Dear Allah, Hope this prayer finds you well? My seventy virgins are over one hundred years old now! They depress me! Unless you give me some younger ones I will do Jihad to get a new bunch in! Please stop Trump from being re-elected! He is killing us! Obama and Biden gave us plane loads of cash delivered into the late night for us as free gifts from their tax payers! We had so much money to do terrorism around the world but now under Trump we are starving to death! Please get rid of Trump so we can get boat loads of cash from Biden again! Money from Americans we can use to kill Americans! They fund their own funerals! We long for the good old days! We need stupid politicians back to Washington! If only enough stupid Americans will vote for Biden? Allah please listen to my prayers or else! Iatolla Komani

Allah! 666! The Beast! Cannot Buy or Sell Without Mark!

Revelation 13:16-17 Commentary: I will recap to you from an earlier posting. The word “Beast” is the Greek Strong’s Number 2342. If you go to the Greek word it says it is of a Hebrew origin. This word is taken from another Hebrew word which is never used in the Old Testament. The Hebrew Strong’s number is 5927. The word is “Alah”. This word is only used in the New Testament in the Book of Revelation to describe the “Beast.” The word is used 37 times in the Book of Revelation! The Book of Revelation was written in the 1st Century 600 years before Islam and Mohammad ever come along! In Islam the number “666” is a sacred number! So are we living in the end times? Who could ever predicted that a major political part here in America would ever embrace and promote Islam? How is the Democratic Party ever going to promote LBGT rights with Islam? Islam will not change but the Democratic Party changes like the wind! Islam will take over the party and get rid of it! We cannot buy or sell is already here! A Christian ministry in the UK was shut down or their bank account closed because of their Biblical standard of opposing LBGT behavior! If you hold Biblical values and are vocal about them you will become a target! They want to shut you up! If you are a ministry I would suggest to you to open several bank accounts! I personally have four accounts! Not much money in them but able to shift money between them in case I am targeted! I am just not a big enough threat yet! What happens if the State comes down under the 501c in the future and says you have to sign a document denying your stand against homosexuality in order to continue your tax exempt status as a ministry? This is why the State controlled ministries are so dangerous to our liberties! Here is a scripture teaser for you! Will the Anti-Christ be a man or a woman? Take a look at Revelation 18:24! “In her was found the blood of the prophets and of God’s Holy people, of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.” I thought the Anti-Christ was a homosexual! A Jew! What if he is a transgender? Today we are in the church of the here and now but one day soon the church of the then and there! Between these times we have major prophetic events to take place here on the earth! They are described in your Bible before the second coming of Christ back to earth! Read them! They are front page news! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Arabic Gematrical Value System

So when we take an Arabic name such as the word “Allah”, what is the numerical value of this word? When we go to the Arabic language chart going from right to left we have: ALIF=1 LAM=30 LAM=30 HA=5 So we have 1+30+30+5=66 You can go to the chart yourself and look at this! This could be part of the 666 description in the Book of Revelation in our Bible! Remember I maintain that the False Prophet that co-rules with the Anti-Christ during the 7 year Tribulation period will represent Islam! That is after the Rapture of the Church! The number six represents man! Not God! So when man merges with the religion of Islam and Allah becomes your God then when you add Allah plus man you have 666! I will do more research here on some other crucial Arabic words and the numerology they represent! Source: James and Hamsa Sasse.

