Just Call Me Angel? Revelation 9:11

Commentary: So in chapter nine we have an angel from heaven and an angel from hell! Wow! Can they be in both places! They are from very different places! Remember Satan or Lucifer is a fallen angel! An angel is a created being just like a human! That is why we are not to worship an angel! Jesus Christ is not a created human being! He pre-existed creation and is actually the creator of heaven and earth! He has no beginning and no end! So in the apocalypse described in Revelation  we see this angel from heaven releasing the angel of hell unto the earth for judgment of the inhabitants of the earth who have rejected Christ! This angel by definition is a King or monarch over the people of Hell! The word Abaddon is an inserted Hebrew word meaning angel of death and desolation. The Greek word Apollyon means a destroyer. So where did hell get all of its population? From the same place heaven got its population. From the earth! Since Easter is approaching what happened to Jesus during those three days in the heart of the earth? He preached to the captives! Jesus went to hell for you and me and preached to the captives there! It was an evangelistic crusade! Did he get any converts? Do you remember the rich man and Lazarus Jesus told us about in the Gospel of Luke? Lazarus the poor beggar while on earth was now in heaven! The rich man was in hell! A great gulf separated heaven and hell and no one could cross over! A border wall! The rich man wanted the Lord to go to his five brothers and warn them of this terrible place he was suffering in! The Lord said they have Moses and the Prophets! The rich man said if one would go to them raised from the dead they will listen! The Lord said if they will not believe Moses and the Prophets they will not believe one raised from the dead sent to them! Remember Jesus said Moses spoke of me! So the first place Jesus went when raised from the dead was hell! Even those in hell will confess Jesus is Lord and Savior but it will not help them! The disciple Judas betrayed Jesus so if Jesus could not save him who could? Those that have rejected God while on earth and now in hell do not have the moral capability to repent! So during this seven year Tribulation period before Christ’s second coming we see the judgments of the wicked on earth are punished by God releasing the inhabitants of hell back unto the earth so that the wicked consume each other! Their fallen condition perpetuates hell on earth! God through his Son Jesus Christ perpetuates heaven on earth as people repent of their sin! Jesus Christ the God/Man has power and authority over Heaven, earth and Hell!  Would we be so foolish as those in Hell and some living on the earth to deny his power who determines where we spend eternity? To reject his love is a serious mistake that can have eternal consequences for our soul! Christmas explains that God was born for us and Easter explains that God died for us and rose from the dead for us and lives in Heaven waiting for those who will call upon his name and repent while living here on the earth!   James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Abortion & Liberty?

Lindsey Graham Senator from South Carolina made a very important point to Judge Kavanaugh during the confirmation hearings! He asked the Judge if the word abortion can be found anywhere in our Constitution? He replied no! Lindsey then asked Judge Kavanaugh what word in our Constitution qualifies you in regard to any case before the court to render a decision? To even hear the case? The Judge said the word liberty! Senator Graham asked the Judge if he can pull any subject out of thin air and call it liberty? Comment: About 50 percent of the population of America disagree with abortion and gay marriage! Why? Because our moral code our Bible says it is a sin against God and man! Did the framers of our Constitution define liberty as the legalization of evil? Can we take a wrong and legalize it as a liberty? What standard do we use for liberty! Man’s propensity to sin cannot be used as the gold standard for morality and liberty! The Supreme Court has reversed decisions decided by earlier courts! Precedence can only be used if the first decision was right! Hopefully when abortion comes before the court again Judge Kavanaugh will consider these issues! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Cry unto Repentance! Isaiah 58:1

Hebrew Translation: “Cry, preach, roar, proclaim, summon to the judgment seat, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show by bringing to the front, bring to the light, confess and profess openly my people, the nation of servants of your Master your National moral rebellious revolt of sin against the living God and show the House of Jacob their sins.” Comment: Sounds like a good old fashion altar call! To be transparent with God is to confess your sin! Sometimes I hear a request to make Jesus Lord and Savior but what is missing sometimes is a valid reason for doing so? Muslim’s do not believe they are sinners! So why repent? Who needs a Savior? Atheists do not believe they need a savior! Whatever your message as a Pastor at the end and hopefully laced throughout your message it must be made clear that transparency before God requires a confession of your sin! Both the Old and New Testaments have the same theme! Repent! Repent of our sin! Pride in the church can separate us from God! I would suggest more frequent Communion services for your congregations! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Legalizing Sin! Romans 1:27

The unnatural love for young boy’s is so common, that in many places it is established by the public laws! Xenophon, Greek historian, writer and military leader, 430-354 B.C. Comment: So America is not the first country to legalize homosexual behavior but thousands of years earlier there was a city named Sodom that tried the same thing! How stupid for nations to change God’s laws and expect no consequences? History has shown us that Sodom was burned to the ground and the Greek and Roman empires collapsed! No human that ever lived can oppose God’s laws and live! America needs to repent and the Pastor’s across America need not look the other way! If the Pastor’s do not call homosexual behavior as sin out who are God’s representatives on earth then who will? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Elevator Ride!

I have not had such an interesting elevator ride in years! I was in a County office building trying to get a senior exemption at the local tag office. The problem is you have to take an elevator ride up a few floors to the office however there is a court room on this same floor. So I entered the elevator and no one else was in the elevator but then this sheriff with a young lady accompanied him into the elevator with me. She was hand cuffed to this sheriff! After the elevator door closed she started in on the sheriff! You no good bastard! You S.O.B.! Some words I cannot repeat! Then she said over and over again she was going to call the governor! I could not help myself and I told her she should call President Trump! She told me all he could do is fire my butt! James

Psychics in America! Isaiah 8:19

Annual Psychic Industry Business Revenues in United States: $2.1 Billion Dollars. Source; Statistics of the American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums on the Profession of Psychics, the Business of Divinity Arts, and their clients. 2015-2016. Comment: What got my attention to research this is the flood of psychic adds on major cable news channels lately! This takes millions of dollars to run these ads! The 1-800 adds are on your screen for us to call about our future! It is obvious Americans are not taking the advice of Isaiah the Old Testament Prophet? How many Christians are visiting psychics? I shutter in my boots when I hear a Christian tell me, “Ya, but that is the Old Testament and the New Testament has done away with the Old Testament!” Then why did Jesus quote the Old Testament so much? Did He quote something He did not believe? Let us in brief cover the words used in Isaiah 8:19. A familiar spirit or spirit of divination is the act of trying to conjure up spirits from the dead to predict future events! This is an occult practice and sometimes is referred as sorcery. Wizards are of the same spirit and this word actually means to howl. These acts involve chanting, howling to try to call up dead spirits! Sometimes while living in India I would walk past Hindu Temples and Mosques and would hear this chanting and howling while beating drums and tambourines as these Hindu Priests would try to mesmerize their victims! Remember the witch at Endor that King Saul inquired to about his future? Israel was ready to go into captivity and Isaiah tried to warn them! Isaiah asked the Jews a simple question! Why would you seek the dead instead of the living God? The same question needs to be asked to America today! Why would you worship death instead of life? As Halloween approaches there is not a more appropriate question to be asked! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com