Are You a Minister? 1 Chronicles 16:4

King David appointed these ministers to serve before the Ark of God! They were to record and give thanks to the God of Israel. They were to write down their experiences and record them! That is how we got our Bible! Notice they were appointed by a higher authority! They were not self-appointed! You can never be in authority unless you are under authority! The word minister used here in the Hebrew means to serve a higher rank! Much like in the military. An example would be Joseph managing all the affairs of Potiphers house. Not his wife’s affairs! So who is the General or highest rank? God Himself! If you examine God in the scriptures we find that He is also a servant! Who is the lowest rank? Satan yet because of sin he runs most of the world! You should not serve him because all of creation out ranks him including the snake! Jesus exposed the good nature of a servant when he said he who is greatest in the Kingdom of God is servant of all. You will discover in the New Testament that the word minister and servant come from the same Greek word, “diakonos.” This definition can range from a waiter of tables to running errands to a teacher or a Pastor! Satan is not a servant! In fact he enslaves people so they do his bidding! God gives but Satan takes! God has given us life but Satan has taken life through death! So we have givers and takers! Our Bible says give and it will be given to you pressed down and overflowing! It also says the wages of sin is death! Remember we minister to the highest rank when we serve others! God will enable us to do this if we will humble ourselves! Pride will cause us to want to be served! Two different attitudes with two different outcomes! As Easter is approaching let us remember God sacrificed Himself for us! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is God a Show Off? 2 Kings 5:11-14

Naaman the Captain of the Syrian Army had trouble following simple directions! Can i get a witness? First of all he was informed by his Jewish servant girl who was captured and made a slave through the spoils of war that there was a God in Israel who could heal his leprocy! Then Naaman sends money to the King of Israel trying to buy his healing? The King of Israel rent his clothes saying am i God? So Naaman mounts up his chariots with his army and heads for Israel! He stops his chariot at the front door of the Prophet Elisha! Elisha does not go out to meet the Captain but sends his servant girl out to tell him to dip in the Jordan River seven times! Naaman lost his cool! Naaman thought God would come down in a bolt of lightning and make a big show for the world to see! Like dazzle the elite! The Bible says Naaman left in a rage! Are there not better rivers in Syria? Well more servants saved the day! Naaman’s servants asked him why not just follow the directions? Naaman took their advice and dipped in the Jordon seven times and got healed! It was a humble little servant girl that birthed forth Jesus! The Angel went to the humble shepherds to announce the birth of Christ! God did not make a big show! He appears to a few to save many! Pride can keep you out of God’s purpose and plan for your life! About 60 years ago there was a young man dying of tuberculosis in the slums of Seoul Korea! The doctor sent him home to die! He was coughing up blood! A little teenage girl would come by each day as he lay on his cot dying and pray for him. He would insult her, spit on her and call her a Christian dog! She asked him if he would surrender his life to Christ? She kept praying and his health improved! God healed him and he started a ministry in the slums of Seoul Korea! Today this church has over one million members and is the world’s largest church! Pastor Cho commissioned us as missionaries to India from 1984-1987. Pastor Cho could never find this teenage girl even though he has looked for past 60 years? The world and even some in the church think you are wasting your time praying for the sick and dying! No money in it for me? Waste of my time? God will use what the world discounts or throws away to bring Glory to His Name! God’s love never discounts anyone! Not even you! James and Hamsa Sasse.