Christmas & Taxes! Luke 2:1-7

The Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus got up on the wrong side of the bed one morning and decided the whole world should be taxed! This taxing was first made by Cyrenius governor of Syria! They must have been Democrats! So poor Joseph had to get on his donkey (hybred vehicle), along with his pregnant wife Mary and ride down to Bethlehem! Mary was also taxed along with Jesus still in her womb! The politicians played an important role in getting Jesus down to Bethlehem to be born fulfilling many Old Testament prophecies! Then another politician named King Herod who wanted to kill the baby Jesus caused them to flee down to Egypt for a couple years to fulfill more prophecy! Then after Herod died they moved to Nazareth where Jesus became known as the Nazarene! So the good bad and ugly of politicians helped to complete God’s promise of a Savior to the world! Many politicians today here in America try to stop Jesus second coming! Their strategy will help promote his second coming as they play the fool! The best way to celebrate Christmas is to understand no one can or will stop Christ from completing his mission to earth! No one can stop his love for the world even by changing his name to Happy Holidays! Rest in his peace and joy this season knowing all is well because of Christmas and Easter! Because his second coming is as sure as his first coming! Only his life and death can assure you of eternal life now and forever! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Eclipse & Prophecies! Luke 23:44

According to NASA historical maps a lunar eclipse occurred on what we know as April 3, 33 A.D. This is the day Jesus was crucified! According to the Jewish calendar Jesus was killed on the Passover about the 14th of Nisan which is April 3, 33 A.D. An eclipse in Bible prophesy and Jewish and Babylonian history represents a judgment of a Nation by God! The Judgment of the whole world was placed on Jesus on the Cross and the land was covered by darkness for 3 hours! This darkness was covered over Jesus as He died for our sin! Here in America we get a solar eclipse specifically over America only and then Hurricane Harvey hits us! Another Hurricane is on the way they believe will be a category 5! After the Cross the Jews were judged by the Romans in the war 66-70 A.D Also the Temple was completely destroyed and all the wealth of the Temple was carted back to Rome along with one hundred thousand Jewish slaves to build the Roman Coliseum! In America when the provision for the atonement of our sin is rejected with Jesus Christ there is no escape for judgment! If America continues to promote gays, lesbians, transgenders, abortion and the lottery what can we expect? Pastors across America can no longer afford to promote a popular Gospel to a reprobate popular culture! If you will not raise a standard against this blasphemy who will? When the clergy gives up our demise is soon! Since America is not in the end times prophesies something happens to America? However even if our Nation collapses from within you can still repent to Christ and be saved as Noah and his family was from the flood! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Damascus No More! Isaiah 17:1 Amos 1:3

On our blog we have previously posted two articles about Damascus Syria. See June 2013 and September 2012 postings. It looks like these two Bible Prophecies are going to be fulfilled very soon! If Assad is forced out of Damascus he could again use chemical weapons so the city could never be inhabited again. He could attack Israel in retaliation along with Iran with Russia backing to fulfill the fourth and last war on Israel in completing Amos 1:3. Read your Bible! Front page news! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.