Doubt The Right Way!

John 20:25 “The other disciples therefore said unto him (Thomas), We have seen the Lord (Jesus). But he (Thomas), said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the nail scars, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his spear pierced side, I will not believe.” Comment: The disciple Thomas has gotten a lot of bad press over the centuries! A lot of jokes about him! Remember when Thomas told the other disciples let us go with Jesus so we can all die! The name Thomas means twin or double. My Bible says a double minded man is unstable in all his ways! Thomas is probably not the guy you would hire to teach a self-confidence course! My Bible says it is foolish to trust in man! Because they are mortal and sway with the wind! Thomas started off on the wrong foot because of his bad experiences in life! We all start off this way! My mother didn’t love me! My wife betrayed me! No inheritance left for me! Through these experiences we learn to trust only ourselves and doubt God! We have the theology backwards! The safe mode is really to trust God and doubt ourselves! We cannot trust ourselves because we are mortal! Men who trust themselves and doubt God end up in Hell! Those who trust God and doubt themselves end up in Heaven! How did Thomas finish after he learned to trust God! He went to India as a missionary in the first century and was martyred there for his faith in Christ! Our first year on the mission field in India we spent in the city where Thomas was martyred! Madras then and called Chennai now. We saw the tomb of Thomas there in a Catholic church located along Marina Beach. Since we left years later his remains were moved to Rome. We saw Saint Thomas Mount in the south end of the city where he was martyred. What I witnessed there was a vibrant Christian community there of millions of people! Because Thomas believed Jesus and left his doubts with God his sacrifice planted seeds of the Christian faith that is very apparent today! Jesus told Thomas that blessed are those who do not see yet believe! So to trust and believe the immortal Christ rescues us from our own mortality! Jesus has promised those who believe he will raise from the dead! Raised fit for Heaven! He will also raise the unbelievers but judged to Hell for their unbelief! Which is it for you? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Right Image!

Revelation 22:14  Greek Translation: “Blessed possessing the character of God with the state of their behavior in Christ to do endowed with the quality of Christ with his Commandments enjoined together doing his mighty works with the authority of the Commander that they may have the right with power and authority to take action to the Tree of Life in the spirit and the soul and may enter in through the gates into the city.” Comment: In 21st Century America the word blessed has a different meaning! Sadly even in the church! It means to amass silver, gold, land, stocks, bonds, bank accounts, savings accounts, retirement accounts and tip the church with a few pennies! Why did Jesus tell the rich man to sell all he had and give to the poor? Because his wealth had him! His wealth owned him! Why did Jesus say it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven? If not careful one day the wealth will own you! The Blessed state is to have the character of God! To do God’s Commandments is to be joined with him in agreement! Disagreement with God is sin! Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! We do the mighty work of God yielded to the authority of the Commander! We do not do our own thing! God will never put you in authority unless you are under authority! Are you submitted to your Pastor? He is not perfect and neither are you and me! If you have ever served in the military you will understand this better! Satan did not want to submit to the authority of God so he is building his own Kingdom where he and his followers will end up in Hell! When we partake of the Tree of Life we become like Christ! The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil our ancestors partook of lead to sin and death! We can only enter the City of God through the Gates is by reflecting the Image of God! God has a truth detector! It is his “Word.” If you do not know his word you are flying blind! None of our stuff will qualify us for Heaven! It will all be left behind! Is God your beginning and end? Your Alpha and Omega? In verse 14 the Monk’s Centuries ago when they translated this verse from Greek to Latin it was translated like this; “Blessed are those who’s robes are washed in the Blood.” Jesus blood has conquered death, hell and the grave for you! His blood has cleansed our sin stained blood! As my body continues to perish here on earth I think about the promises Christ has made to me as I trust him with my life! He makes the here and now exciting as I await Heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Freedom without Law?

Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred! Martin Luther King Jr.  Comment: Laws can be on the Books but never enforced! That is what sanctuary cities and open borders are all about! Not enforcing our laws! The civil rights laws after the abolition of slavery were on the Books for over one hundred years but never enforced! The Ten Commandments have been in the Books for at least 4000 years yet broken everyday by man! We can legislate until the cows come home yet how to enforce laws in a rebellious world? God had to find someone who never broke any of his laws yet was human to pay the penalties of men! Then that perfect God/Man would have to be sacrificed for the penalty of sin! This perfect lamb would be sacrificed to reconcile man to God! God had one which qualified for the job! His only Son Jesus Christ! His whole purpose was to die for our sin! When we personally recognize our sin against God and man and the great cost that came to him for our redemption for breaking the law then our attitude towards the law changes! The attitude is I want to follow the laws because it cost so much for him to fix my breaking of the law! Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! God’s love brings victory over hate! Martin Luther King knew he was going to pay a price to free his people! Even after the civil rights laws that were put on the Books in the 1960’s no significant change came until after his murder! Then American’s woke up to the fact they had gone to far! Because of the price paid their thirst for hate dried up and a new day of reconciliation came to America! But a sacrifice was required! Freedom requires a sacrifice! To overcome hate and revenge! If all of the world would accept the God given sacrifice of his Son Jesus Christ for their sin another human sacrifice would never be done on earth! Jesus said we must be born again! Something much greater than our first birth! It is a Godly birth with the character of thinking and acting like God making sacrifices for others rather than sacrificing others for yourself! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Who Are They? Revelation 2:6

Who are the Nicolaitians? The word in the Greek means the conqueror of the people! Specifically in the Church of God! They are only referred to twice in the Book of Revelation. Both the church at Ephesus and the Church at Pergamos had the same problem! (Verse 2:15). The Nicolaitians were Bishops and prelates of the church gaining a triumphal victory over the laity! This is the very sin that brought forth the Reformation! It is mostly responsible for all our denominational and non-denominational churches around the world! The Nicolaitians compelled and forced church members to submit to the arbitrary dominion of men who have become the ones which the eternal hates! The Apostle Peter warned us that those who are leaders among God’s people must not dominate the faith of others but rather exhort them to do right! (1 Peter 5:1-3). The Nicolaitians are people in the church who have established a hierarchy of power and dominion under a government of ecclesiastical rulers! Comment: Yes! God hates these folks! Correction is very different from condemnation! We take the word disciple from the word discipline. Jesus used the techniques of correction and commendation very effectively! We as parents either tend to over correct and under commend or over commend and under correct! Everything I do cannot be right and everything I do cannot be wrong! That is why I need a Savior! My experience in ministry over the past 45 years has shown me people do not like to submit to authority! This is the nature of Satan! Most people will submit to authority if commended and corrected in love! However some will never! Hell is reserved for these folks! Why will some never submit? Because they want to replace God! This explains why the world is a war! War on God! Jesus asked the churches at Ephesus and Pergamos to repent! Sunday our Pastor Oscar Cope made an important point to us in his sermon! He said that the beginning of repentance is the end of judgment! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Choosing Good or Evil! Isaiah 56:2

