Pride! 2 Kings 20:17-18

Please don’t get me wrong! King Hezekiah was a good man! God healed him from death, turned back time for him and added 15 years to his life! Pride is the most celebrated word in America but the least talked about word in the church! Gay pride day? Pride is like a bottle of poison that tastes like candy with no warning label on it! It always follows success! If you do not believe you suffer from episodes of pride then you are as blind as our first parents Adam and Eve! We have ten words for pride in the Hebrew and three words in the Greek in our Bible. Here are some definitions for pride from these root words; Arrogancy, swelling, pomp, haughtiness, loftiness, elation, grandeur, proud, raging, exhaultation, presumption, self-confident boasting, smoke without flame or smoltering, and ties and binding. Remember Samson got tied! The word i have not listed yet is the one i like best! Pride means to turn your back! Some people turn their back on God! Peter did! I don’t know him? Jesus did not turn his back on Peter! Have people turned their backs on you? Friends or family? Church members or a Priest or Pastor? Have we turned our backs on them? I have asked Jesus why i should try to establish a relationship with them? Jesus asked me do i want to be like them or like me? The Middle Eastern Christians who were beheaded this past two years did not turn their backs on Jesus! Do we turn our backs on the poor, widows, orphans and single moms? After success King Hezekiah showed off his wealth to the Babylonians! After this Isaiah warned him that this would result in Babylonian captivity and his sons would live in their palace court as eunuchs! We believe Daniel was a eunuch in the court there during their 70 year captivity however it did not impede his Prophetic words as recorded in our Bible! Pride was the very first sin and the sin that causes us to turn our backs on God and others! Humble yourself that you may turn people’s heart towards God! Jesus humbled himself even to death on a Cross! Thankyou James and Hamsa Sasse.

Empty Vessels! 2 Kings 4:1-7

The widow of a Prophet had two sons. She could not pay her debts so her two sons would become slaves! Slavery was different then! During this period Hebrew slavery was according to law! The period of slavery was limited to six years! (Exodus 21:2) Slaves had protections and rights under the law! It was possible for slaves to attain position, power and honor! Remember Joseph? Prime Minister of Egypt! Regardless the widow would have been separated from her children! You could not file a Chapter 11 to get out of debt! She took her problem to the Prophet Elisha. Elisha asked her what she had in her house? She told him nothing but a pot of oil. She had only one thing but it was everything! Jesus there is only one lad here who has two loaves and five fish! How can we feed the multitude? We are out of luck Master! We are having a bad day! Elisha asked the widow to borrow empty vessels? He told her to shut the door on her house with her two sons! He asked her to begin to fill the empty vessels! Jesus told his disciples to bring the little boy’s food to him. He prayed and Blessed the borrowed food and told his disciples to begin to distribute the food to the crowd! The widow came to Elijah and told him all the empty vessels were full. He told her to sell the oil and pay the debt! Remember the gold coin in the mouth of the fish? God is looking for the empty vessels on earth whom He can fill. However a majority of these vessels do not believe they are borrowed vessels? They think they own their own vessels? It is my money! Don’t tell me to tithe! Don’t tell me what to do! You can understand the challenge God faces! You are not your own but paid for with a price! The price was His blood! God’s blood! I would never want God’s job! Satan tried to take God’s job and so we have death, disease, destruction and continual war! Let God be God and become an empty vessel He can fill. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Blood and water! 2 Kings 3:22-24 Part 1

There was constant war between Israel and her neighbors thousands of years ago just like today in 2016! What was the source of this conflict? In this scripture the Moabites were at war with Israel. Who were the Moabites? They were the descendants of Lot! Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? God destroyed the gays living in those cities! The only reason Lot and most of his family escaped was because of Abraham! However Lot’s wife had to look back on those cities as they were burning and turned into a pillar of salt! Her heart was still in Sodom and Gomorrah! Lot hid in a cave on a mountain with his two daughters. Lot had sex with his two daughters and produced offspring that became the enemies of Abraham and the Covenant Jews! The Moabites was one of these tribes. So again what was the source of the conflict? The Moabites chief God was Chemosh and required human sacrifice! Much like Islam today which requires human sacrifice! The practice of human sacrifice was strictly forbidden by the Jews! Here is what the Jews believed! The only true sacrifice that would appease God for the sin of mankind was not going to be made by man to God but God was going to provide a sacrifice to man! If you miss this point you miss everything! All the wars of earth fought or ever will be fought are based around this difference in concept of God and the redemption of man! The war with Islam in 2016 and wars with them over the past 1400 years are all about this! Man dies for God or God dies for man? Which is it? We are dealing with opposite theology! You cannot have it both ways! Some try and become atheists! They believe this will solve the problem yet atheist leaders in history have killed more people than religious wars! We will continue that subject, :Blood and Water on next posting! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Facts about Elijah 1st & 2nd Kings

