoman Hagar to produce son. The word bondwoman means a female slave. Well the idea worked and Ishmael was born! This was not a God idea. When God’s idea was finally fulfilled in their old age Isaac was born to Abraham and Sarah! Now the family feud begins! Sarah is mocked by Hagar and then Abraham sends Hagar and Ishmael out into the wilderness. Then God visits Hagar and Ishmael and promises to make a great nation out of them! Ishmael takes a wife out of Egypt and then the opposing sides are established! Did Abraham favor Isaac? Later Abraham offers up Isaac his son as a sacrifice on the altar too God! As we enter the Easter season God did the same with His son Jesus Christ! Yes, and for who? Yes for you! God has promised all the nations of the earth would be Blessed through the Jew! The biggest threat to world peace and your peace is the rejection of Jesus Christ! The biggest obstacle to blocking God’s promise to the Arabs is Islam! It is the perfect storm to drive them away from God! As I have studied the Koran one of the most destructive verses along with many others is when Mohammad says to kill all the non-Muslims on earth and then the Muslims need to kill each other! This is happening now and has throughout history. Suicide would be a better choice than Islam and the suicide bombers kill themselves to kill others! God died to save others through His Son Jesus Christ! Today there is a lot of political bunk saying the Muslim religion is hijacked by the terrorists! People that say that have never read the Koran! The radicals are simply following the Koran! Eighty percent of all Muslims worldwide have never read the Koran! The only hope for Muslims is to denounce Islam and come to Christ! As we approach Easter let us remember that civilization is Christ and Christ alone! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGodcom

Christian Martyrdom Doubled in 2013, Persecution Growing!

The number of Christians murdered for their faith almost doubled in 2013 over the previous year, according to an annual survey by Open Doors, a non-denominational ministry that monitors the persecution of believers and supports persecuted Christians worldwide. Hardline Islamist regimes and Islamic terrorists—many funded by the Obama administration and other western governments—were behind most of the slaughter. However, for the 12th year in a row, the autocracy lording over North Korea was ranked as the number one persecutor of Christians in the world. According to the organization’s findings in it’s open doors World Watch List, released last week. Christians are still by far the most persecuted demographic on earth–and the trends are getting worse. In 2012, the group’s annual report documented the martyrdom of more than 1200 Christian’s. Last year there were more than that martyred just in Syria, where the Obama administration and a coalition of it’s allies–mostly European governments and Sunni Arab dictators–have been arming and funding jihadist rebel groups. Overall, the report documented 2123 murders of Christians for their faith in 2013. An estimated 100 million believers in Christ, meanwhile, still suffer from ruthless persecution around the globe, Open Doors has found. Among the other atrocities carried out against Christians for their faith; imprisonment, torture, rape, execution, forced labor, and more. Christians are persecuted in more than 65 countries around the world, with a vast majority in Africa and Asia–and especially in the middle east, where Islamist rulers often purport to make faith in Christ a crime. Source; Alex Newman, January 16, 2014.

Looking Back 2000 Election Bush/Gore

If George W. Bush is elected president, he will have many people to thank! One of them is Osama Siblani. During Bush’s October 5 meeting with Arab-American leaders at the Hyatt Regency in Dearborn Michagan, Siblani told the Texas governor about two top concerns of Arab Americans: The use of ethnic profiling by aviation officials, which leads many Americam Arabs to be held for questioning at airports, and the use of “secret evidence” by law enforcement, which has lead to many Arab Americans to be wrongly charged as suspected terrorists, which is an insult to our constitution. Siblani says he told Bush, “This is a smear to our civil rights.” Fast forward to the second presidential debate, six days later, Jim Lehrer asked Bush and Gore about racial profiling. Both condemned it, but only Bush said we have to do something about airport profiling and the use of “secret evidence”, which he said unfairly demonized Arab Americans. The Comment received little attention in the post debate spin. But amoung Arab Americans, who never before had been singled out in a presidential debate, it was, as one political operative put it, “The shot heard round the world.” Source-Edmond Walsh, “Arabs, Poles and other key votes, from October 2000 issue, The Weekly Standard.

Arab Spring?

Muammar Gaddafi ruled Lybia for 40 years! Hosni Mubarak ruled Egypt for 30 years! During their reign no United States Consulate was ever attacked and no Diplomats murdered and their staff! When news of Gaddafi’s murder reached the State Department Hillary Clinton laughed and mocked Gaddafi as can be seen on video. Who is laughing now? Russia is smarter than our current Obama administration! Russia learned the hard lessons during their 10 years in Afghanistan with a loss of 50000. troops! Why does Russia support Assad? They have learned that in Islam you must have one strong Dictator to control all the Islamic radical terrorists that otherwise would rise up and create more chaos! The Obama policy has allowed the springing of thousands of radical terrorists that are now free to create chaos and a destabilizing force in the entire region. With Turkey military action against Syria and Iran pursuing atomic weapons we now have a formula for crisis! We need an American leader who will support our only Democratic ally Israel in the region and to understand the realities of Islam to stabilize the region! Michael savage has many insights into these realities and if you can get past his rough presentations he will help you see through the wisdom in today’s complicated world! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com