Global Warming Guru’s!

These guy’s are fat, lazy socialists who want to tax the world! They are the debunked scientist on the Al Gore team! Al Gore can only sell his books in Africa! So how did our genius Obama get 200 nations to agree on anything? He claims we have a 60 nation coalition fighting ISIL? There are 3 active members including us and 80 percent of our aircraft return from the fight with the bombs still under their wings? It is like an air tour of the Grand Canyon using F-16’s! The Kurds are doing the heavy lifting against ISIL but Obama will not give them weapons? So the Kurds are winning using sling shots! Back to Global heat. Obama got 200 nations to agree because there is no penalty to break the rules! Who would not agree to this? No winners and no losers! No Heaven and no Hell! This is the Obama doctrine! It is like a football game with no referee’s and no one keeping score? You can play this game with global warming but not with war! If you do not fight the enemy and win there are consequences! Like millions of refugee’s and Christian’s slaughtered across the Middle East! American’s slaughtered at a Christmas party! Iran and Russia growing in power along with Islam by default! We have trusted a man who is not for us! Remember this Christmas that even if we lose our freedom and life Christ will never leave us nor forsake us! Our future is in Him and no one can take that from us! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Santa Claus Has a New Home!

Yes! It is an abandoned Global Warming ship named Al Gore the II. It is a 50 ton ship stuck in 40 feet of ice. Santa E-mailed me yesterday with some interesting facts he learned as he read the Captain’s log book. His log indicates there were two reasons why the ship got stuck in the ice at the north pole. First reason was that the ship had Solyndra solar panels on the deck to power the ship. The sun does not shine up there for 3 months so that did not work. Interesting the Captain said in his log that when he looked under one of the solar panels they were made in China? The second reason was the ship has jet turbines to power it but there is a jet fuel shortage because Al Gore burns it all up flying around the world in his private jet giving speeches on global warming! Santa says the ship is abandoned but well stocked with supplies and it is his dream come true! Santa found 100 pair of sun glasses, 40 cases of sun tan lotion, 100 sets of bikinis, 100 inflatable beach balls and 20 cases of mosquito repellant. I told Santa early I need a set of dentures real bad for Christmas. Santa told me he finally got on the ObamaCare web site and ordered 10000 pair of dentures! Santa said the bad news was the shipment contained 10000 pacifiers! I told Santa do not worry when I vote in November that will be my pacifier! Merry Christmas. James.

Looking Back 2000 Election Bush/Gore

If George W. Bush is elected president, he will have many people to thank! One of them is Osama Siblani. During Bush’s October 5 meeting with Arab-American leaders at the Hyatt Regency in Dearborn Michagan, Siblani told the Texas governor about two top concerns of Arab Americans: The use of ethnic profiling by aviation officials, which leads many Americam Arabs to be held for questioning at airports, and the use of “secret evidence” by law enforcement, which has lead to many Arab Americans to be wrongly charged as suspected terrorists, which is an insult to our constitution. Siblani says he told Bush, “This is a smear to our civil rights.” Fast forward to the second presidential debate, six days later, Jim Lehrer asked Bush and Gore about racial profiling. Both condemned it, but only Bush said we have to do something about airport profiling and the use of “secret evidence”, which he said unfairly demonized Arab Americans. The Comment received little attention in the post debate spin. But amoung Arab Americans, who never before had been singled out in a presidential debate, it was, as one political operative put it, “The shot heard round the world.” Source-Edmond Walsh, “Arabs, Poles and other key votes, from October 2000 issue, The Weekly Standard.