Why did Elijah order a 3 year drought for King Ahab and Queen Jezebel? Why so long? Why not order an earthquake and get it over with? Baal was worshiped by Ahab and Jezebel and was supposed to be the god of rain, thunder, lightning and dew! Remember Elijah told them they would not even see dew! So this was the challenge Elijah with Jehovah God to Baal. Elijah was challenging the Priestess Jezebel and her priests of Baal who brought idol worship to Israel! Also remember Jezebel was the daughter of King Sidon of Phoenicia the Headquarters for Baal worship! Remember where the widow was from who helped Elijah in the drought? She lived in Zarephatho Phoenicia! So God sent Elijah to the enemies camp for safety! Our enemies are all around us yet God keeps us safe! I have experienced with 3 years in India that every false god whether Hindu, Sikh or Muslim must bow down to Jesus! Now is the time to share with you about American culture. Satan is a crafty devil so how does he deceive the masses of people here in America? He will not name himself as a god but will mask himself as junk science! Evolution is the junk science millions of school children are taught in our public schools as science! That way he cannot be challenged as a god! Since God does not exist the end of the debate! So the children graduate from our schools high school and college brain washed into believing there is no God! We have to attack the junk science that is why i have started a series called Science and Faith! Did you know Elijah is mentioned in the Quran and also Jesus! We will cover this later but don’t get too excited about it! It tries to debunk Christianity! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Science and Faith! 2 Kings 2:20

Elisha purifies a stream with salt! Elisha lived 2900 years ago! I want to quote a science journal article published in 2012. “A scientist at Michigan Technological University has discovered a simple way to turn muddy water—such as water gathered from rivers, streams and boreholes into drinkable water by using table salt.” May 8, 2012. Sorry MCU but you are at least 2900 years too late! I hope our tax money did not go for a government grant to do this work? Even sea pirates knew about this! If you mix sea water with fresh water at a 2:3 ratio the water is then drinkable with no ill effects! So when they got low on fresh water aboard ship they served mixed drinks! I hate to debunk that scientist but if he had just read the Bible the answer is right in front of us! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Help Wanted! Vacancy! Prophets Wanted! 1 kings 22

Where is the voice in the wilderness today in America? Where are His Prophets today? It is probably the only Church office vacant today! There are few around today! Hal Lindsey would be one of them in my generation! He is still going strong and he is in his eighties! A true prophet will not just address the Body of Christ but the political leaders and popular culture! John the Baptist got into King Herod’s face! His head was served up on a platter! Are the Jihadists the prophets of today? Not a lot of people running for this office! Remember King Ahab? He went to 400 prophets of Israel to get the green light to go to war with Syria. One prophet of Israel, Micaiah told Ahab not to go to war with Syria for the dogs will lick up his blood! The prophet got his face slapped and thrown in prison! King Ahab thought 400 to 1? How could i go wrong? The Lord told Micaiah i have put a lying spirit into these 400 prophets! Who is warning our political leaders in America today? Obama, Clinton and others? Is your 501c tax break worth it? Does it buy your silence? Do you take bribes and pervert justice? Donald Trump wants to change this law! If you as a Church leader get nervous when you hear this resign today! Some will say well Jesus has already come so we do not need them? Hold on! Jesus is coming again not as a Savior but as a Judge! If ever we needed Prophets to save the lost it is today! The lack of prophets today is a big part of our mess! My Bible says Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy! If Jesus is dwelling in you then Prophecy should be flowing out of your mouth like water! I believe Dinesh D’Souza is a modern day prophet for America! If Obama could get away with it  he would chop his head off but instead put him in prison and ordered a mental insanity examination! If they cannot kill you then label you insane! My prayer is the Voice of the Prophets will return to America to oppose the evil in our land! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

What are Sodomites? 1 Kings 15:12

King Asa was one of the few good Kings of Israel. Out of 40 Kings Israel had 7 good Kings! Does that sound like American President’s? King Asa politically removed the sodomites out of land and removed all the idol’s his father had made. So what is a Sodomite? What is an idol? Let us go back to the Hebrew root word. A sodomite is a male Temple prostitute! These were homosexual prostitutes. Like we have in America today! Now this is where it gets interesting! The Hebrew root word for sodomites comes from another Hebrew word. This word means to set apart for Holy service such as the first born male child was set apart and consecrated to the Lord! But the Sodomite males were consecrated to sin and Satan! This is why i believe homosexual behavior is blasphemy against God! What is an idol? When you go back to the Hebrew root word it means a rolling stone! Sounds like a rock band? I witnessed the rolling stones while living in India for 3 years! They put the idol’s on wooden carts with wheels tied to an ox and paraded through the streets! Idol’s are abstract images of who someone would believe God would look like! Man making God! I thought God made man? So King Asa removed the gays and idol worshipers out of the land of Israel. American Pastor’s with very few exceptions do not preach what the Bible says about gays and lesbians? If you added up all the scriptures that the Bible says about gays and lesbians you would think God was homophobic? I had heard some Pastor’s say all sin is the same? Really! What about the unpardonable sin? Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit! If all sin is equal the why not give all felons the same prison sentence? Some Pastor’s say the Old Testament no longer applies? Really! Jesus said that if you love me keep my commandments! Where are these commandments found? The Old Testament! Jesus was constantly quoting Old testament scriptures! Jesus said He came to fulfill the law! Many say the Old Testament points to the New Testament but the New Testament also points back to the Old testament! Why do we have an Old Testament? Shall we rip it out of our Bibles? Why do we not hear any preaching on the unpardonable sin? Should be a hot topic! There is only one book i will ever promote! That is the Holy Bible! Books come and go but this Book will open your eyes to look through the lens of God’s eye and see truth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is God in the Darkness? 1 Kings 8:12

“Then spoke Solomon, the Lord said that He would dwell in the thick darkness!” Does this scripture sound contradictory? I thought God was light? If it does it is only because of the English word darkness used in this passage! The Hebrew translation is the word cloud! Like a cloud covering the Tabernacle or Temple manifesting God’s presence. Clouds bring rain and life! Now let us take the same English word darkness used in Genesis 1:2. “And darkness was upon the face of the deep.” The Hebrew root word is a completely different word than used in the Book of Kings! The word means destruction, misery, ignorance, sorrow and wickedness! This is just one more example for the case to be made that people who really want to study the Bible need a Hebrew-Greek study Bible! Without this helpful study tool you can miss-interpret the Bible and end up with bad theology! I never want to live or die with the wrong idea about God and His Christ! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Wine and Roses when Jesus Returns? Revelation 19:11-21

Not exactly! All of us have to be careful not to cherry pick the scriptures! That is believe the scripture we best like and forget the rest of them! We need the whole counsel of God! Each verse and chapter of the Bible is like a snap shot of God. If you put all the photo’s together of God you get the big picture! How many photo’s are in your album? Remember words form images! We were created in the Image of God! The images you see here on earth were formed by the Word of God! Creation formed by the Word of God! Images can also form words but that is where deception can come from! Have you ever heard of the Jefferson Bible? Thomas Jefferson tore out every page of the Bible he did not believe! So he ended up with a very thin Bible called the Jefferson Bible. How thin is your Bible? The show down between Heaven and Hell on earth is described in Revelation Chapter 19. Yes, Matt Dillon is in Dodge City on main street facing off with a gun slinger! The streets are empty but the buzzards are circling above! The undertaker is watching the fight trying to determine if he has a casket in stock that will fit one of them? The Road Kill Café has just opened in Dodge City! It is gourmet food for the scavengers! Jesus tells Satan, “Heads I win tails you lose!” Remember war started in Heaven and will end here on earth! The war that will really end all war! Are there really horses in Heaven? My revelation of 2014 was that everything we see on earth was first in Heaven! The armies of Heaven will follow Jesus to earth for the fight! Wait a minute here? I do not want to join the Army? My Pastor told me I would die rich and famous? Christ is going to smite the nations and rule them with of iron! What an Evangelism program! Hold it? I thought it was going to be a peace rally with all of us smoking pot? I thought that Jesus was that little milk toast guy timid and shy? I thought I was going to play a violin in Heaven docked on a cloud? What is the supper of our Great God? Who is for supper? The flesh of Kings! The flesh of Captains! The flesh of mighty men! The flesh of horses and the flesh of all men both free and bond! The Kings of the earth get together with their Armies to war against Christ and His Armies! This will be the Super Bowl of Super Bowls! Then the beast or dragon (Anti-Christ), with the False Prophet (World Religious Leader), who did miracles and his followers marked with the mark of the beast will go to a Global Warming Conference! Then the remnant that were left were slain with the sword of Christ’s mouth and then the fowls of the earth opened up a Road Kill Café with 24 hour service! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.