John 3:16 Word Study “God”

God (Theos) Strongs #2316. This word was taken from Greek culture. Remember the Greek culture were nature worshippers! Idol worshippers! They worshipped creation! The gods of the sun, moon and stars! Their divine worship also included other deities! Much like the Aztecs and Hindu’s do! At Mecca the Muslim’s had 360 Idol’s! One for each day! They took what they thought was their best idol and named him Allah! The Greek word used here for “God”, is singular and masculine! That is correct God has a gender! The word Theos means the true God as opposed to false gods! False gods are man made gods! The famous Greek poet and musician Orpheus called the ancient Greek gods demons! How do you become a demon? It is a choice! Like Lucifer (The Fallen Angel), if you make yourself god and reject the true God you have as a created being worship yourself a created being and you become a demon! Atheism is self worship! You make yourself God by declaring there is no God! Charles Darwin was an atheist and based Evolution on the belief there is no God! The angels (Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel), are created beings so we must not worship them! Lucifer who became Satan in his rebellion was cast out of heaven! Elohim is a Hebrew word for God. It is also singular and masculine! It translates the God of gods! The God of Israel! God is set apart from creation though actively involved in creation! He is the cause for everything and the Trinity pre-existed creation and always was, is and forever will be! So in the Trinity do we have three gods? No! One God with three distinct purposes and functions! Hopefully this word study will help us as we examine each translated word in the context of John 3:16 James and Hamsa Sasse.

Diversity Visa?

Obama brought 680 thousand Muslims into America under his watch! If you think his health care is bad for you this will seem like a small problem as Jihadists in these numbers will really be bad for your health! They are now living among us infested into the population! American streets are starting to look like the Middle East! Terrorist attacks everyday! This is equivalent to God issuing visa’s to residents in Hell to come to live in Heaven! Good leadership is key to our survival. It is bad leadership that has gotten us to where we are now! Islam has no allegiance to any Nation! Their allegiance is only to Allah and Mohammad! If they follow the Quran and other Muslim sources their duty is to overthrow any nation they are living in including America using deadly force to terrorize the population into submission. They are diverse from us but not in a way to establish peace and prosperity! Only war! According to the Quran after they kill and subjugate the infidels their next job is to purify Islam and remove those Muslims who are apostate and not following the Quran! What does this mean? Continuous war! James and Hamsa Sasse.

77 Virgins!

I had a dream last night! I appeared on a beach on a south pacific island! I was sitting on the beach in a lounge chair under a coconut tree. I was watching the tide come in over the pure white sand beach. The sound of the surf and the green colored ocean water was so majestic. Then i heard music in the distance? This island must be inhabited! The music got louder and louder and then i saw seven beautiful young Polynesian girls singing and dancing along the shore line. They were playing their yukalalee’s and swaying to the music! They wore grass skirts and covered their breasts with banana leaves! Then they came over to me and danced around me serenading me with music and dance! As they danced their grass skirts brushed against my face! All i could see were belly buttons! One of the girl’s gave me a cold glass of coconut juice! The island flowers in their hair scented the air with a beautiful fragrance! I was almost in a hypnotic state! One girl took a banana from between her breasts and gave it to me! I though surely i must have died and gone to Heaven? Then i remembered the Muslims talking about 70 virgins coming to them when they do Jihad! How come i only got seven? Who is holding out on me? I asked the girls how many virgins are on this island? They told me seventy seven? Then they told me there are only two men on this island! You and a Muslim! Then i saw a man running down the beach frantically running from 70 women! The were the ugliest women i had ever seen and they were naked! No wonder they are virgins! The bearded Middle Eastern man began to shout and yell as he passed by us! Allah you son of a bitch! Mohammad you bastard! The girls told me he completely circles the island about every 3 days with these ugly women in chase! I felt sorry for him but i have to take care of my Polynesian girls! Thankyou. James Sasse.

What Happened to Mohammad? Quran 46:9

Say: I am no new thing among the Messenger of Allah, not know i what will be done with me or you. I follow but that which is revealed to me by inspiration; I am but a warner open and clear. Comment: So the prophet does not know where he is going or his followers? Not much inspiration here! Can you imagine Jesus telling his followers he does not know where he is going or those who follow him? Sounds like a Democrat! Muslim’s pray for the peace of Allah to be on Mohammad? Is he not in paradise? Do we pray as Christian’s for the peace of God to be on Jesus, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John? Jesus is God! His disciples not in paradise? How could anyone in his right mind follow anyone who does not know where he is going and offers his followers the same plight? The Islamic terrorist kill people who cannot recite the Quran! This would be a good verse to remember in case you need it! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Goliath Attends Rock Concert! 1 Samuel 17:

