Right Image!

Revelation 22:14  Greek Translation: “Blessed possessing the character of God with the state of their behavior in Christ to do endowed with the quality of Christ with his Commandments enjoined together doing his mighty works with the authority of the Commander that they may have the right with power and authority to take action to the Tree of Life in the spirit and the soul and may enter in through the gates into the city.” Comment: In 21st Century America the word blessed has a different meaning! Sadly even in the church! It means to amass silver, gold, land, stocks, bonds, bank accounts, savings accounts, retirement accounts and tip the church with a few pennies! Why did Jesus tell the rich man to sell all he had and give to the poor? Because his wealth had him! His wealth owned him! Why did Jesus say it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven? If not careful one day the wealth will own you! The Blessed state is to have the character of God! To do God’s Commandments is to be joined with him in agreement! Disagreement with God is sin! Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! We do the mighty work of God yielded to the authority of the Commander! We do not do our own thing! God will never put you in authority unless you are under authority! Are you submitted to your Pastor? He is not perfect and neither are you and me! If you have ever served in the military you will understand this better! Satan did not want to submit to the authority of God so he is building his own Kingdom where he and his followers will end up in Hell! When we partake of the Tree of Life we become like Christ! The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil our ancestors partook of lead to sin and death! We can only enter the City of God through the Gates is by reflecting the Image of God! God has a truth detector! It is his “Word.” If you do not know his word you are flying blind! None of our stuff will qualify us for Heaven! It will all be left behind! Is God your beginning and end? Your Alpha and Omega? In verse 14 the Monk’s Centuries ago when they translated this verse from Greek to Latin it was translated like this; “Blessed are those who’s robes are washed in the Blood.” Jesus blood has conquered death, hell and the grave for you! His blood has cleansed our sin stained blood! As my body continues to perish here on earth I think about the promises Christ has made to me as I trust him with my life! He makes the here and now exciting as I await Heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com