The Mafia Goes Presidential!

Who are the gang members? Rubio, Trump, Cruz and Bush! Who will get KO’d in the next round? The only reason Ben Carson is there is because they may need a Doctor in the house! Concussion protocol! Hillary will need a hit man for poor old Bernie! She need not look further than the Republican candidates! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Looking Back 2000 Election Bush/Gore

If George W. Bush is elected president, he will have many people to thank! One of them is Osama Siblani. During Bush’s October 5 meeting with Arab-American leaders at the Hyatt Regency in Dearborn Michagan, Siblani told the Texas governor about two top concerns of Arab Americans: The use of ethnic profiling by aviation officials, which leads many Americam Arabs to be held for questioning at airports, and the use of “secret evidence” by law enforcement, which has lead to many Arab Americans to be wrongly charged as suspected terrorists, which is an insult to our constitution. Siblani says he told Bush, “This is a smear to our civil rights.” Fast forward to the second presidential debate, six days later, Jim Lehrer asked Bush and Gore about racial profiling. Both condemned it, but only Bush said we have to do something about airport profiling and the use of “secret evidence”, which he said unfairly demonized Arab Americans. The Comment received little attention in the post debate spin. But amoung Arab Americans, who never before had been singled out in a presidential debate, it was, as one political operative put it, “The shot heard round the world.” Source-Edmond Walsh, “Arabs, Poles and other key votes, from October 2000 issue, The Weekly Standard.