Hebrew Translation: Blessed, happy and successful is the man that works, labors, toils and the son of man that layeth hold unto it; that keeps, watches and guards the Holy Sabbath, the 7th day of the week, on the same day God rested from His Creation and ceased from work. Keeping from polluting it or making it common and committing violence against God’s established law. Also keeping his hand of authority and responsibility from doing evil. Comment: The choice should be easy and obvious but it is not! The first day of the week is Sunday! Not Monday! In early America you could not find a business open on Sunday! If you are trusting in your own works then Sunday is just another work day for you! A chance to make more money! Then you believe the time you have is not a gift from God but belongs to you! All of it! This is an ownership question! No faith in God causes people to trust themselves and their own efforts! God rested on the 7th day so are we greater than God? Do you believe God is looking after you? Then show it! Pressures build as you try to carry the load by yourself! Your health is affected! Do not make Sunday just another day in the week! Do you follow God and His example or do you make up your own rules? I am almost 70 years old and have been walking with Christ for 44 years! The peace, joy and prosperity is beyond measure! I have been retired for 22 years! I have never been a slave to work but God works for me! May seem a prideful statement but not really! I do what I can do but understand I can do nothing without Him! My efforts are futile unless God Blesses my efforts! When I cease from my own labor and rest in Christ each Sunday I leave the results to God! Whether the experiences seem good or not my trust is in the Lord! When I tithe and make offerings each Sunday I am giving back to God what He has already given me! I watch for the Sabbath! I guard the Sabbath! Sorry sir I cannot work on Sunday! We will fire you! So be it! God will provide another job! I prepare for the Sabbath! My soul, mind and body prepare for it! Then I rest in Christ and he renews my soul, mind and body! My thoughts are continually on Him! My expectation is from Him! My reward is in Him! My joy comes from Him! My peace from Him and the relationship to Him! My eternity is framed by Him! His promises are mine! You can please God by making the right choice! Then your remaining choices for the rest of your life will be easy! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Abortion & Liberty?

Lindsey Graham Senator from South Carolina made a very important point to Judge Kavanaugh during the confirmation hearings! He asked the Judge if the word abortion can be found anywhere in our Constitution? He replied no! Lindsey then asked Judge Kavanaugh what word in our Constitution qualifies you in regard to any case before the court to render a decision? To even hear the case? The Judge said the word liberty! Senator Graham asked the Judge if he can pull any subject out of thin air and call it liberty? Comment: About 50 percent of the population of America disagree with abortion and gay marriage! Why? Because our moral code our Bible says it is a sin against God and man! Did the framers of our Constitution define liberty as the legalization of evil? Can we take a wrong and legalize it as a liberty? What standard do we use for liberty! Man’s propensity to sin cannot be used as the gold standard for morality and liberty! The Supreme Court has reversed decisions decided by earlier courts! Precedence can only be used if the first decision was right! Hopefully when abortion comes before the court again Judge Kavanaugh will consider these issues! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Storm Clouds Europe 1937

By May 1st, 1937 there should not be one single church left within the borders of the Soviet Union, and the idea of God will have been banished from the Soviet Union as a remnant of the Middle Ages, which has been used for the purpose of oppressing the working class. Joseph Stalin   Comment: Another follower of Charles Darwin! What is interesting about this time in history is most of the major leaders of Europe were all followers of Darwin yet it lead to WWII? My Bible says a fool has said in his heart there is no God! Christian America had a civil war! The war was about the sin of slavery! Can we go to war for a right cause? Can we go to war for a wrong cause? Yes and no! My concern for America today is that the teaching of Darwinism to our children over generations in our public schools is beginning to pay dividends of anarchy within our nation! Darwinism says just kill your enemies! Those that disagree with you just get rid of them! That was what the Russian Revolution was all about! Jesus had a very different approach! Forgive your enemies! What the Bible shows us is that our 1st enemy is ourselves at war with God! We all need forgiveness! If we will all begin with this then reconciliation is possible! James and Hamsa Sasse,

Messianic Prophecy! 700 B.C.

Isaiah 50: 6-11 Comment: Isaiah begins in Chapter 50 asking the Jews why should they be surprised that they are in Babylonian captivity? You dug your own grave! The Lord told them they sold themselves into captivity through your own sin! Your mother is put away and you can never pay your creditors! The answer to their yoke of slavery is through a coming deliverer that has the tongue of the learned! This deliverer has given his back to the whip! His beard is plucked out! He has set his face like a flint to his task! He shall not be ashamed! No one will be able to condemn you although you deserve death! Is there anyone who will fear this deliverer? Walk in His light! He will show you the way of righteousness which by yourselves are not able to achieve! If you trust in the work of your own hands you will lie down in sorrow! James and Hamsa Sasse.