The name Goliath is a verb meaning to uncover, remove or go into exile! It means to expose. The name does not mean giant so don’t name your kid Goliath! Whether to expose Israel’s weakness or Goliath’s false gods? Goliath cursed David in the name of his gods. Notice gods is plural. He was an idol worshiper! How can I please all the gods? If I please one will I offend the others? Will I anger some of my gods? Superstition follows this belief system! Idol’s are usually made of stone or wood. They are man made carved images. They represent the gods men make! They are made in the image of men! Man making God! David replied to Goliath by saying, “The battle belongs to the Lord!” The name is singular! The name Lord means the self-existent one! It is the name Jehovah the God of Israel. Notice David took five smooth stones out of the brook. Why five? Goliath had four brothers who were also giants! They were later slain in battles but not by David. No images were carved on these stones by men! You might say Goliath’s name was on one of these five stones! These stones in the brook were formed by water and the creator God! The stones Goliath carved his image on were defeated by the stone God created! Sin is an image breaker! Islam is founded on Idol worship! Mecca is known as the place of the black stone. There were 360 idol’s in Mecca so they chose their best idol and named him Allah! The Jews were not Idol worshipers however when they did fall into this practice they were exiled by God! They were not exiled by a physical Goliath but were exiled by the spiritual Goliath! God made man in His own Image! Christ expressed God’s Image perfectly because He was God! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Allah in our Bible? Revelation 13:16-18

Absolutely! It is the word “Beast” used 37 times in the Book of Revelation! The Strong’s number for the Greek word is 2342. If you go to that Greek word it says it has a Hebrew origin. The Strong’s Hebrew number is 5927 and 5928. You can look this up yourself in any Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance. The Chaldean root word means holocaust! The Hebrew root word means to cause to burn, carry up(smoke), to grow, to make to pay, to shoot forth, to stir up, and to take away. So if you do your homework and study your Bible the word “Beast” in the Book of Revelation is not a mystery! So Allah and the Beast are the same words so Islam is the Beast prophetically revealed in our Bible! You may think holocaust and Islam? How about 9-11? How about the Jordanian pilot burned in a cage? How about Hitler and the millions of Jews incinerated in ovens! Islam was allied with Hitler! Obama is helping Iran get the hydrogen bomb with delivery systems! They want to incinerate the world! How about the Christians being burned in Syria? Remember the Book of Revelation was written about 600 years before Islam and Mohammed came along! With 1400 years of Islamic war and history I get it! If you believe your Bible is prophetic then the words that make up those verses and chapters are also prophetic! The scripture always have application whether yesterday, today or forever! God is and has spared His elect from judgment through Jesus sacrificial work on the Cross! How is God going to destroy the world? Fire! Muslim’s believe they are judging the world for God but only God has reserved that for Himself because He is the perfect Judge that knows every heart! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Koran and the Bible the Same?

According to Pope Francis they are? The spiritual leader of the Catholic world addressed his followers stressing the importance of religious tolerance! The smiling Pope Francis told his Vatican guests that the Koran and the spiritual teachings contained therein, are just as valid as the Holy Bible! Jesus Christ, Jehovah and Allah are all means employed to describe an entity that is distinctly the same all over the world! He went on to say together we can bring in an age of peace. Source: The National Report, October 18, 2015. Comment: Ignorance is Bliss! I assume the Pope has read the Bible? Does he believe it? Has he read the Koran? I doubt it? To actually say this you would have to be a spiritual midget! Is this Pope to be the False Prophet who rules with the Anti-Christ? In my life time I have never heard this rhetoric from a Pope? Wow! We are really close to the one world government! If the world follows this advice and the advice of President Obama we could see the biggest slaughter of Christians in history! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse